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The Legendary Tanuki | 7.12 Update Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 18, 2020 1:50pm | Report

The Legendary Tanuki | 7.12 Update Notes

By: TitanCupcake | 2020/11/18

Source (7.12 Main Patch):
Main Patch scheduled to go live: December 15

*NOTE* For full patch notes, please visit the source. Only Update Schedule, Item and God Balance will be listed here.


Every time Danzaburou actively gains gold, he stores 10% into one of his money pouches instead. When a pouch is completely filled, Danzaburou gains bonus gold and a permanent Physical Power increase before switching to a larger money pouch.
  • Pouch gold: 80/140/200/300
  • Bonus Power: 10 per pouch
  • Bonus Gold: 180/265/350/500


Danzaburou rolls out 3 money bags that pass through and damage Enemy minions but stop on Enemy gods, slowing as they travel. Gods hit are damaged and Intoxicated, dropping a gold coin that Danzaburou or his ally gods can pick up to provide him 10 gold. When a money bag stops moving, it reveals to be an explosive which detonates after a short delay. Subsequent hits of the money bag or explosions deal 20% damage.
  • Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
  • Explosion Damage: 30/55/80/105/130 (+30% of your Physical Power)
  • Intoxicate Duration: 0.6/0.8/1/1.2/1.4s
  • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
  • Cooldown: 12


Danzaburou takes a swig of his sake bottle, gaining health, before hurling it in front of him dealing damage to Enemies in the inner circle. The bottle of sake applies stacks to Enemy gods in the area slowing, and upon reaching 3 stacks, taunting (with no DR) them towards the sake bottle. Enemies that take more than 30% of their max. Health while taunted are broken out early.
  • Healing: 30/50/70/90/110 (+20% of your Physical Power)
    Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+70% of your Physical Power)
    Slow per stack: 10% for 1.5s (3 stacks max.)
    Taunt Duration: 1s
    Hits to Break: 2/2/3/3/4
    Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
    Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12


Danzaburou creates a field where he moves faster, is slow immune and takes less damage from basic attacks. Enemies in the field are slowed by 20%. If Danzaburou leaves the field it disappears turning him into a leaf among other decoys that mimic his movement. In this state his movement speed is increased, he is still slow immune and can pass through Enemies. After a short delay from transforming, any hit from Enemy gods or if Danzaburou himself attacks, he will revert back.
  • Movement Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
  • Leaf Movement Speed: 20/25/30/35/40%
  • Reduced Basic Attack Damage: 20%
  • Field Duration: 5s
  • Leaf Duration: 4s
  • Cost: 70
  • Cooldown: 16


Danzaburou summons a magical leaf which transforms into a large bamboo rocket! While preparing, Danzaburou can aim the rocket within 180 degrees to lock onto Enemy gods or he can refire this ability to become the rocket. Once fired the Rocket will pass through and damage Enemy minions, stopping on the first Enemy god hit damaging and stunning them while dealing 50% damage in a larger area.
  • Damage: 300/360/420/480/540 (+110% of your Physical Power)
    Stun Duration: 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4s
    Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 90


  • 7.11 3rd Content Drop
  • Odyssey: Reckoning Content
  • Winter Wonderland Chest
  • 7.12 Release
  • Danzaburou Release + Recolors + Masteries
  • SMITE Friends Event Content
  • Righteous Paladin Chest
  • Mystic Shaman Chest
  • 7.12 2nd Content Drop
  • SMITE Friends Event Content
  • Retrospace Chest
  • Metal Demon Chest
  • 7.12 3rd Content Drop
  • SMITE Friends Event Content
  • Fighter Beast Chest
  • Broken Android Chest

Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change.




"The sun is shining on Ra lately! A few buffs across the season have finally resulted in him being one of the top gods in the competitive conquest meta. Ra’s healing deployable now provides a lot of additional stats to his teammates, and these numbers are clearly too high. As Ra has just recently entered the competitive scene, we are being careful to not send him back to where he was before. With these changes he should still be a clear contender, but also clearly weaker than he is right now."

  • Decreased Physical Power from 10/15/20/25/30 to 8/11/14/17/20
  • Decreased Magical Power from 20/25/30/35/40 to 14/18/22/26/30
  • Decreased Protections from 10/15/20/25/30 to 8/11/14/17/20


"Erlang Shen might be able to spot weakness, but given his popularity and strength, we are struggling to find his. With the raw power provided by Spot Weakness he has a variety of build paths and can be difficult to fight effectively. Bringing down the power bringing up his mana cost should be just the touch needed for the SWC."

  • Increase mana cost from 60 to 60/65/70/75/80
  • Decrease base damage from 15/30/45/60/75 to 15/27/39/51/63


"Persephone has brought a lot of unique gameplay to SMITE, but unique can quickly become paired with frustration. Her garden has high highs and low lows, her ability to revive and damage enemies can turn getting a kill into despair, and her ult is often powerful even when it misses. For SWC we want to reduce this final point, softly addressing a point of frustration for the World stage. Going forward we may look towards larger adjustments to Persephone, tackling all the points of frustration listed above."

  • Decrease ult deployable HP from 5 to 3 if it hits a wall instead of a player


"The river goddess has achieved something that very few other gods have: 100% pick/ban rate through an entire pro season. Yemoja has been hit with a few nerfs, tempering her performance in ranked and casuals, yet she is still the number one most contested god in the pro league. Riptide is especially more powerful at pro levels of play, so we are applying a nerf to that ability. Her Ultimate also has high skill cap potential with its timing and position, and is getting a slight nerf."

  • Decreased Slow from 30% to 20%

  • Increases from 100s to 110s at all ranks


"The Nile Crocodile has been turning gods of all types into unsuspecting prey. Sobek has risen in the ranks of the duo lane, resulting in him being one of the most contested supports in SPL and Ranked. Sobek brings strong CC and control with his signature pluck, but he can also threaten to solo kill squishies with his damage. We are bringing down the damage on his ult to prevent Sobek from taking such favorable trades against enemy backliners."

  • Decreased Base Damage from 350/500/650/800/950 to 300/450/600/750/900


"The Usurper has been bringing the hurt in multiple roles. His flexible style of play is exciting but is too potent. Skewer is getting an increased cooldown, creating a larger window to fight Set and slowing down his poke and clear."

  • Increased Cooldown from 8s to 9s


"A huge quality of life buff is being added for The Morrigan in this update. She will now have the ability to retain jungle buffs and potion buffs throughout her normal form and ult forms. Previously, if The Morrigan was relying on elixir of speed, using her ultimate would cause her to lose this effect temporarily. The same would apply to things like red buff, or power potions. Now she will be permanently buffed by this effect. It should be noted that The Morrigan does not copy the buffs or consumable effects of her opponents, only their item build. This has not changed."

  • Now transfers any jungle buff or consumable potion effects she has currently active onto her transformed state in her ultimate.


"We did it, Reddit! The king of the gods has heard the will of his subjects, who pointed out a possibly Quality of Life buff for Zeus. Most ranged deployables in SMITE are allowed to be fired over walls, and we agreed that Zeus’s shield throw should also be allowed. We don’t plan to apply this rule to every ability in the game, as some might have thematic or mechanic elements that don’t merit going over walls, but we are changing this for Zeus and for a few other gods."

  • Can now place this ability in locations over walls


"“Wall go more places now, thanks Zeus!” – Ymir"

  • Can now place this ability in locations over walls


"“I literally make walls, it’s about time!” – Terra"

  • Can now place this ability in locations over walls


"The time has come for the glory of Rome to be restored. Bellona is often a difficult character to buff, as she always seems one step away from taking over the solo meta. After some direct nerfs and losing many of her core items, its looking quite safe to buff her again. We are focusing heavily on QoL with these buffs, adding a lot more fluid functionality to her kit, and adding some power to the parts of her kit that feel clearly lacking, like the flag left behind on Eagle’s Rally."

  • Increased Passive duration from 4s to 7s.

  • Increase weapon duration from 5s to 7s
  • If Bellona is mid-swing when this timer expires, she will complete the swing with her Weapon. If this hits a target, she will reset the timer and not swap back to her Base weapon.

  • Now Provides Magical Power to allies as well as Physical Power
  • Magical Power: 35/45/55/65/75
  • Increased Physical Power from 10/20/30/40/50 to 20/30/40/50/60
  • Increased Flag Duration from 6/7/8/9/10s to 8s at all ranks


"In this update we are adding a nice amount of clarity to the madness that Cthulhu can create. While in his ultimate form there will be a special offset to make sure his opponents can see what buffs and debuffs he currently has applied."
  • Added a visual offset to buff and debuff effects applied to Cthulhu while in his ult state. This slightly moves these effects toward your player camera so Cthulhu’s persistent effects (like thorns) can be more clearly seen.


"In our large healing pass last Update a few issues were created for Hel. These are largely bug fixes but they do have balance implications. Hel’s passive was not working as intended in more ways than one, and these will be fixed in this update."

  • Fixed an issue where her passive was only increasing healing from abilities and FG buff – now should increase heals from all sources
  • Fixed an issue where her healing bonus wasn’t properly ramping up over time with her passive meter
  • Fixed an issue where an unintended temp icon was being displayed on her buff bar


"We are seeing very promising stats from Loki since his rework. His popularity is remaining quite high (possibly due to Raphael) and he is putting up well balanced win-rates near 50% and the middle of the pack for gods. In ranked we have seen many more players trying him out in both jungle and solo, making him one of the top 10 most played gods at high ranked conquest. We are still seeing a good amount of concerns from Loki players about Flurry Strike, leading to this change. We are holding our ground on the abilities speed, this was an important part of the rework and Loki’s opponents need that reaction time. However, we are shifting the base damage to help his early jungle clear even more and increasing the scaling to make sure this ability stays impactful throughout a match.

"We do hear the concerns around Flurry Strike and the speed of this ability, leading to this change. We want to make this ability feel rewarding to land but are holding our ground about the speed of this ability. The goal of the rework was to reduce frustration and the ability to see, react, and counter this ability is absolutely critical to that goal. We are increasing the final hits damage early to help his Jungle clear while boosting the scaling for Loki players in any role."

  • Increased Final Strike Damage from 40/65/90/115/140 to 55/75/95/115/135
  • Increased Final Strike Scaling from 60% to 70%


"We have been looking closely into power and protection scaling on god abilities. On many cases using nice even numbers results in too weak or too strong scenarios at certain god ranks. Tyr’s Change Stance is mostly used with 1 rank in it, providing a disappointing amount of stats for most of the game, so we are leaning into this being a better one point wonder."

  • Increased Assault Stance Power from 0/10/20/30/40/50 to 0/18/26/34/42/50 Physical Power
  • Increased Defense Stance Protections from 0/10/20/30/40/50 to 0/18/26/34/42/50 Protections


"The Dragon King briefly showed up during the peak of the Hecate meta, but then disappeared as quickly as he had risen up. Ao Kuang’s passive rewards him for timing his engagements in between jungle rotations, but the current value was simply too slow to be reasonably stacked. We are speeding that up while also reverting a nerf to dragon call which brings back his ability to opt into basic attack focused builds."

  • Decrease power-up time from 20s to 12s

  • Increase Attack Damage 30/45/60/75/90 to 35/50/65/80/95


"This little old man doesn’t need to feel like a little old man. He is riding a massive tree beast after all! We are increasing a set of his base stats to increase his mobility, lane clear, and damage potential. We do think its likely that we will look more into Sylvanus in the future, possibly by giving him a new passive."

  • Increased Base Movement Speed from 365 to 370
  • Increased Base Attack Speed from 0.85 to 0.9
  • Increased Base Attack Speed per level from 0.6 to 0.8


"Bear or Druid: Which will you choose? Artio is designed with some buffs and debuffs that require hitting enemies with abilities from both stances. In order to maximize those you had to consider delaying your abilities to a slower flow that was rarely worth the payoff. We are increasing the durations of these effects so Artio can play normally and still reap the rewards."

  • Decreased Mana Cost from 50/55/60/65/70 mana to 40/45/50/55/60

  • Increased duration of debuff from 4s to 6s

  • Increased duration of buff from 4s to 6s


"At one point AMC was the King Bee, but oh how the mighty have fallen. We are reverting a nerf that Ah Muzen Cab received when he was a top pick to bring him closer to the rest of the hunter meta in todays SMITE scene."

STINGER (Revert)
  • Increased Base Damage from 255/335/415/495/575 to 275/355/435/515/595
  • Increased Physical Power Scaling from 100% to 110%


"Apollo finally saw his play during the SPL and it was So Beautiful. In celebration (and to help him not be a single pick) we are boosting So Beautiful’s base damage. This ability is a true straightforward damage ability and should shine as such."

  • Increased Damage from 80/140/200/260/320 to 90/150/210/270/330


"The Goddess of the Hunt continues to inspire heating debates in the SMITE community. She tends to perform very well in all modes and skill levels, even at high ranked Conquest, yet she is generally considered far below the meta. Artemis sacrifices mobility and early pressure for high control and huge late game damage, which is a risky but effective strategy. We are giving Artemis slightly more control over her CC by increasing the range of her trap. This ability can be extremely powerful when used in combat, and we expect this buff to create a lot more opportunities for Artemis to turn the fight around."

  • Increasing the deploy range from 35 units to 40 units


"It’s time to move like a Jaguar! When Chaac brings down the Thunder he will now be a force to be reckoned with. Late game he can struggle to fill that frontline bruiser role, but with up to 70% Mitigation he can tactfully use it to avoid major bursts before bringing the AoE silence."

  • Increased Damage Mitigation Chaac gains while Channeling from 50% at all ranks to 50/55/60/65/70%


"Another one that people have been asking for nonstop: Ah Puch! This god is in a difficult balance state because he tends to be one of the strongest performers in non-Conquest modes. We have forever said that its ok for some gods to not be SPL Conquest viable as long as they have strong dedicated players across the game, and Ah Puch falls into that spot. We are giving him some small buffs to hopefully help out his Conquest game by decreasing the chances he runs out of mana. We will keep a close eye on this god and potentially plan some bigger changes in Season 8."

  • Fixed an issue where boss monsters could kill Ah Puch’s deployed corpses

  • Decreased Mana Cost from 70/75/80/85/90 to 60/65/70/75/80

  • Decreased Mana Cost from from 60/65/70/75/80 to 60 at all ranks

  • Decreased Mana Cost from 70 at all ranks to 60/65/70/75/80

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 18, 2020 4:37pm | Report
Mostly these adjustments seem fine. I think the mana increase on Spot Weakness is perhaps a bit out of place. Tyr's Change Stance (maybe?) makes it nicer to put one earlier point into it. The Bellona extended durations are very, very nice for her.

Was surprised there were no item adjustments, but I guess in general things are feeling pretty nicely balanced. Still waiting for Mail of Renewal to be changed, buffed, or removed.

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Mythical (401)
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