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SMITEFire Halloween God Creation Contest Winners!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Halloween God Creation Contest Winners! 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » November 16, 2020 7:11am | Report

We are happy to announce the winners of our Halloween God Creation Contest!

There has been a high number of submissions and we couldn't be more excited! It has been a tough week of judging and we are finally ready to reveal the winners. Before moving on, we would like to say that we greatly enjoyed reading your creative concepts, they could be a true source of inspiration even for the Hi-Rez team themselves!

Grand Prize Winner! ($60 USD Steam Game)

Congratulations to our grand prize winner, BananaHammer33, the author of Dracula, the Count of Transylvania, the best concept of this contest! They will receive their choice of any Steam game(s) of $60 USD value and a special golden Halloween God badge!

Notable facts about Dracula, the Count of Transylvania:
  • Slavic melee assassin able to switch stances and deal moderate amounts of physical damage.

  • Strong sustain and utility due to his very high lifesteal and mobility granted by abilities.

  • Can use bats at his disposal for additional damage, disruption and vision. The bats also serve as projectiles for his ranged attacks during bat form.

  • Insight into ideal item builds and preferred roles written by the author, to better understand Dracula's place in the game.

  • The extra information regarding his appearance, abilities, animations and voice lines have given a 'real' feeling to the concept.

Runner-ups! ($30 USD Steam Game)
Congratulations to our runner-ups! They will receive their choice of any Steam game(s) of $30 USD value and a special silver Halloween God badge for their wonderful God concepts!

Ozanoku - Chupacabra, the Goat-Sucker Creature
  • Terrifying creature able to devour enemy minions and force them against their allies.

  • Can plant warding minions for extra vision that greatly disrupt enemies when destroyed.

  • Passive effect similar to Mystical Mail, damaging enemies the more they stay in Chupacabra's proximity.

  • Unique ultimate that acts like a damage sponge for your team, while also providing healing when any of your teammates are killed.

  • Wonderful formatting and illustrations! They truly improved the viewing experience and made Chupacabra look like an official concept!
Stuke99 - Dracula, the Devil of Wallachia
  • Slavic melee warrior that adds a new day and night mechanic to the game.

  • Dracula reaches his maximum potential during the night, receiving bonus physical power, lifesteal and damage mitigation.

  • The fictional and historical facts regarding Dracula have been nicely integrated into his abilities.

  • Can use both melee and ranged attacks to damage his foes and turn into a bat to chase them down.

  • Amazing artwork and ability icons created by the author. Truly talented!

We would like to thank everyone for joining our contest and for being awesome! We hope that you enjoyed this contest as much as we did and you can expect more contests of this kind coming soon. Let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for us to improve the quality of our future contests! :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » November 16, 2020 7:36am | Report
Congratulations to everybody that won!

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