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Can someone give me some views into this hel build? :)

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Can someone give me some views into this hel build? :) 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Heltothemax » April 2, 2016 9:34am | Report
Hi guys don't know if anyone will reply to me but I need some help with itemisation. I play hel and am pretty good at her but am trying to create my own build so far it is the blue mage boots (forgot what they are called), followed by chronos pendant , rod of Asclepius, gem of isolation, doom orb (if I'm fed) and followed by either (the item with 33% magic pen and 70 magic power) (again forgot the name) or rod of tahuti. Now I will say I tend to play her more in arena and joust and I don't like building tanky as I believe hel is fast enough to hit and run and I can generally escape from most situations. (Apart from an Odin ult *shudder) . I would like some input on this if possible (no bashing XD I'm mastery 6 with hel) cheers guys


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 2, 2016 2:11pm | Report
No bashing, we're cool here. Your build seems solid. The shoes are called Shoes of Focus and they're a solid choice for her.

Oh and welcome!

Anyway, problem with her kit in Arena is that she has no escape and her abilities are mostly medium range. I'm sure you know this already.

As such, it's perhaps in your best interest to be able to get more protection as you will be focused. It'll keep you alive long enough for your teammates to help finish off any enemies. I know you don't want to build that, but that's the best I can think of...

The other item, by the way, is Obsidian Shard.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » April 2, 2016 3:04pm | Report
Heltothemax wrote:

Hi guys don't know if anyone will reply to me but I need some help with itemisation. I play hel and am pretty good at her but am trying to create my own build so far it is the blue mage boots (forgot what they are called), followed by chronos pendant , rod of Asclepius, gem of isolation, doom orb (if I'm fed) and followed by either (the item with 33% magic pen and 70 magic power) (again forgot the name) or rod of tahuti. Now I will say I tend to play her more in arena and joust and I don't like building tanky as I believe hel is fast enough to hit and run and I can generally escape from most situations. (Apart from an Odin ult *shudder) . I would like some input on this if possible (no bashing XD I'm mastery 6 with hel) cheers guys

If you need some tips and advise to play Hel, then check out my guide.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 2, 2016 8:07pm | Report
Yeah, there ya go...Stuke has an arena build (2nd tab)...quite conservative compared to your preference, so I'd suggest playing a bit with both and/or a hybrid just to see how they feel.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by gr1ndh0use » May 30, 2017 1:17pm | Report
Something I do with Hel if I really feel like I need more mobility for the match is shield of regrowth. That combos nicely with Gem of Isolation because you can 1 in dark form throw out a 2 and 3 switch to light and throw out a 2 and a couple autos after that will generally chunk or take out most squishies. finish with a 2 in light and a 3 for disengage.

Hel is my 3rd favorite God and I absolutely love her kit.

If you care for my input I usually build her Sands of Time as a must for starting and start building warlock's sash first. after that i build Rod of Asclepius then lotus crown for healing. i personally feel both are needed for her heals to be really effective. lastly i build CDR with Shoes of Focus Chronos' Pendant then ill sell Sands of Time for either Gem of Isolation or some other utility item depending on team comp


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 30, 2017 1:45pm | Report
This is a bit of a necro thread, since the previous post was over a year now in S4, yes, Shield of Regrowth is now an option for magical gods (used to have physical power in it, making it physical only).

I'd generally argue that Shield of Regrowth and Gem of Isolation isn't that great of a combo. In a somewhat similar way, that's like getting Frostalis ( Frostbound Hammer + Hastened Fatalis)...a slow + enhanced move speed. Yes, it's situationally different, but the idea is the same.

In your example build, you already have enhanced move speed with shoes + Rod of Asclepius, so I don't think I'd get Regrowth, personally. Gem seems like the better option of the two...will have more team function. Only time Regrowth might be better is if the enemy team always focuses you and your teammates don't get them off your back...but if that's the situation, you're probably screwed already.

The one thing your build is really missing is penetration. If you're just looking for survival as a group healer, sure, it can work, but then you're missing out on the damage potential she has. I'd at least throw in something like Spear of Desolation, with a consideration of Obsidian Shard if the enemy team is pretty tanky.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » May 30, 2017 5:41pm | Report
Sands of Time -> Shoes of the Magi -> Shield of Regrowth -> Spear of Desolation -> Rod of Asclepius -> Rod of Tahuti -> Sell sands for Spirit Robe is my generic build

Sands of Time:Pick up at start for cheap cdr and mana regen

Shoes of the Magi: You get cdr elsewhere and the pen goes a long way with her base damage and low base mag prots on most gods

Shield of Regrowth:2 heals for the speed, increased health, and 10% more cdr for a cheap price is nice

Spear of Desolation: cheap for the stats, lotta power, 20 pen for 30 total plus Hinder is generally fine since your not a pure damage mage. More cdr and a cdr passive which you'll proc since you're likely to be close to the fighting

Rod of Asclepius: General boosted healing things, MS is nice too, but I don't like to rush it cause you get more from other items and building up a base heal amount makes the percentage increase better

Rod of Tahuti: *insert comment about stupid mage power item here*

Sands of time sells
Spirit Robe: My general go to since mostly I get targeted and CC'd to death late game. This plus all the movement speed boosts you have generally gets you out of everything fine and can prevent a ton of damage

Mantle of Discord: I get this if the main problem is something like a Bellona or Ravana who just want to stick on you and wear you down. Generally buys enough time for another heal or two and can get you out of tough situations

Chronos Pendant: My least favorite, expensive, doesnt do anything to keep you alive to get more heals off, gives you power, and caps cdr + passive. I just think I get more out of other things


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 30, 2017 6:37pm | Report
Arena/joust build, Duo? I'm keeping with the OP's original post idea of what modes he normally plays.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » May 31, 2017 9:25am | Report
It works for pretty much all modes


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 31, 2017 10:05am | Report
Maybe I need to consider Sands of Time more often in the various modes =P

And I can't argue with your build, but figured that much move speed (3 items) would be a bit overkill...

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