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Team Comps?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Team Comps? 18 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spectram6 » September 10, 2012 4:25pm | Report
So I've played SMITE for what I would consider "post-noobism" where I understand the mechanics, just not individual gods or compositions. What I am wondering now is what makes a good team composition. obviously, the basic would be kali, wukong, ashe, ra, and ymir, but is there an alternate combination that's fairly decent? Such as perhaps Arachne, AO Kuang, Ymir, Anhur, and Sobek, for a CC/control team?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Westighouse » September 10, 2012 4:35pm | Report
Right now it does not matter who you play, win right lane take jungle and snowball to victory. The side jungle is just super powerful and is unbalanced.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spectram6 » September 10, 2012 5:16pm | Report
Well let's assume they even out the jungle so that each team has an equal chance in it. What team comp would best allow for control of the map? I can see Arachne for jungle since she has built in wards, and excellent speed. Who then would make up the lanes? AO Kuang since he is good at pushing, allowing the line of scrimmage to move forward, putting more jungle in his favor?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Westighouse » September 10, 2012 5:26pm | Report
Spectram6 wrote:

Well let's assume they even out the jungle so that each team has an equal chance in it. What team comp would best allow for control of the map? I can see Arachne for jungle since she has built in wards, and excellent speed. Who then would make up the lanes? AO Kuang since he is good at pushing, allowing the line of scrimmage to move forward, putting more jungle in his favor?

Allright just taking it steps so I dont miss anything :P

The jungle is perfect and not a single person can complain about it setting.
What team would be the best team?
You mention Arachne and if we are setting things up to be fair she will be a terrible god (If her kits is the same) because her eggs should not be able to see wards and I see that being changed at one point. She is decent early game but once a tower drops and roaming starts she falls off to much and is of no help in a team fight. I think you should ignore her as a god and just not take her.
Au Kuang is a bit to squishy and he pretty much just stalemates a lane. He is really only good in team fights if ignored and pushing creep waves. I think he would be better in mid for stalemating the lane and letting an outer lane do the early game pushing. His kit I find just not that good overall for a lane personally.
What it comes down to is what god YOU are comfortable with and if you are able to aim. If you can out play the other team and remember when CDs will be ready.
I think you are looking for an answer that can not be given. I think what you are looking for is "Take A B C D E gods and you win the game" and with Smite it is just not that simple.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spectram6 » September 10, 2012 6:30pm | Report
Sort of. What combination of gods has a higher chance of winning their respective lanes when put on the same team? Like if Ymir and Artemis lane together, they have a decent amount of CC or zoning potential and therefore have a decent chance at winning the lane (keeping their opponents from cs). This is what I would want to do with the whole team. Competitive players don't just pick random gods they are good with (though being good with the god helps), they think out who they want in each lane and why. This is what I want to discuss.
So if AO Kuang is only good for stalemating the lane, what about putting him on a CC team, where he controls movespeed across a team fight. I saw in a guide here on Smitefire where his tornadoes are used to block off a route or slow enemies traveling through one. then he also has a movespeed buff for himself that might help him control positioning.
Arachne's eggs, while not as potent, can still help to keep tabs on where the enemy jungler is as miniwards. The she also has a slow that could be used in conjunction with AO Kuang's tornado that might put some hurt on.
Then add Ymir's ult that slows and deals damage, the opponents would not be able to escape any of the skills. Or perhaps a Wukong ult to ensure easy landings on Arachne's Ult or Artemis and Arachne both ult to chainstun someone and ensure a kill in an outerlane.
This is what I mean, discussing combinations of Gods who have a higher chance of getting a kill when played together.

Edit: By the way, I do not mean that I'm looking for a definitive team that will dominate and never lose. I understand that in the end it comes down to player skill. But if the opponent has, say, Ymir on their team, a god that cannot be slowed would be unaffected by a lot of why Ymir is picked. Sure his wall would still be relatively effective, but without an ult or a slow to follow it up, Ymir then has a struggle to kill this god that cannot be slowed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Westighouse » September 10, 2012 6:36pm | Report
That just isnt how this game is played tho. You dont care about the kills as kills dont win games at all. Sorry to say it but, you can random pick gods you are good with and be 100% fine in the lane honestly.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spectram6 » September 10, 2012 7:19pm | Report

That just isnt how this game is played tho. You dont care about the kills as kills dont win games at all. Sorry to say it but, you can random pick gods you are good with and be 100% fine in the lane honestly.

Why do you think random picking gods will be fine in lane? Why do kills not matter? they provide gold, which leads to better items, and therefore better stats. That helps to deal more damage to minions and turrets. In every other moba, kills=gold= more likely to win. why is that different in Smite?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Westighouse » September 10, 2012 7:29pm | Report
Spectram6 wrote:

Why do you think random picking gods will be fine in lane? Why do kills not matter? they provide gold, which leads to better items, and therefore better stats. That helps to deal more damage to minions and turrets. In every other moba, kills=gold= more likely to win. why is that different in Smite?

I do not know about Dota or Hon but I know in LoL and smite what wins the game is out farming the other lane and running into the jungle for buffs. You can win a game with 0 kills as long as you take towers faster. I have won many games with 0 kills a very few deaths. You kill a god twice and they are worth less gold than before but you drop that tower and get jungle buffs you get a ton more gold and xp + buff. Kills just speed up a game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spectram6 » September 10, 2012 7:41pm | Report

I do not know about Dota or Hon but I know in LoL and smite what wins the game is out farming the other lane and running into the jungle for buffs. You can win a game with 0 kills as long as you take towers faster. I have won many games with 0 kills a very few deaths. You kill a god twice and they are worth less gold than before but you drop that tower and get jungle buffs you get a ton more gold and xp + buff. Kills just speed up a game.

So why wouldnt you want to speed up the game and get a little extra gold? it puts the other team at a disadvantage because you now have that much more gold, as well as giving you the extra time to get the tower.
CS makes up most of the money, yes, but you cant get much farther than an opponent based on cs alone.. And sure you can out cs your opponent, but how can you rely on that alone every game? If you're behind by 20 cs and you need to catch up, getting a kill can do that. If you're even with your opponent, getting a kill can get you ahead. And since getting ahead is how you win, getting kills is important too.
Of course, you cant rely on kills alone, i know, but a team certainly cannot win against a team without killing one of them atleast once. As for winning a game without kills, and a few deaths, you cant tell me that you went a whole game without a kill or assist. Supports and tanks go through the game aiming for assists, but the assist is still extra money gained from an opponent's death, which is what I'm aiming to make easier in a team comp.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Westighouse » September 10, 2012 7:46pm | Report
Play on a competitive team at higher elo settings and you will see that on the first kill in right lane you won the game. Because you are able to take the jungle and be a good 4-5 levels higher than the other team. XP does not scale so a kill will get you gold but the same XP as if they had killed you. When they are 4-5 levels higher than you, you are forced to play passive and they can take your tower and then roam into another lane to take that tower. They just keep pushing the towers and taking jungle buffs to keep pushing that lane faster. Killing you doesnt win the game, pushing your lane playing smart and taking jungle buffs wins you the game. That is just how its played in ranked and team comp games. I personally watch 3 different teams and they only kill if the other team is way out of position or they need to take jungle buffs. The rest of the time is pushing lanes untill they are forced to fight.

They never really play the same god ever. All of them play different ones each game and still end up with the same outcome. You just play what god you like.


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