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Early game significance?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Early game significance? 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by yzb25 » May 26, 2013 9:59am | Report
How significant is the early game? Really? I mean, the early game is focused around 2 long term objectives: Feed and Towers. However, both of these things have very little significance in the late game and most games don't actually have any power at all.
Honestly, the main determiner of who wins the game is who's better in team fights. Laning is a pretty pointless stalemate caused at the start of the game because no-one can tower-dive. But once people are strong enough to tower-dive, laning has barely any significance.
Don't get me wrong, in some extreme cases. The early game does play a role. I mean, there's been a few games I've seen / played where literally all the enemy towers were destroyed but the allies kept theirs so whenever the enemy won a team match they couldn't kill pheonixes due to all the towers. And I have seen games where the enemy is 10,000 feed ahead and wins with pure brute force. But most of the time, it's the team battles that determine the fate of the game.
That's probably why many people find conquest so boring, because it doesn't really get important until 20 minutes in.
(This is excluding surrenders, of course).


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mittfel » May 31, 2013 3:42am | Report
Having a good early game is probably the most efficient one there is, as you then are be able to soloing buffs and take gold fury faster and earlier.

After early game comes mid game, which requires you to keep going strong by killing both buffs and gold fury in order to keep the lead, if not, the other team will most likely catch up with you in 3-5 minutes.

Late game is all about team fights or sneak attacks. Also "Who wins the game is who is better in team fights", well that is pretty obvious isin't in a 5v5 it?

Conquest is not boring, it has, and probably forever will be, the most enjoyed game mode for every MOBA game out there. You just gotta know what it is about, which apparently you do not. It's about teamwork, which a lot of players love the most.


Posts: 27
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 1, 2013 12:36pm | Report
man late game pisses me off mainly because I like facing a 1v1 or 2v2.

I hate fighting in one damn lane 5v5 that **** is annoying for me as I feel its depended on my team now to win the game instead of myself.

Early game if I die I can blame it on myself but in team fights I get annoyed because you start having people coming your damn lane all the time when you wish they would go screw off and stay in their own lane so you can whoop your lanes ***.

But yea when I lose its pretty much always because I picked someone who sucks in a team fight or our team loses the team fights. I have no problem in the lanes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orbmaniac » June 3, 2013 9:37pm | Report
well. i usually get 1-3 kills before i go back the first time. and the feed let us win mid and late game. so a good early = a good late.
dont underestiminate the power of early game! :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » June 3, 2013 9:52pm | Report
First of all, how dare you ask this question.

Allow me to explain. Early game is the foundation for the rest of the game, obviously. Therefore, I can relate it to an actual building.

You have two things: The foundation (early game), and the materials (Gods and items). Both lead to the outcome of the game.

With the foundation, this includes farming, kills, and not much more. You're not going to Fire Giant unless you're an idiot, and you're certainly not charging the minotaur. You're killing minions, starting your core part of the build, and if possible getting kills. Kills here, in all honesty, are more important than in late game because those kills usually show that the person who got the kills will kill again, and potentially get fed (in which case they will wreck ****). That is not always the case.

Early game is where you can deduce who is going to wreck some ****. And they will...

Now, for the materials. Obviously, Gods like Artemis scale far more late game than in early game, but her early game and her build defines how well she will scale. If you have a bad build, it won't matter as much early game but it WILL late game.

In early game, base skill power is far more important.

Some Gods have completely horrifying early games, like Xbalanque. That's important too.

I hope this helps. Early game is extremely important, and if you pay attention you can almost guarantee who will win. That is not always the case because mistakes are made and some of them can cost a team the game, but sometimes, you can just tell.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orbmaniac » June 6, 2013 8:36pm | Report
what jararonatsu said.... i am just too lazy to write a wall :P
IGN: Orbmaniac
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by coldhotshot » June 7, 2013 3:05am | Report
It's not like the end of the world if your early game fails, but having a good early game is almost essential for the win. The fire giant is probably the only thing that can be a game changer, whether or not you use it as a trap or obtain the buff
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 10, 2013 1:16am | Report
In my experience the importance of early game mainly comes down to team comp and builds. On solo queues early doesn't have that much of an impact because as yzb25 teamfights make or break late game. When you are doing 5v5 premades with some kind of communication (be it TS, Skype etc) a strong early game lets your team lead the match however you want, either going for early teamfights or having a pressure on all the lanes (and everyone can afford to spam Wards). So when doing premades early game is alpha and omega, of course it is possible to do a comeback. But comebacks mostly happen because the enemy team makes a wrong decision, or just play bad together in teamfights.

As JararoNatsu pointed out a god like Artemis will scale more in the late game, than for example Arachne who depends on a strong early game to not fall completely off late game. So for a Artemis that does bad early game it will be easy to pull it back together late game, if a Arachne does bad early game she is pretty much out of the game (even a early fed Arachne, might fall of late game).

And there is a huge difference from doing bad early game and feeding!
If you die once play defensive and focus on farming (lasthitting minions etc) and staying outside of enemy range, to compensate for the gold and exp you lost when you died. If the enemy lane is zoning you (keeping you out of range for exp and gold while they just lasthit to keep the wave from pushing). Don't do anything rash, the minions will eventually come to your tower (sure you lose out on farm, but you lose more if you die). Ask for ganks to help to even the odds.
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