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5.21 Update Notes | Celestial Domination

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Forum » News » 5.21 Update Notes | Celestial Domination 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » November 4, 2018 5:45pm | Report


Darkblade Pele
Righteous Hammer Chaac
Mystic Archer Artemis

Curious Critter Ratatoskr
Plushie Khepri
Ice Queen Aphrodite

Winter's Curse Cu Chulainn


"The desert battleground of Celestial Domination awaits! Two teams of five players face off against each other across 3 lanes in this glimpse into Smite's past. Confront the wrath of the desert as you face the Sand Guardians in the shadow of a looming pyramid. Battle for supremacy beneath the heavens themselves. Develop your strategy and use it to dominate your enemies!"

Kill, Capture, Defend
  • Defeat the Sand Guardians to gain control of their capture points. Hold and defend the capture points against the enemy to reduce their tickets!
Embark on a Celestial Adventure
  • Vie for power against the backdrop of a mystical desert oasis. Battle for dominance at the foot of the time-worn edifice of a great pyramid, a monumental creation which is dwarfed only by the celestial bodies which hang over the battlefield.
Collect Mystic Jewels, Unlock Unique Items
  • Earn Mystic Jewels from every game of Celestial Domination that you play. Spend Mystic Jewels to roll Mystic Jewel Chests. Some chests contain unique items, exclusive to the Celestial Domination Adventure!
Mystic Archer Bundle
  • Mystic Archer Artemis
  • Mystic Archer Music Theme
  • Mystic Archer Ward Skin
  • 5 Odyssey Points
  • 2500 Mystic Jewels
  • 1 Gold Key


Purchasable Items
  • Darkblade Pele
  • Righteous Hammer Chaac
  • Hera's Peacock Fountain Skin
Bonus Item
  • Hera's Odyssey Pedestal


  • The Learn tab has been updated with a VGS Guide
  • Artemis' Ability icons have been updated


Awesome Chest
  • New additions to the Awesome Chest
    • Hellscape Cernunnos
    • Nightbane Jing Wei
    • Half-Life Baron Samedi
Fantasy Points Store
  • New additions to the Fantasy Points Store
    • Eldritch Ra
    • Harajuku Neith
    • Stargazer Anubis
Godlike Chest
  • New additions to the Godlike Chest
    • Super Chill Bacchus
    • Crystal Gaze Medusa
    • SPF 666 The Morrigan


  • Fixed an issue where player stats were not populating on the Scoreboard
  • Fixed an issue where Moonlit Scout Neith wasn't properly playing her death FX
  • Fixed an issue where the new login screen was not translated in certain languages
  • Fixed an issue where banned or suspended players could not see the duration of their punishment
  • Fixed an issue where the quest menu could go offscreen on certain resolutions
  • Addressed an issue with the Controller disconnected message appearing during match lobby and end of match lobby transitions
    • The likelihood of this issue occurring has been significantly decreased

  • Fixed an issue where Gods being grabbed or pulled after being hit by Artemis trap could be placed in an unintended location.
  • Fixed an issue where slow immune targets were also being immune to Polymorph



"Stacking items is something we usually remove in Assault to prevent frustration and toxicity. However, these items can be stacked without last hitting minions, and could really help benefit teams in this game mode."
  • The following items are now allowed in Assault
    • Soul Eater
      • Bound Gauntlet
    • Gauntlet of Thebes



"Chronos walks the line between Hunter and Mage. Similar Mages with ADC potential have higher base HP than usual mages, usually due to their lack of long range AoE damage. Chronos fits clearly into this category so his HP is being adjusted to more closely fit with gods like Sol and Freya."

  • Increase Base Health from 370 to 400
  • Increased Per Level Health from 70 to 75


"The release of Hera shined more light on the Polymorph effect. Turning players into other creatures effectively Silences and Disarms them, while allowing them to retain complete movement control. The full speed movement of affected enemies was often cited as a weak point of Cernunnos' ultimate, but he had many powerful aspects of his kit to balance that out. After some balance changes he has fallen down in the meta, allowing us to buff The Wild Hunt while also making the Polymorph effect more consistent across the game."

The Wild Hunt
  • Polymorphed targets are now slowed by 20%

Erlang Shen

"Erlang's passive adjustment has made him a top pick, especially in the jungle. His natural boxing potential and ability to shred other high HP characters is a great niche for him, but the current numbers allow him to play too well in too many matchups. We are reducing the max health percent damage to tone down his overall damage output."

Howling Celestial Dog
  • Decreased max health percent damage from 2% to 1% per hit


"Fenrir has huge damage and control potential, but often felt limited. We are reducing many of his mana costs to make sure Fenrir can use his kit to its full potential. His powerful sustain and stacking mechanics suggest he should excels in fights over longer periods of time, and reduced mana costs should help compliment that further."

  • Decreased Mana cost from 65/70/75/80/85 to 60/65/70/75/80
Seething Howl
  • Decreased Mana cost from 60/65/70/75/80 to 60 at all ranks
  • Decreased Mana cost from 70/75/80/85/90 to 60/65/70/75/80


"Freya continues to dominate the battleground of the gods since her rework. Her burst damage and lane clear tend to be the strongest aspects of her kit, so we are focusing on Northern Lights. This ability is seeing a base damage decrease to slow down her early game and her combo hits."

Northern Lights Northern Lights
  • Decreased Base Damage from 50/90/130/170/210 to 40/80/120/160/200


"Since the return of Golden Bow (Golden Blade), Mercury has been quickly rising to the top of the meta. Mercury's ability to move and clear quickly feel core to his themes, but his one shot damage can be frustratingly high. We are decreasing the power boost he can gain from his passive ability for now. We will surely be keeping a close eye on this god going forward, and there will likely be more adjustments in future patches."

Fastest God Alive
  • Reduced Power charged per passive stack from 0.1 to 0.08 (50% physical power increase down to 40% physical power increase)

*Source: The Official Patch Notes

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » November 4, 2018 6:12pm | Report
Bran's thoughts?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 4, 2018 7:15pm | Report
The last couple of patches have had very little for me to talk about.

Here they are in a nutshell for 5.21:
  • I never actually played Domination, so I'll be looking forward to doing so this go-round.

  • Addition of a VGS Guide is great.

  • Soul Eater and Gauntlet of Thebes being added as allowable items in Assault have some significant effects, and are a main reason for me to update the Assault guide. In essence, I'll probably be suggesting SE over BF as a starter for hunters, due to the significantly lower price (allowing for more potions to start or even a Chalice or two), added mana, and CDR, which will be nice for all hunters in a teamfight mode, whether or not they're ability-reliant.

    Gauntlet is appealing as a starter for one of the main tanks.

  • Cernunnos: Don't care that much about the added slow. It's fine, as he's not near top tier.

  • Erlang Shen: Significant enough nerf to his doggie gets him a bit more under control, DPS-wise.

  • Fenrir: some nice QoL mana reduction, which will really help his early game.

  • Freya: She needed it, as she's still considered very powerful.

  • Mercury: The problem isn't Mercury. The problem is Golden Blade. There's a reason some gods have cleaves in their kits, while others do not, and it's a nice bonus for those that do. Allowing any Assassin to have it to help their jungle clear is absolutely stupid to begin, and triply stupid for Merc with regard to how Made You Look interacts with it.

    The item just needs to go. Again. No more golden freaking ANYTHING, HR.
Watch the below video just cuz it's funny and the context is essential. But the key word here is at 1:57.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » November 4, 2018 9:52pm | Report
I think Golden Blade could stay they just need to do one simple thing. Don't have Made You Look proc it. Make that simple change and I think it'll be much better.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » November 4, 2018 10:20pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Fenrir: some nice QoL mana reduction, which will really help his early game.

Awww yissss! FIVE WHOLE mana reduction on Unchained and TEN (not 9) on Brutalize is gonna have SUCH a HUGE impact on my game!

*Sigh* Hi Rez with these lazy buffs.
Although I do like the change to Seething Howl.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 5, 2018 3:48am | Report
Me: "I will not waste my money with Gems"
HR: *launches this Ratatoskr skin*
Me: Shi*, take my money ;-;

I'll have to buy an skin that I didn't like to buy ratatoskr. Plus, I'm really waiting Pele nerf. And about Mercury, isn't easier nerf Made You Look removing items proc?

Edit: This Khepri face looks like the image I had on my Rama guide.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » November 5, 2018 3:31pm | Report
Xzerostrike, you like that artemis skin?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » November 5, 2018 5:03pm | Report
At first I thought it was a Neith skin and I was thinking that we didn't need another one.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » November 6, 2018 4:17am | Report
Wait? An actual good looking Artemis skin? Wiiild! That stuff is outta this world.

Then again, most Artemis skins look good on card but look bad in the actual game so... I think I'll wait and see when it releases.

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