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Fenrir as a bruiser

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Fenrir as a bruiser 21 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vaeldyn » March 18, 2014 12:53am | Report
dasBurges wrote:

I had success with Thanatos in assault building Hide of the Urchin,Ninja Tabi, and a ton of lifesteal. Lategame, I 1v4'd the enemy team (all at 20 with full builds) and took the titan. Sadly I don't think it would work without Eye of Retaliation as a lifesteal item. And it was ***aul,t so... Ton of fun though! Also, how do you make the items into links?

Mh, full lifeleech Thanatos would be quite nice. The eye is better now than before tbh. In combination with Asi it's also quite the best damage-bruiser item imo.

I tried Fenrir late-gamebruiser (first damage, then defense) but I always ended up horribly fed (no defens items needed) or despretley underfarmed (no items needed either^^).

Btw, you have to do [ ] without the spaces between the ['s


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