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New monitor

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » April 4, 2018 8:02am | Report
So it's my birthday on Saturday and I am getting a new monitor from my girlfriend, but I can't decide what I want to go for. I am now using a 24" screen, this one to be exact:

AOC 24" LED G-Sync g2460Pg

I am going to look at some monitors today.

I kind of want a 32" curved monitor just for the lolz
I'm afraid it is to big though and haven't found any 1ms monitors within my budget.

Is 4ms responstime notably worse tham 1ms. I do not play a lot of fast games (smite is probably the most fast-paced game I play lol).

Or I might go for a 27" monitor with 1ms response time then of course.

Anyone tried to test the difference between 1ms and 4ms?
Anyone tested 32" curved screens?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 4, 2018 11:04am | Report
Here's a do you like G-Sync? You've already got a great 144 Hz refresh and I've heard G-Sync is great.

I have a fairly ****py's a 27" ASUS with nVidia 3D (I don't use the 3D). The 120 Hz refresh is great, but the color reproduction and dark colors are frankly gawd awful.

That said, I will never go below 120 Hz's the biggest factor for me.

I've been wanting one of those 34" curved screens for a long time. I've been keeping my eye on this one for quite a while. It's got a 5ms refresh, but I'm guessing it doesn't matter that I think 4ms is probably fine.

Do you ever check out Massdrop? They have some really good deals on some nice products. Here are some examples of current drops on monitors:

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » April 5, 2018 3:56am | Report
I think I have managed to narrow it down to these two monitors now:

27" 1440p monitor.
32" 1080p monitor.

Both monitors are 165hz and got a responstime on 1ms.

No real reviews on the 32" monitor from MSI unfortunately, except user feedback on stores.

My snobgeek friend would never go over 24" on a 1080p monitor, but I dont think I will see the 32"as pixelated tbh. So I think I will try out that one first and retur it if I notice the pixels.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » April 5, 2018 7:10pm | Report
I actually don't know too much about monitors, but this is the one I'm getting for my apartment next year. It seems your price range is a bit higher, and ik refresh rate makes a huge difference. Like damn, they look so much nicer.

If I were you and price isn't an issue I'd prob go for the Acer simply cause 32" is like mini tv way too big for me. But if you have room for a big setup and since it is pricey, I doubt the 1080p on the big screen would matter all that much.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » April 6, 2018 1:55am | Report
I went for the 32" msi monitor to begin with, got 50 days open purchase so I can get my money back if I'm not satisfied with it.

Tried it out a bit yesterday and Smite felt a tiny bit pixeled, but some other games seemed better.

The biggest problem so far is where to put empty beercans :p

Planing to get a bigger desk so the space problem isnt really a problem for long at least.

But I might send it back and get the 27" Acer instead due to the pixels. Have to play some more with it though.
The size was less of an issue than I thought it would be.
IGN: Marki

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