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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 5 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆

SMITEFire Halloween 2022 God Creation Contest Winners!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Halloween 2022 God Creation Contest Winners! 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » November 9, 2022 2:52am | Report

We are happy to announce the winners of our Halloween God Creation Contest! 🎉

We haven't received as many entries as last year, but we've really enjoyed the top ones of this year! It has been a tough week of judging and we are finally ready to reveal the winners. Before moving on, we would like to say that we greatly enjoyed reading your creative concepts, they could be a true source of inspiration even for the Hi-Rez team themselves!

Grand Prize Winner! ($60 USD Steam Game)

Congratulations to our second time in a row grand prize winner, BananaHammer33, the author of Phobos and Deimos, the best concept of this contest! They will receive their choice of any Steam game(s) of $60 USD value and a special golden Halloween Pumpkin badge!

Notable facts about Phobos and Deimos, the Twin Gods of Fear and Terror:
  • Greek melee assassin that can switch between two unique brothers (stances), each with his own health.

  • If you die as one of the brothers, you'll resurrect as the other brother and continue fighting.

  • The concept mixes different effects such as cripple, deafen, blind and fear to create an interesting kit to play.

  • The author has done an amazing job with explaining how the abilities work and how they would look like in game. It almost feels like this is a playable god!

  • The extra information regarding his appearance, abilities, animations and voice lines have given a 'real' feeling to the concept.

Runner-ups! ($30 USD Steam Game)
Congratulations to our runner-ups! They will receive their choice of any Steam game(s) of $30 USD value and a special silver Halloween Pumpkin badge for their wonderful God concepts!

Ozanoku - Hyaᴋume, the One Hundred Eyed Creature
  • Terrifying Japanese creature that attacks from range and is difficult to take down.

  • Can regenerate its health and mana easily by colleting eyes that appear randomly around the map. In addition, the eyes reveal enemies' positions once collected.

  • Able to effectively crowd control the enemy team if its abilities are used properly.

  • Strong area ultimate that damages enemies while rooting and blinding them. Definitely an ability that can turn the tides of a team fight.

  • Beautiful formatting and amazing artwork! They truly improved the viewing experience and made Hyaᴋume feel like an official god!
Inpersonage - Crom Dubh, the Dullahan
  • Celtic melee warrior inspired by the legend of the Headless Horseman.

  • Straightforward kit designed to make Crom Dubh stronger the longer the fight goes.

  • Can use the different types of crowd control in his kit to punish enemy gods and make them vulnerable.
  • The author has nicely described how Crom Dubh would look in game, making it easy to picture the concept in SMITE's style!

  • Fitting adaptation of the Headless Horseman legend into the world of SMITE!

We would like to thank everyone for joining our contest and for being awesome! We hope that you enjoyed this contest as much as we did and you can expect more contests of this kind coming soon. Let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for us to improve the quality of our future contests! 😊
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