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Hide of the Urchin vs Gauntlet of Thebes

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Hide of the Urchin vs Gauntlet of Thebes 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Asparow » February 19, 2018 12:48am | Report
I wonder what item should I stick to as a warrior. Gauntlet of Thebes provides a bit more sustain, def and aura for team. Hide of the Urchin provides more health + shield and boost ur AP if connected with Transcendence.
Any thoughts?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » February 19, 2018 2:14am | Report
If we just look at the two items:

Hide of the Urchin

250 health
50 magical and physical protections
250 mana
200 health shield that regens 20 helth every 3 seconds

Gauntlet of Thebes

200 health
50 magical and physical protections
15 hp5
10 magical and physical protections (aura)

Hide has more health, at level 20 it has 450 and a lot more regen when out of combat.
15 seconds will give you 100 health with Thebes that will be 45 health. But Thebes regens in combat as well and it can regen more than 200 health. So hide is better at the start of a fight and if you are able to fight, disengage and regen the shield. But Thebes is better in long fights. For Thebes to regen 200 helath you need almost 70 seconds. But it reagens real health not just a shield.
I got a hard time to decide what I like best. But Hide seems decent on solo laners for me or even jungler if you are playing warriors. I have not tried it though.

Hide has 10 less protections and Thebes has a 10 protections aura so thebes is a lot better in that regard.

All in all I would say Thebes is better for support. But Hide could be decent on frontliners like Herc, Tyr, Fenrir etc.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 19, 2018 9:08am | Report
Yeah basically that. Urchin is a personal item that works well for Gods that engage and get out... You'll get more out of the shield if it's allowed to regenerate, but it needs to be out of combat. I think it's best as a single protection item for bruisers.

Thebes is a pure support item. Aura for teammates, and needs to be stacked with minion assists only. Best example is tanky Support in Conquest. Although it doesn't have health, other common support items that go well with it will provide the health... Things like sov/heart, void stone, genjis, midgardian, witch blade, relic dagger, etc.

So Thebes is best earlier in a match, where urchin is fine mid-game.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Suavacious » February 19, 2018 7:25pm | Report
From a conquest perspective, Thebes should only be picked up on support, and solo is the only one getting Hide. That being said, getting both in other game modes is a good idea.
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