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Zodiac Signs

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 23, 2013 7:07am | Report
I always wondered how the hell those signs perfectly match everyone I know.
For example if I find the month of my friends and read what their traits are its literally almost 100% right.

I find it funny that my **** is almost 100% correct


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » September 24, 2013 8:31am | Report
Well, part of the reason is because they say a lot of broad terms that could describe a lot of people. Still, I know what you mean with it being eerily correct sometimes. I'm a Leo and I'm friends with 4 Aquarius. Opposites attract!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 24, 2013 8:49am | Report
Ya people have said that, but actually other signs will say things like, likes to be in relationships lovy dovy stuff, and no.... thats not me so I can say that some of the signs wouldn't match me at all.

This is something I herd.

Everyone knows back then they used the stars, planets, ect, as ways to figure things out.
Heck we really don't even know how they aligned pyramids up so well with constellations let alone some other crazy things they did back then.

But what I herd was that since our body's contain water the moon, solar system, ect has a certain gravitational pull in certain months. If I remember right I think its the moon that has effects on the tides, if I remember right the moon is what makes high tides come in and out.

So basically people have said to think that people could assume what you would be like based on what month you were born in, because I herd people believed that certain months would make you act in a certain way based on your gravitational pull with the moon, ect.

:D Well a good theory anyways,

I know that gravity plays a factor on things on earth
I know that there is magnetic energy that scientist are still trying to understand, some places in the world make your campus, ect go crazy.
I know that Pyramids are shown to bring positive energy if you stand inside one, test where done where plants would grow faster and antibiotics would be made stronger when they do weird test inside a pyramid. Basically people believe there is something about how a pyramid is build that brings magnetic energy to it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 24, 2013 12:50pm | Report
At the same time, bud, there's probably ones within your own sign that don't affect you, you just subconsciously discard them, because the rest of them do relate to you in a way.

And yeah, magnetic energy and gravity affects you physically, but not emotionally or mentally, so as that you would not be affected by it for such a short period. Remember that when you were born, there were 9 months beforehand that you had existed in more extensively, and the month you were in had no prolonged effect compared to others. Sure plants grow faster, and antibiotics are stronger - in one instance of extensive exposure. This is a controlled environment testing physical properties. You were not exposed to, say, Sagittarius conditions extensively, nor can you apply it to personality based on the results of the pyramid experiment.

Just my two cents though. It's entertaining, I'll at least give it that, But that's as far as I give credit to zodiac signs.


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