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Jade Emperor's Crown vs Sovereignity

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Jade Emperor's Crown vs Sovereignity 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » July 25, 2017 11:19am | Report
DukeSloth posted a video the other day talking about the new Jade Emperor's Crown and how it could replace Sovereignty. I was wondering what everybody's thoughts were on this? I've been using Sov on all of my supports, but if JEC is better, I'll switch to it instead. Here's the video:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 25, 2017 12:07pm | Report
Saw this too XD

I mean, there are pros and cons to both, right? Jade works better vs. basic attacks from Hunters, along with very high scaling abilities, but requires you to be close to the enemy. So back-line supports won't use it as well. Better for an aggressive god like Sobek.

Sov provides higher health and health regen, along with a bit of protection to teammates, and works better against most ability use.

I've never used Jade. But comparing to Sov may or may not be all that good. Sov is considered fairly weak right now according to many, but it's the easiest to compare it to...same type of support function.

Rather, other items like Hide of the Urchin may be more functional as the first protection item, due to the equal protections and the health/mana pools. Less "support" function, but everything is give and take.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » July 25, 2017 12:33pm | Report
Did I hear Sobek??

I didn't test Jade's yet, but I think it can be very effective (It was even bought in the SPL). I'm 99% sure that I will include it in my guide.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » July 25, 2017 12:51pm | Report
Thanks Bran. I can see Jade having a good use for aggressive guardians like Ares, Sobek, Xing Tian, Bacchus, etc., but other guardians, like Kumbhakarna, Terra, Sylvanus, etc., should probably stick with Sov.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 25, 2017 4:07pm | Report
Definitely Jade over Sov on everyone.
Still not sure about the sup build though.

But I would say:
Watcher's Gift - Rangda's Mask (now that Leonas is rip) - travelers shoes - Gauntlet of Thebes/ Jade Emperor's Crown - Gauntlet of Thebes/ Jade Emperor's Crown after that idk. :P
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » July 25, 2017 4:35pm | Report
After that, it'll depend on what god you have as a support.

If your god is more aggressive, I'd say a Void Stone is a welcomed item.

Also, in your build you should probably, if not definitely, have a Hide of the Urchin. Consider that before your first GoT or JEC, or in between the 1st and 2nd.

Stone of Binding may be a useful item for you and your lane partner(s), at least in the early game. If you pick it up, swap out one of the GoT/JEC and switch to that late game.

Current build:
Watcher's Gift -> Rangda's Mask -> Travelers shoes -> Gauntlet of Thebes -> Hide of the Urchin -> Void Stone
Sell for:...................Sell for:...................Or use:......................Or use:.........................Or use:.........................Or use:
Counter-build item.Counter-build item. Reinforced Shoes... Jade Emperor's Crown. Gauntlet of Thebes....Counter-build item
............................................................................................ Hide of the Urchin...... Jade Emperor's Crown

So, that'll be the general idea of it. 2 items for counter-building at least (e.g. extra Physical protection if enemy team is strong in Physical damage).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SwiftDeathSK » November 2, 2017 4:42am | Report
I feel like there's something important being ignored here: The HP5 aspect of sov. This is great for sustain for both the tank and the ally you are with. Jade doesn't have the added sustain. Consider that you are getting 5 HP a second just off of the aura. This might not sound like much, but consider that a multi potion gives the same amount of hp5 and the item with the highest HP5 stat in the game (Stone of Gaia without passive, OR talaria / travelers boots with passive) give the same amount of HP5 for a single user, it effectively makes you a walking permanent team-effecting potion. So the raw numbers come out to be better with Jade for damage recieved, but what isn't taken into account is you are effectively giving everyone around you an extra T3 HP5 item / multipotion worth of healing. This definitely gives sovereignty a reason to be picked up still.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » November 2, 2017 5:13am | Report
That's absolutely a valid point you've made there, SwiftDeathSK.

The only thing about this though is that this HP5 is largely irrelevant in most gamemodes, since it's a lot faster to simply recall to the fountain than waiting for the HP5 to regenerate that HP. This is even more so the case when you're facing gods that can annihilate huge amounts of HP in mere seconds. Mages with their high burst, such as Zeus, Poseidon, etc..., or hunters with high damage output on their basic attacks. Even assassins can deal a huge amount of damage. This will make the HP5 irrelevant since you can't wait around for it to heal you, as the enemy will simply take away more HP than it provides.

With this in mind, Sov's HP5 will only really come to play in the early game. Additionally, you and your team aren't constantly bunched up for everyone to benefit from this HP5, save for the Arena or Assault gamemode, or teamfights, but in teamfights we already established that the large amounts of damage that can be dished out will make the HP5 largely irrelevant.

The only time I would consider Sov to be more worthwhile to pickup over another item with more protections / health would be in Assault, or MOTDs where recalling isn't an option. Otherwise, an item with more protections / health and an aura that benefits your team more (Protection reduction for enemies, etc...) will be more relevant than sov. Thoughts?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 2, 2017 9:04am | Report
Also the hp5 aspect wasn't exactly ignored... I mentioned it in my previous comment...

@zero, I think when we discuss Jade vs Sov, we're almost exclusively talking about Conquest. I still recommend Sov in Assault. All of your other points are great and very specific reasons why Sov's sustain aspect isn't valued quite as much. Don't want to sit around waiting for your health to go up enough that you aren't in danger of being immediately killed... Easier at that point to just back in many cases. Also, most gods are getting lifesteal so they get some sustain in their own kits (not to mention specific healing abilities of some gods).

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