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Creates the ability to stand back and just chuck autos.
Level your 2nd ability for damage against gods, clearing is ALOT better if you level your 1st ability though.
Tap each threat level to view Charybdis’s threats
My favorite way to play Charybdis is to stand back and let teammates peel for me. As for any hunter, a good support to peel is a synergy. With Charybdis a good peel just creates the opportunity of more auto attacks connecting with the enemy. This build focuses on her basic attacks heavily. Specifically her 3rd auto of her auto attack chain, she shoots 3 kunai knifes instead of one. With a certain amount of attack speed, she gains a huge amount of potential due to her being able to release another auto before all 3 hit a target. She is an amazing hunter late game due to the amount of autos she can throw out.
Death's Toll gives Charybdis the ability of being self sustainable. On every auto attack she hits she restores 2 health (+.04%) and 1 mana (+ 1%). With her huge amount of auto attacks you can dish out, she benefits from this item more than most hunters. It also heals on every enemy hit with her 1st ability.
Building Dominance gives 55 physical power 15% attack speed, and 20$ physical penetration on auto attacks (from the passive). This greatly helps her damage towards tanks during all stages of the game. It also gives more sustainability from the 200 mana and 20 mp5 you gain.
As mid game creeps up, Death's Toll alone is not enough to out heal most damage. This is where we include Asi into the build. Asi's passive is the best part of this item, it gives 20% physical lifesteal on TOP of the 20% it also gives you as a base stat. This on top of the heal you get from Death's Toll is crazy. The ability to live longer, and fight longer is an easier path due to this item. Asi also gives an additional 50 physical power and 20% attack speed as a base stat, increasing the heal again as more autos will be unleased.
Because of Qin's Sais being able to proc on all of her autos (even the extra two on the third auto), the amount of damage is just off the charts. Qin's base stats are 40 physical power and 25% attack speed. The real reason this item is meta is because of its passive. In the hypothetical situation that a tank builds more than 2750 health, EACH auto attack will deal an additional 165 damage.
Adding critical strike chance into the build doubles her damage and lifesteal. Rage and Deathbringer are the two perfect items because they give power and critical chance. You gain a total of 85 power, and 75% critical strike chance. Although they lack attack speed, its made up for by her passive and the previous items. Due to this build being mainly auto attack based, use her second ability to slow the enemy's. She is an amazing hunter late game due to the amount of autos she can dish out.
Upgrading Death's Toll into Death's Embrace is where Charybdis' true colors are reveled. Death's Embrace gives 65 physical power and restores 2% of your health and mana. Considering her auto attack chain releases 5 autos every 1.3 seconds, it'll take 12 seconds (50 auto attacks) to heal from 1 health to full (this is without the added of natural regeneration, lifesteal, and other players healing you). This item is the perfect cherry on top of this build. Until Death's Temper is built play careful and collapse on peels. Considering you can't build Death's Temper until late game, sit back and poke.
If you don't want to build critical strike chance on this build then you can replace the two items with Griffinwing Earrings or The ferocious Executioner. Griffinwing makes your auto attacks travel 40% quicker. This means it harder to dodge and easier to hit. Then with the added Executioner, the penetration you receive is incredible. Within 3 seconds, 10 autos will have been released. This will max out the Executioner and just nails.
Auto attacks will be healing you more than any healer could with this build. Adding critical strike chance also doubles the amount of lifesteal you gain from autos.
Possible Situation -
When engaging into a fight against the enemy god Hou Yi, always be aware of your surroundings. Look for nearby enemy's and teammates who could possible peel for you or peel you. Engage, (due to this build being mainly auto attack based) use her 2nd ability to slow and damage the enemy. After the slow is hit release an auto chain while moving. If the enemy decides to fight back just keep backing up and juking while also releasing autos. Make sure to time them properly and dodge the enemies ability's / autos. I then take this situation into view, the enemy has used his jump to run. I could either use my 3rd ability to dive or my ultimate ability to stun. Saving the 3rd ability is smart, use it's immunity to get out of any sticky situations. Once I've caught up to him, it's time to just start throwing hands. The damage is incredible, like no other. With only THREE auto chains he was out cold.
She is an amazing hunter late game due to the amount of autos she can dish out. She is overpowered in arena because of how grouped with teammates you can be.
Tanks become scared, the fear they endure is the reason I love this god. They try to cc you but before anything hard is unleashed, they have lost 1/3 of their hp. Even after the stun hits you, an instant purification creates the optimal situation to either run for your life, or turn around and spray. Just don't let up, there is no way they have an infinite amount of hp. Become scared when more than one tank arrives though. It is the end if you're alone. If you have backup keep spraying. War never changes, it's the strong who survive. This build is the definition of a bazooka (tank destroyer).
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But it's easier if you simply skip crits (it can be countered with
both suggetions are thinking about melt tanks.