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Westighouse's Blog
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November 19, 2012

My guide on Ares

Views: 2600 Westighouse
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I have archived this guide as with the new changes to his 2 and his ult I feel as tho he is no longer a viable god to play. I will further test him and see if that is changed but I just dont see him being played anymore.

The guide can still be looked at through my profile, but if you try to search for it you will not find it.

I just wanted to thank everyone that looked it over, up voted it and posted comments and feedback about it. Was a really fun god and a really fun guide to make. I shall be playing Bacchus soon and making a guide of him after the inital wave of know it alls post theirs.

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November 05, 2012


Views: 2286 Westighouse
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A few games I have had were it was not even a full team. No we didnt have leavers, we simply just never had teamates. The gamew just simply gave us 1 or 2 other people and said, have fun with tshi 5v2 or 5v3. That is ******** to have to go through.

I have seen 0-8 bakas. I even had a 0-13 Ra in mid that fed only mid never once get ganked all before the 10 min mark. I seriously didnt even know that was possible.
All of this has been frustrating beyond limits as well as the inability to synch times with people to play as a team to actually see what the victory screen looks like for once.

All of this is a never ending cycle and Im on the verge of just uninstalling Smite and going back to LoL. There is actually less bad players there than in Smite once you win a few games of ranked. As well as not having to solo queue and hope to god 4 people dont have downs.

Writing has always been a release for myself and helps clear ones mind. So yes this is a QQ post but hey I know everyone else fee…
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October 21, 2012

Best, glitch, ever

Views: 2172 Westighouse
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Go play Ares like I just did and follow my acts exactly.
Ready for an instant win and unofficial penta kill?
Alright ladies here it is.

*Back flash animation and the silly music as I stare off into the sky*

Left lane, Ares and Art with an agressive jungle Arachne. Running the lane and I get level 5. My ult is ready, time to feed some kills to my team.
Uh oh, we are winning so hard they set the entire team over to kill us!
We are close to the tower, I wonder...
Run up, 2...into ult...BAM all 5 caught without beads!
Turn and drag them to tower....OHHHH MAN this is going to be amazing! Someone is getting a penta or atleast a triple for SURE!
Hits the ground...I mean...fall through the ground....uhhhh.....UHHHHHH.....WWWWUUUUUUUTTTTTT
Yanks the chains.
Oh looks, entire team is now under the world with me unable to move or attack or B. We are stuck in limbo!
Penta kill at level 5 for Ares? Yup
Win the game? Yup

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September 23, 2012


Views: 2283 Westighouse
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Another story but a quick one today.

Went to the gas station a block up from me and these kids ask if I can buy them cigs. I ask for ID and they all go we dont have em on us, left em at the house. I then said, so you want me to buy you them and they all said yes. I laughed and said you should prolly not ask an off duty cop these types of questions. If only I was a cop.

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September 21, 2012


Views: 1707 Westighouse
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So I figure since I intend on being around some I should give out the funny things that seem to just fall into my lap. I promise that all stories and all details unless needing to be changed to protect someone or something, shall all be 100% truth and accurate. I say that because, well, this first one that we are starting off with is a bit hard to believe.

I had to go to court this morning for a crime that was committed by myself. Nothing serious and no one was killed or anything pretty simple stupid stuff. Anyway, I got there and was called up and the judge asked me if I was there to face charges or change his oil. You see I just threw on jeans, nice looking jeans, but jeans none the less. I said "Im sorry sir?" But ALMOST had that "The **** you just say to me" tone. He repeats it and I say back, well I can change your oil but that means you dropping all charges. He laughs, yes thats right folks he laughed. THIS was his downfall as I knew that this could be good for me.

He reads me …
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