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Nu Wa vs Freya

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Nu Wa vs Freya 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Osirisus » January 30, 2015 3:52pm | Report
Hey guys,

Just a short question.

Looking at the tool kit and spells on Freya and Nu Wa...

What are the main differences in their tool kit, that influences how their build should also be different from each? They have a lot of similarities. The main difference is that you would like to have more CDR on Nu Wa than of Freya. Anything else?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 30, 2015 4:44pm | Report
Hey Osirisus,

Freya's kit, when her abilities are activated, is closer to an ADC-type mage. This means you'll want attack speed, power, and penetration. Normal items for Freya include Demonic Grip, Hastened Fatalis, Telkhines Ring, and Shoes of the Magi for that function. Past those, lifesteal items like Bancroft's Talon or Polynomicon (or Divine Ruin against enemy healers, and of course Rod of Tahuti and Obsidian Shard or Spear of the Magus to do as much damage as possible. Her most functional attack comes when you activate both her 1 and 2 abilities, giving you some great damage at range (again, very similar to an ADC/hunter.

Since Freya's #2 has a slow built in, you wouldn't necessarily need an item like Gem of Isolation. But, that might be an item you would consider on Nu Wa, though she also has a bit of control/stun in her #3. If you can catch enemies in her Mysterious Fog, it would be more functional there. You'd build her pretty much like a standard mage... Chronos' Pendant perhaps, a bit of lifesteal, Shoes of the Magi, Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti, and depending who you're up against, a more utility-type item like Magi's Blessing, since her escape isn't the greatest. Her Clay Soldiers act like Arachne's stupid little spiders, but don't need to be a pinch, they can be used to tank the damage from objectives.

I THINK I'm pretty accurate here, that's at least how I would build them. But there are other key stacking items you might consider in Conquest...I mostly play Assault, where stacking items are banned.

So, their kits totally play differently. Freya is a popular jungler role for her good burst potential in combination with her ult, which gives her good mobility, or perhaps as a magical ADC in duo with a physical support, while Nu Wa is mostly mid-lane, I think.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » January 31, 2015 7:51am | Report
yeah bran your mostly right Freya uses an AA based build (like Chronos) and Nu Wa will go more to a normal mid mage build.


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