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The State of Conquest and Moving Forward

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Poll Question:

What do you feel about these Season 7 changes?
S6 Conquest had no issues
I wholeheartedly approve!
Hmmm...hit or miss.
I have no clue what they're thinking...Conquest needs changes, but not these.
I don't play Conquest, so I don't really care.
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 30, 2019 11:53am | Report

The State of Conquest and Moving Forward

By: TitanAjax

Conquest is the primary competitive mode in SMITE. As a competitive mode, the gameplay on this map is always evolving. This can come from player made decisions and established metagames, or developer driven changes. At the beginning of every season we always evaluate the Conquest map and look for ways to make meaningful changes that our players will appreciate.

The approach we take to do this revolves around the concept of problem solving. We do not aim to add frivolous changes for the sake of change. Instead we seek out specific meta issues, role issues, or map interactions that the player base seems to dislike. After identifying the problems we look for solutions that will continue to provide players with the most flexibility in their paths to success.

One of the defining features of the Conquest map and the MOBA genre is flexibility. Team roles and item building are specifically designed to make player choice a powerful force. This results in some unpredictability, but that is yet another draw to the moba genre: no two matches play out in exactly the same way. This design principle is the main reason why we arrived at the decisions we are going to share in this post, and it is the main reason that we decided not to implement some of the SMITE community’s more rigid suggestions for solving problems.


The debate about which mode is “best” is a constant discussion in the SMITE community. This is an especially difficult scenario because even in the data different modes excel at different things. SMITE’s success stems from the games’ variety. We provide a wide range of gods and modes so that we can appeal to a large audience. Every mode is important, but some are more important depending on how you look at it.

Here are some interesting stats about Conquest:
  • Conquest is the most played game mode in SMITE when sorted by actual “in-game play time.”
  • Conquest is the 3rd most played most when sorted by “unique players”, with Joust at #1 and Arena at #2
  • This means that Conquest is played by a slightly smaller pool of total people, but those people tend to play SMITE more than those who play other modes.
  • Sorting by “match count” is, in my opinion, the least accurate way to measure the importance of modes, and using this stat in official messaging has contributed to confusion. This stat is useful for measuring things within a game mode (each god’s match count within conquest for god popularity/balance reasons, for example)


The current Conquest map was first introduced in Update 5.1, where a complete art and layout update was done. This iteration feels like the strongest version of Conquest ever designed, so the team has been carefully updating it throughout the last 2 years.

Update 6.1 brought the following major features:

Totem of Ku
This new early game objective added value to the solo lane and allowed those laners to impact the entire map through their 1v1 performance.

Primal Fury and Oni Fury
This added more unique ways for players to gain an advantage in the mid to late game through new, rotating, objectives.

We feel that both of these features, combined with a series of smaller balance and QoL adjustments, led to a great start to the season. These features were designed to fix certain problems, and players appreciated that approach.

Throughout Season 6 the meta changed often, resulting in some crazy class/role position changes. As a team we felt good about the amount of optimization players were able to do to the map. This shows that our core goals of MOBA design (flexibility and player choice) were well represented on the map.

We feel that Seasons 5 and 6 were some of the best ever for the Conquest mode. The wider map, lower XP sharing, and more meaningful objectives have allowed the maps competitive nature to flourish. However, the best way to continue improving this mode is to be honest with ourselves about its problems and negative experiences.


Flexibility and player choice are great, but they can lead to some dangerous situations if left unchecked. Even in representing our core design goals, extreme highs can be just as dangerous to player experience as extreme lows. As the season progressed we reached an Invade Meta, as well as some other other role balance concerns. Addressing these issues will be the primary driver for our Season 7 changes.

Problems to solve:

Invade Meta
Early invades have one major problem: they break the intended pacing of a match. This strategy immediately raises the stakes, causing wins or losses to be determined too early. This generally results in a stressful experience that feels more influenced by randomness rather than skill.

Jungle Role and Mid Role feeling less impactful than other roles
Previous changes to the map combined with meta shifts throughout the year have caused this feeling. Junglers were intentionally nerfed on a few occasions due to their ability to snowball a game. Mid laners have been sharing more and more farm to the rest of their team to adapt to the meta of grouping up in their lane. Although these issues resulted from intended shifts, a new Season is always a good time to evaluate roles and attempt to make them all feel equally important to the outcome of a match.

Duo Lane not at all resembling the Support/ADC Duo Lane
SMITE is designed to encourage more rotation, team fighting, and jungling in the early game for all roles, but we still want the roles to meet player expectations. Players strongly expect there to be a viable Duo lane in a MOBA, so as pros have continued to shift god/role positions into an unrecognizable state we will be introducing changes that encourage a return to more familiar territory.

Solo Laners can’t solo kill each other
Solo lane this year was as impactful as ever due to the addition of the Totem. The problem was that many players, especially on the high end, found that this lane had very little room to flex your skills. Very few solo kills occurred in the early game, resulting in a less exciting experience.

With our problems identified, and thus our goals set, we can start enacting meaningful changes to the map in order to solve these problems.

  • The jungle clear Relic is making a return, but this time as a consumable along with some key functionality changes
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Invade Meta
  • The goal of this item is to give all roles extra protection against invades. With this item they can opt to have safer or quicker early jungle clear instead of additional potions.
  • This consumable deals damage to all jungle monsters in a small area around you
  • You can only carry 1 stack of this consumable at a time
  • This damage effect does not damage enemy camps or jungle bosses, but it is increased by Assassin’s Blessing
  • The damage dealt is a flat amount that does not scale
  • This item costs 100g

  • Each player’s “inactive” Relic slot, the one that cannot be upgraded until level 12, will now have the Shard in that place. Activating this places a weak ward in the target location on a 120s cooldown.
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Invade Meta
  • The goal of this item is to give players more control over their early game experience. With this item players are less likely to fall victim to risky or aggressive ganks in the early game. It also might help familiarize more players with the joys of warding, as it will be applied to all game modes.
  • The 1st Relic slot is not affected by this
  • The Shard can be upgraded to a normal relic for free at level 12
  • The shard ward looks different and does not change with ward skins, has smaller radius, lower duration, and provides no gold when killed

  • The Jungle Shrine is a new early game objective located in the area in between Yellow Buff and Back Harpies.
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Jungler Impact
  • The goal of this feature is to add more team wide impact to the jungle role in the early game. Junglers can’t be in every lane at the same time, but now their allies will feel their impact through these gifts of gold. We hope this has similar levels of success that the Totem of Ku had.
  • This objective’s gold reward grows each time your team clears a jungle camp, so it essentially has a variable respawn time and variable reward amount.

  • This Camp now spawns at 20s instead of 23s
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Invade Meta, Jungler Impact, Mid Impact
  • The goal of this feature is to make sure Mid Laners (and sometimes Junglers) have enough time to clear the Yellow Buff before lane minions meet or harpies spawn. Certain Mid/Jungle combinations would not possibly be able to kill the camp and still make it to midlane before any minions are killed.


  • Mid Harpies on the Gold Fury side now have a very different Jungle path that favors the home team mid laner. There is now an additional Mid Harpy camp so that each Mid Laner has their own.
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Mid Impact
  • The goal of this feature is to increase the amount of farm the Mid Laner has access to, and to make the lane slightly safer. Players are losing a path from Order to Chaos side, which will make certain rotations much more difficult.
  • The Mid Harpy Camp on Fire Giant side is not changing and will still be a contested neutral objective


  • A new XP camp featuring a single Elder Harpy has been added to both the Order and Chaos side of the duo lane.
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Duo Lane isn’t a Duo Lane
  • The goal of this feature is to encourage players to stay together on that side of the map by giving them more XP/Gold sources.
  • These camps are positioned in the environment right next to the Purple Camp.
  • These are tanky, hard hitting monsters that are cleared most easily by a group of 2 players or more.

Purple Buff spawns earlier (same time as Yellow)
  • The Purple Camp will now spawn at 20s
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Duo Lane isn’t a Duo Lane
  • The goal of this change is to give the Duo Lane a big head start in safe gold and XP. It should make it much less likely that Duo Lane loses this camp to enemies at the start of the game, and it encourages two players to work together to clear it in time for minions to meet.

Health Pots will no longer stack with Health Chalice
  • Problem(s) being targeted: Invade Meta, Solo Laners can’t solo each other
  • The goal of this change is to prevent tanky gods from bullying everyone in the early game. The ability to stack double heals has helped early invaders stay alive longer to cause more trouble, and this excess healing makes Solo Laners much less likely to die early.

More Balance changes
These changes might be equally important or impactful as some of the other features here, but they don’t require as much explanation to understand. They all contribute to the problems and goals we have already stated, and can be discussed in more detail in the future.
  • The effects that all 4 jungle buffs have on players are being slightly adjusted
  • Jungle camps are getting a 10-20% increase in health and protections
  • XP Splitting change from 20% to 25%
  • Totem of Ku Rewards will be slightly adjusted
  • Blessing Adjustments
  • Gold/XP Adjustments
  • And even more!

In Season 7 we will strive to continue to improve the current Conquest map for competitive SMITE players throughout the year. The design team will be looking forward to hearing feedback from players, Olympians, and Pros. We will work together with the SMITE community to make Season 7 the best one yet! Be sure to tune into the Season 7 Update Show January 8 at 3pm ET to see these changes in game and for more in depth discussion.

We’ll see you on the Battleground!


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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 30, 2019 12:01pm | Report
Just to add to the conversation, or to your reading pleasure, posted SF's Discord chat on this subject up to the current time (12:01pm PST)

xMysterioNzToday at 10:20 AM
The state of conquest: a ****

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:20 AM
and free wards till level 12
really interesting
Health pots and health chalices don't stack
this really kills most character's potentials to compete with healers in solo

xMysterioNzToday at 10:24 AM
I always knew they would bring our Smite back, I mean, HOG

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:25 AM
they're also discussing more changes
increasing XP Splitting, adjusting blessings, totem, increasing health/prots of jungle camps
So I like HoG, Vision Shard and Jungle Shrine
Yellow buff spawning earlier just takes off the advantage of getting high-pressure early game assassins or mages

xMysterioNzToday at 10:26 AM
Also, FINALLY they will end with pots stacking with chalice

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:26 AM
cuz any late-game mage/assassin duo can finish it without prejudice to the mid

xMysterioNzToday at 10:27 AM
Making impossible kill hard tanks
Now jg can gank solos
Thanks god

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:27 AM
The Mid Harpy thing only annoys me as a support because you can't transverse through that jungle choke point

DevampiToday at 10:28 AM
I never got why you could get hpchalice and HP poths

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:28 AM
the new exp camps for duo feel interesting
but duo might start snowballing again

xMysterioNzToday at 10:28 AM
Ullr meta is back
You put pressure out farm the other adc and gg

PirateShiniToday at 10:29 AM
Might need to get rid of ghost minion from Duo to smooth it out.

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:29 AM
purple spawning earlier has the same argument as yellow spawning earlier
I feel like if the support gets HoG
since it's now a consumable
it could ease against ullr meta
but that argument is also valid to ullr and his support getting hog

DevampiToday at 10:30 AM
wait HoG as consumable?

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:30 AM
cuz it's a consumable
oh gee
Yeah new HoG is a consumable
flat amount of dmg
This consumable deals damage to all jungle monsters in a small area around you
You can only carry 1 stack of this consumable at a time
This damage effect does not damage enemy camps or jungle bosses, but it is increased by Assassin’s Blessing
The damage dealt is a flat amount that does not scale
This item costs 100g

DevampiToday at 10:30 AM
probably did it so you don;t see the triple HoG meta cvoming back

xMysterioNzToday at 10:31 AM
What I'm saying is that with that much of farm for duo, early adcs will be back on the meta, including ullr

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:31 AM
So that changes everything
HoG will be a counter to ullr meta
I think it'll encourage mid to late and late game adcs actually
think Chronos, Xbalanque
Cuz they get to level 2 for free now

xMysterioNzToday at 10:32 AM
I don't think so

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:32 AM
pretty much

xMysterioNzToday at 10:32 AM
Also, if everyone starts to get this ****, it will be quickly nerfed

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:32 AM
chronos coming to lane with his stun and his aoe hit
xbal coming to lane with poison and dash
but same goes for early adcs
neith coming with heal and 1
ullr with jump and stun

xMysterioNzToday at 10:33 AM
Ullr coming with 4 skills
I'm afraid the adcs become literally the carry

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:33 AM
but duo lane is cursed lane

xMysterioNzToday at 10:33 AM
Something like mid on early s5

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:34 AM
no one wants to play duo cuz it's boring atm
moving up the stakes a bit could be a good thing
just not overdoing it

DevampiToday at 10:34 AM

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:34 AM
If supports gets to stick with carry
instead of leaving for mid

DevampiToday at 10:34 AM

xMysterioNzToday at 10:34 AM
The problem is that Hi rez usually overdo it lol

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:34 AM
We'll see that truly supportive supports
such as sylvanus
could move back into the meta

xMysterioNzToday at 10:35 AM

DevampiToday at 10:35 AM
Now how are they gonna fix it #plsremoveshields or keep them in assault but ban it from arthur

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:35 AM
I feel like warriors/mages that can heal
will rise on solo
I'm thinking Ama mainly
cuz Ama can 1+berserkers+chalice

xMysterioNzToday at 10:36 AM
Tyr will remains S like before the nerf lol

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:36 AM
bellona can 3+berserkers+chalice
Tyr will continue to be a threat

xMysterioNzToday at 10:36 AM
Annoying af to deal with
As always

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:36 AM
But I'm thinking Chang'e will continue to be annoying to deal with
more then before
Zhong Kui as well

xMysterioNzToday at 10:36 AM
Chang'e is a pain in the a**
So prepare for nerfs on all healing gods

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:37 AM
The unstacking of potions will force the warriors with no self-healing to leave the meta or get into really janky build paths
yeah that's what concerns me

xMysterioNzToday at 10:37 AM
Soul eater meta lol

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:37 AM
I feel like shields will go back to being a core item
on every warrior
because we were seeing some diversity because of chalice-pots

xMysterioNzToday at 10:38 AM
I mean, they were not at some moment?

DevampiToday at 10:38 AM
okay true however the shields are imo just a big problem and a reason why antiheal can be considered a core pickup on solo

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:38 AM
some ppl were building true defenses or blackthorn
shields are a problem but without them warriors with no self-healing are just trash
either they do too much dmg or are too tanky
or they won't prevail if shields are heavily nerfed

DevampiToday at 10:40 AM
don;t know how I feel about the mid harpy change
also don;t know if the camp on duo is gonna help with the support rotating quickly

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:43 AM
Hi Rez said they want duo to feel like duo
not adc/support lane
so I think they want to bring duo back to somewhat S0-S2 days
when Support was just an attachment of the adc

xMysterioNzToday at 10:43 AM

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:43 AM
and would rotate but they would always come back

xMysterioNzToday at 10:44 AM
I prefer much more as now
As long as they don't bring the duo mid meta back I'm ok though

DevampiToday at 10:44 AM
prism it literaly states that current duo lane doesn't feel like the support adc lane. cause of all the rotating
maybe it will let the support return however I kinda doubt it

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:52 AM
that's the reason
I think
they want
to go back
to S0-S2
when support would stay with adc
all the time
and eventually rotate

DevampiToday at 10:53 AM
looking at most of the big changes:
HoG might seem use or might not (neutral impact)
vision shard (positive/healthy impact) free wards are used more often than wards that need to be bought LoL proved me that
Shrine for jungler. Honestly I dunno how much impact the jungle was having however normally a jungle has a considerable amount of impact if played right, which is one of the hardest things to do (gonna say neutral to harmful impact)
buff spawn (healthy impact) yay you can now help clearing it (or for duo clear it) before you lose a wave
mid camp change (neutral) gonna say this lowers the impact a bit for jungle unless he manages to get all 3 camps. for mid it is better as it removes a gank path from duo.

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:53 AM
the time when everyone hated Athena cuz she did the best possible support job of all the gods

DevampiToday at 10:54 AM
xp camps probably gonna be low impact for HR goals, maybe higher impact for the jungle. also gonna allow the duo lane to snowball when tower drops.
HP pot chalice stack healthy change

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:54 AM
Jungle impact was on a timely low
most junglers are just stealing all the buffs or focusing 1-2 lanes
While we don't view in-game footage of shrine

DevampiToday at 10:55 AM
lane camping is common and in the end the jungle still wants to stay around the strongest lane

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:55 AM
and play some matches
I'll say Shrine can be either positive or negative
neutral is... a difficult possibility
true dev, but junglers once rotate to all lanes and helped all lanes
most solo games I play I only see the jungler once in the first 20 minutes
at least my jungler
the enemy one always enjoys coming around to gank me

DevampiToday at 10:57 AM
this vid will explain a lot to you.
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Why Every LOW ELO Jungler SUCKS After LANING PHASE | Skill Capped

ThePerfectPrismToday at 10:58 AM
Dev I have two junglers on X, jungle is my 3rd most played role
I don't think I need a video explaining to me
how to be more effective after laning phase
even because my jungle game (when I have FPS) isn't bad

DevampiToday at 10:59 AM
technically most of what the video discusses is end laning phase and also explains why you may see a jungler only once in those 20 min.

Vini_sdsToday at 11:00 AM
When will they present the patch notes show?
With the official changes?

DevampiToday at 11:00 AM
best thing to do for a jungle is to help your winning lane (preferably duo) break tower and play around them instead of the losing or even lanes
(mostly since duo opens up 2 people and adc is your objective breaker. there is a big reason why mid lane becomes a triple/quadra lane

xMysterioNzToday at 11:02 AM
January 8th @Vini_sds

Vini_sdsToday at 11:03 AM
Also, @ThePerfectPrism said that “duo will be a duo lane again”

MEE6BOTToday at 11:03 AM
Well done @Vini_sds, you just advanced to level 20 !

Vini_sdsToday at 11:03 AM
Silly pris
Duo never stopped being a 2-people lane on PS4

ThePerfectPrismToday at 11:03 AM

Vini_sdsToday at 11:03 AM
I can’t remember the last time a support rotated
On my PS4 matches
Mid can rot in hell for all I care
Let me protect my beautiful boi ADC

xMysterioNzToday at 11:04 AM
Since crossplay we all noticed that

ThePerfectPrismToday at 11:04 AM
if a support doesn't rotate the other can also not rotate depending on the pressure

DevampiToday at 11:05 AM
even if another support doesn;t rotate you can still rotate. you only need an adc who is smart enough to not continue liek it was a 2v2

ThePerfectPrismToday at 11:05 AM

DevampiToday at 11:05 AM
however if you fail your rotate you kidna put yourself behind

xMysterioNzToday at 11:05 AM
The problem is get an smart adc

ThePerfectPrismToday at 11:05 AM
but a lot of pressure can be game-ruining for some adcs
that's why duo is cursed lane atm

Vini_sdsToday at 11:06 AM
My general rule is:
I only rotate if the other support does so

xMysterioNzToday at 11:06 AM
And what if the other support follow the same rule?

Vini_sdsToday at 11:06 AM
Unless I’m Athena and the solo is dying
@xMysterioNz then nobody leaves duo lol
I always have a reactive playstyle anyway
In any game I play

DevampiToday at 11:08 AM
honestly if the change does what prism described I wouldn't really mind. makes the choice to finish boots later than sov or another aura item better and changes the game slightly towards what you see in LoL which I consider a healthier support meta. since you can still decide to impact another lane by rotating but are not forced to do it
if only HR got so far that backline supports are going to be a thing (yemoja is a nice try)

StukeToday at 11:19 AM
so vison shard is just a free ward?
making loki even more useless

ThePerfectPrismToday at 11:23 AM
Now with CQ changes out of the way
I want to see the Bastet and the Magical Item Changes

StukeToday at 11:23 AM
so i can't stack healing chalice and pots anymore

ThePerfectPrismToday at 11:23 AM
because specifically talking about magical items and not damage items (as in also physical) scares me a bit

StukeToday at 11:24 AM
they better give warriors with no sustain some help then
welp the odin changes are tomorrow so lets see how they're gonna massacre my boy.

Vini_sdsToday at 11:45 AM
You can’t kill what’s already dead, Stuke

xMysterioNzToday at 11:47 AM
Don't worry Stuke, HR will bring a SS Odin after the rework
Just like Freya

Vini_sdsToday at 11:48 AM
Odin meta for 6 months????

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » December 30, 2019 12:13pm | Report
I was gonna do a quick recap but you just brought the actual convo from the discord channel. Thanks bran!

To add more to the conversation: We didn't really discuss Shrine as much we discussed other topics. Gold rewards increased by camp cleared. Variable respawn time and reward. Interesting mechanic for a jungle camp, something that hasn't been on smite before, a respawn time (for a jungle camp) that isn't specifically set. Also a reward that isn't specifically set. This feels counterproductive to the idea of "let's go against invade meta" as invading means the enemy team will get less gold (and maybe it'll even add more to your shrine). Idk I didn't really think much about that when I read it but now that I gave it a few minutes this popped into my head. Opinions?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 30, 2019 12:24pm | Report
true however it's position is quite deep in the enemy jungle, which discourages invading a lot.
I think the thing that is going to be jungler focus is mid camps and the new duo xp camps. although they are likely gonna be warded but with HoG during a wave it can be a decent move


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » December 30, 2019 12:32pm | Report
I wasn't referring to clearing the enemy shrine, as I was referring to clearing the enemy jungle camps. if you clear those (as a blue invade, a back harpy invade, a purple invade, a red invade, etc) that means the enemy will get less gold from the shrine, or if you clear the camps in the enemy territory, they'll actually proceed to help the enemy shrine get more gold?
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 30, 2019 12:45pm | Report
Personal thoughts:
  • Don't think I like the current concept of Consumable HoG. Expensive, one use, only one in inventory, and just helping clear one jungle camp and it has to be on your own side. On your own side is a good idea, so you don't just walk into enemy territory, steal one and head back, which would be stupid. But other than that, I'm not sure it's worth, just to get a few seconds ahead. It would have to be used very early in the game when clear is weak, as it becomes less functional later in the game (unless the damage against a GF/FG is substantial enough.

  • The ward relic being immediately available is both good and bad. They're really trying to stamp out that invade, and it makes things a lot safer in the early game. But it's nice that it gives people something extra in the early game, and hopefully having an immediate ward at your disposal will help to teach more people to start using them...that's the most important part of it, IMO.

  • Don't think I like the new mid-harpy pathing and the added XP camp there. The added XP camp in a general sense is fine, but don't like the loss of a path like that. Makes it seem like the mid will start becoming TOO safe, in combination with the new ward relic, etc.

  • I do like the buffs spawning earlier, and the focus on Duo staying Duo for a bit longer. I also like the added camp on that side.

  • I love the concept that Health chalice/potion won't stack anymore.

  • I think I like the new Jungle Shrine concept. To your question, Prism, I get that it potentially could continue promoting invades, but at the same time, with so many other changes to counter the invade meta, along with 3 new jungle camps (new Duo XP, added Mid XP, Jungle Shrine), I think it keeps the team busy enough that just making sure all teammates help to clear as quickly/efficiently as possible after they respawn will be functional. (that was a long sentence)

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » December 30, 2019 2:02pm | Report
Bran, just so you know, HoG will not damage Jungle Bosses, and I think it's an okay consumable for gods who are lacking in jungle clear potential (such as Aphrodite or Chang'e). I am going to try it on Aphro Solo when S7 hits just so I can see if it's worth the pickup
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » December 30, 2019 8:27pm | Report
Up next, the Odin changes.


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