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The Vigilant Update Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 26, 2019 3:25pm | Report

The Vigilant Update Notes

By: TitanIsiah | 2019/11/26

Patch scheduled to go live: December 11





When Heimdallr gains vision of an enemy god he gains Physical Power, up to a maximum of 5 gods. When an enemy god would disappear from vision (including Stealth) Heimdallr continues to see them for 4s. Heimdallr's Critical Strikes only deal 70% bonus damage.

Physical Power per Stack: 3%


1.3 / 1.3 / 1.5 swing time and Damage
7.5 ft AoE on the initial 2 hits that hit for 33% damage.


Heimdallr throws his sword, Hofuo, into the air. It shinese with brilliant light that reveals enemies within 120 ft. Heimdallr can refire this ability to call the sword down, causing it to fly to the target location and damage enemies.

Damage: 70/130/190/250/310 (+105% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
Cooldown: 14s


Heimdallr blows the Gjallarhorn for 2s, causing enemies in front of him to lose Movement and Attack Speed while taking damage every .5s. While blowing his horn Heimdallr is immune to knockups and gains bonus protections. When Heimdallr ends this cast, either through cancelling it himself or after 2s, he raises the Gjallarhorn for a final blast. This blast damages enemies and knocks them away from Heimdallr.

Damage Per Tick: 8/16/24/32/40 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Knockback Damage: 50/90/130/170/210 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Protections: 16/22/28/34/40
Slow: 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%
Slow Duration: 1.5s
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 14s


Heimdallr manifests a fragment of the Bifrost at his target location. When two fragments are placed they become linked, allowing Heimdallr to traverse the Bifrost. The greater the distance between the fragments the longer it takes to begin traversing and the longer it takes for it to be usable again. If Heimdallr places a third fragment down, the oldest fragment vanishes. Enemies that walk between two fragments are revealed to Heimdallr.

Distance Scale: 85 to 700ft
Warmup Scale: 0.5s to 3.5s
Cooldown Scale: 14s to 210/180/150/120/90s
Cost: 40
Cooldown: Variable


Heimdallr charges forward, axe ready. If Heimdallr hits an enemy god he stuns them before unleashing a devastating swing of his axe, launching his target into the sky. A Bifrost portal appears and Heimdallr sends the launched foe through the realms of Muspelheim and Niflheim before returning them back to the battleground at a random location in front of him. Muspelheim burns the enemy every .5s for 1.5s while Niflheim slows the enemy for 2.5s.

Hit Damage: 150/240/330/420/510 (+110% of your Physical Power)
Muspelheim Damage: 25/35/45/55/65 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Wall Hit Damage: 35/75/115/155/195 (+45% of your Physical Power)
Niflheim Slow: 25%
Travel Duration: 4s
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 90s



Soul Piercer Achilles
Shadow Step Mercury
Cursed Pharaoh Chest

Crystal Fae Isis

The Mighty Storm Jormungandr
Deep & Dark Chest

Witchbane Izanami

Toxic Chest

Shadow Specter Chest

Lost Soul Chest

Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change.


*Note* Various bug fixes. Please check official notes for the full list.


You will need to enable a setting manually to switch input modes.
This setting can be found at the bottom of the list on the "Controls" tab.

This will now change your HUD and allow full control of the UI with either control scheme on supported platforms.
KBM is not supported on Nintendo Switch. All other platforms can support gamepad or KBM.

Matchmaking will now be based on control scheme, not platform.
Removed the general crossplay option.
Matchmaking is KBM only or Gamepad only in Arena, Joust, Conquest in NA and EU, and Ranked modes in all regions.
All other modes/regions will match KBM and Gamepad together
Crossplay parties are allowed in all modes except Ranked, and those parties will be matched based on majority control scheme, with ties being matched against KBM players

You will not be able to use KBM while “Xbox Only” or “PS4 Only” mode is enabled. These options will force the use of gamepads. These options will also only be allowed in Normal Modes, not Ranked.
Fixed an issue with Xbox Only and PS4 Only modes matching you against players of other platforms. It should be noted that very few players use this option and it will hurt your chances of getting matches to have it enabled.


Returning Adventure: Heimdallr's Crossing!

Fafnir’s Wonderland is back–but where’s Fafnir? The Bifrost has opened and Heimdallr is taking over the show! Fight until you fall against waves of increasingly difficult PvE encounters–relive the zany enemies of yuletide past and discover new challenges. Do you have what it takes to survive Heimdallr’s Crossing?
New Quest: Play a game of Heimdallr’s Crossing and earn the “Ferocious Hen” avatar from the original event!



This item has single handedly allowed guardians like Jormungandr to dominate the solo lane. The combined stats of this item, plus the power reduction aura, makes it so that enemy warriors or ganking assassins do very little damage to the target.

Decreased Physical Power reduction Aura from 30 to 20.



Many players have claimed this destroyer of gods is unbeatable in the solo lane. Jormungandr’s win rate doesn’t necessarily point to him being OP, but his pick rate is through the roof and a large amount of solo laners struggle to out lane him. We are increasing the damage Jorm takes while debuffed from his passive to help players pick more specific counters to the big snake. He will also be heavily affected by the Jade Emperor’s Helm change.

Increased Passive Buff from 6% to 8% Physical Lifesteal and Increased Healing

Increased Vampirism Buff from 3% to 4%

Increased Range from 30 units to 45 units


Many players have claimed this destroyer of gods is unbeatable in the solo lane. Jormungandr’s win rate doesn’t necessarily point to him being OP, but his pick rate is through the roof and a large amount of solo laners struggle to out lane him. We are increasing the damage Jorm takes while debuffed from his passive to help players pick more specific counters to the big snake. He will also be heavily affected by the Jade Emperor’s Helm change.

Increased damage taken from 10% to 15% when this debuff is active


A mighty storm indeed. After his recent buffs Kukulkan’s metrics skyrocketed to be pretty clearly the winningest god in all of SMITE, across all game modes and skill levels. These buffs overperformed our expectations, so we are toning him back down slightly. Both of these changes target the exact same things we buffed, and partially revert them. This should put Kukulkan is a nice spot in between these two balance points.

Partial revert on Whirlwind application time
Increased refresh/application time from 0.25s to 0.35s
Partial revert on Whirlwind damage
Decreased Damage per tick from 10/20/30/40/50 to 9/18/27/36/45


Mage ADCs have created some interesting balance situations throughout Season 6. Olorun has been in a relatively good spot since his launch, but has risen to a slightly dangerous level recently. His early game is intended to be a bit slower to even out his devastating late game. Olorun has unique power scaling on basic attacks for Mages so he highly benefits from Base Power. This is being toned down to make Olorun’s early game less threatening, but not return it to his original state where it was nonexistent.

Decreased Base Power from 40 to 38


This hyper carry can output an insane amount of late game damage. This god was a popular pick in the placement stages of worlds and often was the game changer for his team. Set is a high skill god that does not excel in all places, so we are applying a rather small nerf to him just to mitigate his max damage potential.

Increased Cooldown from 7s to 8s


This goddess has launched at quite a low balance point yes it’s true! Yemoja is one of the lowest win-rate gods across all game modes and skill levels. Through our usual process we focused on gathering data and addressing quality of life concerns and bugs instead of quickly buffing underperforming launches. This has been our strategy all year and its led to very positive community feedback. However, now that we have enough data we have decided the goddess of rivers really does need some changes.

One of the primary dislikes about Yemoja was her build paths. Her passive forced builds to be very constrained, so 2 of her 3 Bonus Omi are being shifted to be earned through level, while only 1 requires a mana item to be built. Another issue we noticed was that players were rarely making contact with her abilities. Her offensive abilities have strange shapes and scaling sizes which makes them especially difficult to land, so both forms of ability 1 are seeing slight increases. Her healing was also lower than expected for a Goddess designed to play that role, so this is being slightly increased as well.

Yemoja will be banned on Infinite Mana Match of the Day Modes
King Arthur will also be banned in these modes

Changed objectives to earn Omi from 300/450/600 mana and MP5 to:
Bonus Omi 1: Reaching lvl 4
Bonus Omi 2: Reaching lvl 12
Bonus Omi 3: Obtaining 300 Mana/MP5 from items

Increase radius from 12 to 14

Increase min radius from 10 to 12

Increased healing from 20/40/60/80/100 to 30/55/80/105/130

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 26, 2019 3:39pm | Report
*Side Note* So...I was given the option of just creating a news post and linking to the original post on After these patch notes, I might just do that.

It took me a while just to recode and type what I did above. There was a LOT of actual retyping, because their HTML coding is absolutely inconsistent. For example, Heimdallr's "The Gjallarhorn" icon was embedded in some of the base code, rather than linking to a picture, so I couldn't pull it out of the notes. But you can see that Piercing, Bifrost, etc...I was able to actually grab those.

In any case, I'll just post some brief comments about the patch, and am going to ignore stuff like the skins. This will be a simplified version of what I have done in the past, sorry.
  • Heimdallr: Very, very interesting. Most unique hunter since Ullr. Funny they're in the same pantheon. Also, why do they not pronounce the r? Why even put it in there???

  • Mouse / Keyboard support for consoles: This is great. Too bad they couldn't have done this a long time ago.

  • Jade Emperor's Crown (nerf): Meh, never liked the item personally. I don't know why. Good it's getting a nerf XD

  • Camazotz (buffs): He definitely needed something. And the guy has true wings (not the stuff Isis attaches to her arms)...about time he had a reasonable leap distance. It was pathetic.

  • Jormungandr (nerf): This is fine...and the Jade nerf also hurts him. I don't like playing him, so this is good too, haha.

  • Kukulkan (nerf): Balancing him a bit better...that adjustment boosted him too much apparently (see the DukeSloth YouTube video talking about this)

  • Set (nerf): fairly minor, though mathematically it's a 12.5% CD adjustment. (even more minor than the Olorun base power decrease)

  • Yemoja (buffs): The change to how Omi stacks is good. I agree that having to build so much mana from items was a semi-stupid concept. Good that the Bubble and Moonstrike radii are increased. And the healing buff is okay, I think.
Well, that's the last patch before Season 7 sometime in January-ish. All in all, an okay year, I think, though my playtime has decreased significantly over the past few months.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 26, 2019 4:20pm | Report
One other detail: I'll try to get Heimdallr into the database ASAP so people can start messing with builds and whatnot. I'm not sure when that will happen...I still need full instructions on how to get the new gods, abilities, icons, etc. into the system. Just know that I'm working on it.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » December 10, 2019 4:48am | Report
uhh what's all this about crossplay changes? I wont be able to play PC ranked on controller? I hope not cause its a fun challenge for me to see how far I Can go


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » December 10, 2019 7:47am | Report
You can, but you'll be paired against other people using controller.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 10, 2019 8:06am | Report

You can, but you'll be paired against other people using controller.

Including Consoles


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » December 11, 2019 6:59am | Report
Well that sucks. Guess I gotta get over my vertigo from playing w/ KB&m XD

Update: YEAH, F this I'm out, lol... I HATE the Console layout and interaction. The controller buttons aren't even the same as it was, WTF.

I know i'm small minority but damn why they go fix something that wasn't an issue =/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 11, 2019 7:53am | Report
can't you like change the controller key mapping? I know you can for keyboard so should be an option right?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » December 11, 2019 11:56am | Report
Devampi wrote:

can't you like change the controller key mapping? I know you can for keyboard so should be an option right?

hehe you mean connect controller and do keybinding to the controller buttons? I tried that, it doesnt register :P


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 11, 2019 12:16pm | Report
Only today I realized that the Keyboard and Mouse on consoles is a completely waste if you can't create a macro laugh and spam it during games :p


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