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Season of Hope | 10.3 Update Notes

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Forum » News » Season of Hope | 10.3 Update Notes 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 22, 2023 10:13pm | Report

By: TitanDandy | 2023/3/22

Source (10.3 Main Patch):
Main Patch scheduled to go live: March 28

*NOTE* For full patch notes, please visit the source. Only new God info, Update Schedule, and a summary of 10.3 changes will be listed here.

*Bran's Note: This patch is enormous, with a multitude of changes and adjustments. Instead of transcribing all item and god adjustments, I will instead offer something the official patch notes don't: a bullet point list of the new features so you can get a high level view for quick reference.*


  • Battle Pass Changes: Increased levels from 60 to 90, now last 11-14 weeks, more skins in the paid track, price change from 600 to 800 for regular pass, and from 1200 to 1400 gems, but has 200 more earnable gems
  • Either paid track provides a multitude of god skins and other cosmetics (ward skins, level up skins, emotes, jump stamps, recall skins, loading screens and frames, announcer pack).

  • Log in and play 1 match every day for the next two weeks to claim a reward! Claim 6 days of the Community Celebration event and unlock the Witch Seeker Amaterasu Skin!

  • There will be 3 chapters in this event spanning over 3 updates. Each chapter has a Chest containing 5 skins and a Cosmetic Bundle. Roll from the chest or directly purchase the Skin from the store.
  • Purchasing any item from a chapter will unlock that chapter’s quests which reward Gems and a Season of Hope chest. Make sure to hit START on your quests in the quest tab!
  • Unlocking all items from the Hope Reborn event will unlock the Unlimited Leading Lady Aphrodite Skin!

  • Martichoras: This god has received an additional pass to update its artistic features, with a focus on its texture. Martichoras and all skins will have a noticeable increase in the detail on the wings, fur, and hair.
  • Commendations Update: Decreased the time limit for player to commend the same player twice from 24 hours to 12 minutes. Players can now party up and commend each other after every match (assuming the 12 minute length limit is met). Commendations at the end of the match will now only have 1 type instead of 3 types. This still contributes equally to the commendation reward progress.
    Commending a player will now give you an option to invite them to a party. [/color]
  • Split Ranked Rewards: 15 Wins – This will now be a Godlike Chest – the previous quests were awarding an older chest that wasn’t being updated. The Godlike Chest has been expanded to offer more content, including newer released items and higher tier rewards, and will be updated periodically moving forward. 50 Wins – This will now be 100 gems, increased from the previous 50 gems per split.

  • SMITE’s in-game HUD has received a full rework in its Art, Engineering, and Design. This includes: All On-Screen UI Elements while in a match, The Item Shop, Scoreboard (Tab Screen), Top Stats (T Screen), Death Recap (Y Screen), Ability Summary (K Screen), The HUD Editor
  • Primary Goals:
    - Provide a more sleek and modern visual design to SMITE’s gameplay HUD
    - Focus on the in-game experience first. HUD update has taken priority over any out-of-game Client UI updates.
    - Provide a multitude of Quality of Life Updates that apply to all platforms SMITE is played on.
    - Significantly change the HUD for Console Platforms to provide a better experience with the lessons learned from the PC HUD.
    - Optimize the HUD for the PC Platform by focusing on QoL and Art updates. Minimize the amount of massive changes that could disrupt muscle memory.
  • New HUD Features: Lots of added features to each section of the HUD will provide additional information, clearer / cleaner layout/spacing/art, Item Shop has better purchase flow, more item filters, filtering multiple categories at once, kill tracking, full console HUD editor support, new HUD skins will be possible

  • Player Kill XP Reward Changes: Decreased the amount of XP for killing lower level players, increased the amount of XP for killing higher level players
  • Shutdown bonus changes: Receiving the Shutdown accolade now gives a bonus, similar to First Blood GP
  • Slash: Increased setup time from 60 to 75 seconds
  • Arena: This mode will now use the Roman Arena Art Set
  • Assault: Reroll will now be 1 gem or 50 favor, added Eset, Cthulhu, and Artio to the healer tiers as Tier 3 healers
  • Ranked Reset: Ranked Players at all MMR values will have some sort of reset applied to them in Ranked Conquest, Ranked Joust, and Ranked Duel. Capped MMR 3500 players will be reset to 3000, and this effect gets proportionally weaker down the MMR Scale. Players close to 1500 will notice only a very slight reset. Masters and GM Will be reset to Diamond 1. All other Ranks will retain their current rank, and it will update after the first match depending on their new MMR after a win or loss + the reset.

  • Art: With the dust settled from Surtr’s ascension, the Conquest map begins to regrow and flourish. The map has undergone multiple art updates to feature a variety of glowing plant life, pools of water, and an entirely new skybox. This update will also include the Spectator View Alternate Art set for this map that adjusts and lowers various environment pieces that can block the spectator camera view.
  • Jungle Camp Layout: Multiple adjustments have been made to the jungle paths. The rocks around the Back Harpy camps in all 4 map quadrants have been changed to allow for quicker pathing between camps and lanes. This also results in slightly more open space for team fights directly North or South of the Fire Giant and Gold Fury Pits. Various walls around the Jungle have been lowered to help visibility.
  • Cyclops Thieves Stash: This Season’s new mechanic is the Cyclops Thieves! These are a larger version of the Cyclops Rogues from Season 1, and they now have their own dedicated camp. This camp has a new type of dynamic gold reward that scales depending on how ahead or behind your team is compared to your opponents. This unique reward makes this camp especially valuable, so players should prioritize it highly when clearing, and it will also be a likely target for invades from the leading team. Back Harpies on the Gold Fury side of the map have been replaced with a Cyclops Camp, which spawns extra treasure chests for the team that is behind in overall Gold. Team Gold awarded by a Bonus Chest is distributed unevenly across all teammates (players with lowest Gold get more of the share). Cyclops NPCs in the camp have the same stats and rewards as Back Harpies.
  • Jungle Camp Adjustments: Back harpies provide less XP and Gold, changing level 1 starts. Fire Giant buff duration and healing decreased, but power increased. Gold Fury and Pyro will now attack and damage close-range enemies that attempt to body block it. Added roaming mid harpies. Adjustments to buff camp buffs, XP and gold reward.

  • Goals
    - Healing is a powerful effect in SMITE. We wanted to do a more in-depth and detail driven approach to adjust the balance of healing in SMITE
    - With all changes combined, we expect to see lower healing numbers overall, but more player control over healing. It will be less likely to heal by huge amounts, but also more rare to have healing reduced to 0%.
    - Healing Gods and Items will have more utility and additional effects instead of relying entirely on healing.
  • Action Plan
    - Healing abilities will no longer have Power Scaling on any gods. Aphrodite and Hel will receive level based scaling on their healing. Other gods will have no scaling, only ranking up an ability or buying - Healing Increase items will increase their healing.
    - Gods and Items across the game will receive nerfs to their healing abilities, lifesteal stats, and similar effects – by roughly 30%. The scaling changes are included in this calculation.
    - Most God and Items will receive buffs to their non-healing abilities and stats in order to compensate for these nerfs. Gods more reliant on healing will receive more intense buffs and changes to their non-healing effects. Gods who needed nerfs already will receive healing nerfs and nothing else to compensate.
    - Some New/Reworked items will allow players to increase their healing through builds, others will add more unique item effects that trigger on successful heals.
    - Healing Reduction on God Abilities and Items will be reduced by a small amount
    - See the Gods and Item changes section for the specific numbers and changes related to these points
  • System Changes
    - The “Brawling” System, has been removed from the game. Players will no longer have 40% decreased healing when they haven’t recently engaged in God vs God combat.
    - Healing Reduction will now be capped at 80% Reduction on the afflicted target.
    - Gods like Serqet, Odin, and Osiris will be the only exception and have unique text to describe that their abilities prevent healing entirely.
    - Physical Lifesteal cap has been decreased from 100% to 50%
    - Magical Lifesteal cap has been decreased from 65% to 40%
    - Shield Reduction Items will be introduced in this Update, and will apply debuffs to enemies that reduce the amount of shield HP of any shields applied to them while the debuff is active.
    - Shield Reduction has a cap of 80% Reduction on future shields applied on the afflicted target.

  • Items like Breastplate of Regrowth and Lotus Sickle are the ideal healing items. We have seen these items maintain a reasonable pick rate for years, while generally avoiding frustration cases. For this Healing Update we are introducing more items like these to give healers more options. We are also keeping and buffing the traditional healing increase items, and even introducing a few new ways to boost healing numbers in conditional ways. We specifically avoided giving a large amount of healing% increase to new items. We want to keep control over the max amount of healing in SMITE and keep away from what we have described as “true healers."
  • New Healing Bolstering Items: These items provide a new way to increase your healing, or add more utility to heals. These items are contained within two new healing related item trees, 1 for Physical Gods, and 1 for Magical Gods.
  • Huge list of items reworked to change their effects or intensity with regard to healing and lifesteal.

  • Solo: Teleport is getting a cooldown nerf in order to raise the stakes in the Solo lane, we want it to be more rewarding to force your opponent back to base. Theyre also getting some buffs to hammers to bring about some possible higher power early-game builds. And finally, a nerf/shift to Oni Hunter’s Garb to continue to curb the amount of %mitigations available to tanks in SMITE.
  • Hunters: As we continue to work on Hunter viability, we are playing it safe. We have a variety of buffs for Hunters that will add to the many small shifts their items will see in this update. Fail-Not is picking up the debuff that Deathbringer dropped, Transcendence and Bladed Boomerang are seeing cost buffs, and Demon Blade is getting some key buffs to make sure the Crit path is viable.
  • Support: This is a bit of a light update for Supports, although many gods will be adjusted heavily for the role. These changes here were more of a bit of upkeep to make sure all Support starter item upgrades have an additional gold source.
  • Mage: Finally we have Mages. The proc builds have received many nerfs over the past few updates, and we are targeting some new sources today with Divine Ruin (and the previously mentioned Soul Gem). In Addition to those proc nerfs we wanted to buff some of the items that rely less on procs, especially Doom Orb and Spear of Desolation.

  • Healing Balance: All gods with capabilities of healing (or gaining lifsteal) have gotten significant adjustments to their abilities, with healing abilities decreasing but often adding other effects, increasing damage, etc.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 27, 2023 12:00pm | Report
I never thought I would spend money buying an Aphrodite skin u.u


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