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xMysterioNz Tier List - How good is this god?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » xMysterioNz Tier List - How good is this god? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2019 7:04am | Report

Hello gods and goddesses

I'm here to bring to you today my tier list that answers this question:

How good is this god?

I got all smite gods and made a Tier list, listing which one is better and which one isn't that good right now to you get on your daily matches, so you, new player or experienced player can choose the best god to get a win, getting some extra points to climb elos :v!!!

But before do it, I want to tell you some stuffs:
  • This isn't a community tier list which means that it will ALWAYS show my personal preference, however, I'm open to change it if you want and give me good explains to do so.

  • This tier list is FOR CONQUEST ONLY. The tier list may vary in other modes, but this were made thinking about conquest.

  • This tier list was made thinking about the god MAIN ROLE only. Some people consider flexibility to up a tier or 2. I don't do it.

  • This list is for conquest ranked/casual only. Some YouTubers (usually proplayers) may do different lists based on their experience and reality, something that may be far away from the reality you will face on your Smite, so my objective is create a tier list closer to daily reality.

  • If you have any doubt about why is this god that tier, just ask in the comments and I will answer. If you don't agree we can discuss about it and I may even finish changing his tier...Or not.

  • I intend keep this updated but you know guys, I also have a life so, please be patient and I will update this as sooner as I can.

  • For last, just because a God is D or C that doesn't mean you can't have a good match either if he is S or S+ that doesn't mean you will have a good match. There are a lot of players with different knowledge about the game and so many variables in game that may end in a victory or defeat, so avoid being salty like "I always go Loki solo and end like 50/0/5 so your tier list is wrong".

Here's the Tier list:

the tier list (v1.0)



Gods you can fit at any comp at anytime and they will carry because they are broken af.


Very good gods that can easily carry a match and do their role winning almost any matchup. They are almost flawless right now.


Same as S+ but a bit less good.


Gods that are general good picks for most situations providing strong good stuffs for the most part of the situations and comps with just some minor flaws.


Gods considered balanced. Not strong, not weak. Doesn't over perform but also doesn't under perform.


Gods that tend to be a bit weak for most scenarios and are only very good in the hand of masters or to counter specific situations.


Gods that are a bit weak overall. They tend to have major flaws that can be really annoying to deal with + your enemy can really abuse of these flaws.


Weak Gods. Not recommended at all unless you are playing a casual for fun


Gods not worth the pick or they don't have any relevant abilities for their role. That or they're too weak and/or other gods do exactly the same thing but better.

New Gods:

Gods I haven't played enough to know which tier they should go.




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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 29, 2019 12:22pm | Report
Hey Myst, one thing you might add or / ranked level tier lists are skewed partially for god flexibility (can be switched to a different role based on enemy counter-picks), etc.

You might want to clarify if this tier list is applicable to ranked with that consideration, or just casual Conquest in general.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 29, 2019 2:17pm | Report
Gods that doesn't worth pick. Or they don't have absolutely nothing really relevant, or they are too weak/other god do exactly the same thing but better.

Gods not worth the pick or they don't have any relevant abilities for their role. That or they're too weak and/or other gods do exactly...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2019 2:35pm | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Gods not worth the pick or they don't have any relevant abilities for their role. That or they're too weak and/or other gods do exactly...

Is this a correction or something like that?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2019 2:36pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Hey Myst, one thing you might add or / ranked level tier lists are skewed partially for god flexibility (can be switched to a different role based on enemy counter-picks), etc.

You might want to clarify if this tier list is applicable to ranked with that consideration, or just casual Conquest in general.

Gonna do it right now, thanks for the reminder. I thought I had already written it.

You all could also comment if you liked or not the tier list :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 29, 2019 2:38pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Is this a correction or something like that?

Yes. I was too lazy to pm you. :P

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2019 2:41pm | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Yes. I was too lazy to pm you. :P

What a shame :p

Edit: Done. Anything else?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 29, 2019 4:53pm | Report
Nothing that stood out. I don't have any suggestions for the placements aside from maybe Skadi being a tier too high. Is she really S+ and not S?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 29, 2019 5:00pm | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Nothing that stood out. I don't have any suggestions for the placements aside from maybe Skadi being a tier too high. Is she really S+ and not S?

She is between both tiers but, her damage and kaldr and especially that f*cking Ice makes me think she still S+.

Maybe I'm letting my hate for her guide my thoughts...maybe, but I'm pretty sure I right :v


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 29, 2019 5:30pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

You all could also comment if you liked or not the tier list :p

I'm not going to argue your tier list at this point. 1, I've been way busy at work. 2, you've been playing a ton more than me, and so I'm not going to argue your judgment in general.

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