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Mobile-Friendly Update + Notifications!

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Forum » News » Mobile-Friendly Update + Notifications! 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » December 16, 2020 9:32am | Report

We have a VERY big update for SMITEFire today - a complete overhaul of our God, Guide, and home page to be responsive and mobile-friendly! It was quite a task, but we are so glad to be able to share it with you guys, and to provide a modern and user-friendly guide experience for SMITE players.

On top of that we now have the beginning of our Notification System! You will now receive notifications when someone comments on your guides or replies to your threaded comments.

Here is a rundown of all the major changes:


  • Now mobile friendly - you can now access all the header areas with a single tap! You can find the site navigation in the 3 line menu in the top left. Access your profile or sign in by clicking the icon in the top right. Search up a guide for a god by clicking the search icon in the bottom right. Quickly go to the top of any page with the back to top button.

Home Page

  • On mobile, the home page is divided into two tabs to help you quickly find what you are looking for - Home and Activity. The home tab has the top guides and news, while the activity tab is more focused on community activity - such as newest guides and comments.

God Pages

  • Additional god information has been moved further down the page, but is also fully accessible without having to rely on tooltips. You can also now see a god’s stats in this area (health, mana, progression, etc).

  • Guide Listings: Rankings

    • The ordering of guides has been tweaked. Now the current patch and previous patch are grouped together at the top. This will give authors some wiggle room to get their guides updated without having to worry about someone immediately passing them just due to publishing first.

    • All previous patches for the season are also in their own group, so older guides will be primarily ranked by rating rather than patch number.

    • We felt this was the best balance to recognize highly rated guides, while also ensuring that we are prioritizing guides that are updated and most relevant to the current state of the game.

  • Guide Listings: Score Display

    • One of the first things you’ll notice after landing on our new god pages is the snazzy new score display! We felt the new animated score “orb” brought some much needed magic from the battleground of the gods! Along with this we have switched from a bar to showing a score number to be a better fit.

    • On top of this, by popular request we are displaying the raw vote counts for up and down votes. We think this will help readers in deciding which guide to pick, on top of it being a long requested feature from the author community.

      • Previously we have avoided this due to it confusing users, since the score is calculated using a bayesian average rather than a flat score calculation (dividing upvotes by downvotes). We need a certain amount of votes to have confidence in the score of a guide. A guide with 1 upvote would have a 100% flat score, but obviously this should not be considered higher quality than a guide that has 50 upvotes and 3 downvotes.It is similar to how MMR is calculated - you don’t just jump to diamond after winning 1 game. You have to win a lot of games before your score is considered “trustworthy” and the system can feel confident in your placement.

      • Please keep in mind that there is a lot going on behind the scenes to arrive at these calculations, but feel free to ask me if you have any questions or any scores look off to you! It is always possible some improvements could be made.


  • Build

    • New “Build Summary” section that will be separated out from the rest of the purchase orders and displayed at the top of the build area. Based on user feedback a lot of new players find having a lot of purchase orders very confusing. With this however, you can separate out the default recommended build to the top and have it + skill order easily viewable in one area. This will make it a lot easier for new players to reference it while playing, but still allow them to delve deeper into the build options after they can clearly see what the main build is.

      • To make this section appear you will need to indicate your Final Build and your Starting Items. These can now be marked by clicking the corresponding check box in the Purchase Order. For the final build we recommend putting all 6 items + 2 Relics.

    • Relics will now be indicated in a purchase order and labeled. This will make it easier for you to include your recommended relics for a build in the same purchase order as the regular items, while helping new players separate the information if they are not familiar with the items.

    • Items now stack if there are multiple in the same purchase order

    • Skill order has been made more compact to fit on mobile screens, and only the most pertinent information is displayed. We show the overall skill priority + what skills you should take a level 1, 2, 3, and 4. If you want to check the whole skill order in full you can still click or tap the full skill order button to see every single level and what skill is taken.

  • Table of Contents / Vote Buttons

    • The ToC and Vote Buttons will now stick to the top of the screen as you read on mobile, to allow for easy access to both of these features.

    • On mobile and desktop, voting will now trigger a popup that prompts the reader to leave a comment. They can simply exit this if they don’t want to leave a comment and their vote will still be counted, but we hope this will lead to having some more feedback on guides!

  • Guide Editor

    • There is now a mobile preview button. This will let you easily preview your guide at a smaller screen size while working on your desktop. It will automatically highlight items that are too large to fit on mobile sizes in red.

    • There is now a checkbox for “My guide is mobile-friendly”. When you check this, if there are any aspects of your guide that are too large to fit on mobile it will give you an error to let you know to check the mobile preview again and look for issues.

    • Once you have successfully updated your guide to pass the mobile friendly checkbox, it will tag your guide with “mobile” to show that it has been updated to be mobile friendly. (This tag will probably be removed later once most guides are mobile friendly)


  • SMITEFire now has a notification system! You will now receive notification alerts in the top right where your avatar is. In addition you will receive email notifications for comments on your guides.

  • You can adjust your notification preferences at any time by clicking on the bell icon and going to Notification Settings.

  • For now we only have notifications set up for comments on your guides or replies to your threaded comments. We hope to add more in the future though!

We are so glad to be able to release this update before Christmas and help a LOT of mobile users get their SMITE builds and guides easier. We hope you enjoy it and are able to get a lot of SMITE games in over the holidays!!

<Production Coordinator>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 16, 2020 4:05pm | Report
Excellent changes!! Congrats to all developers!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » December 16, 2020 6:06pm | Report


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