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A Weapon for Every Occasion - A Bellona Build

1 1 12,962
by professorlatency updated February 27, 2015

Smite God: Bellona

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Bellona Build


Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi


Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow

Recommended beyond core

Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Asi Asi


Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods
Build Item Aegis Pendant Aegis Pendant
Build Item Greater Aegis Greater Aegis


This is my first build so it's probably pretty bad and I'm bad at Smite so it fits!

This Bellona build focuses on Attack Speed nearly above else, with (if you choose to) enfeebling curse and frostbound hammer for slows. After toying around with a few different ideas since I'm new to Smite and MOBAs I came to the conclusion that life steal and attack power builds don't seem to pack the punch Bellona needs, so attack power it is.


After going with Warrior Tabi for the first half dozen games or so I noticed that the extra Attack Power was not making much of a difference in the early game, and decided to go with Ninja Tabi for the increased Attack Speed for a small trade off in Attack Power.

Following it up with Winged Blade, building on the Attack Speed that you get from Ninja Tabi, as well as CDR and movement speed.

The 'Core' and 'Recommended beyond Core' items are what my items comprise of, once again, focusing on attack speed Attack Speed above everything else with Frostbound Hammer to throw in some Attack Power, as well as the passive movement/attack speed slow on hit, as Attack Speed is nearly capped out with the build.

The only thing I don't do with this build, is Conquest as I'm not a fan (and Assault because, well, that's ARAM or whatever that stands for). Everything else; Arena, Siege, Joust this build seems to work out very well.

The Actives is a little more up to you, the player, or just whatever comp you're facing. My go to is Enfeebling with the second slot up to personal preference, with either Divine item (for things like Anubis), or Fist of the Gods for in general stuns and/or minion killing. Beads are obviously always a good choice because CC is the murderer when it comes to characters, and Bellona is absolutely no exception to that.

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professorlatency | February 28, 2015 11:31am
I'll give that a look later! The only reason I'd gone for Odysseus Bow is because Attack Speed was the name of the game for me since I had a goal to see how everything worked with everything having that high Attack Speed.

Nearly maxed out speed with the scourge is good, but it's even better with sword/shield which feels like it offers the protection I think that I need, with the ability to box with other Gods and have no issue most of the time.
Estidien (30) | February 28, 2015 9:03am
I can't say I have much to say other than what Angrytoast already pointed out. Odysseus' Bow isn't good for bellona. and picking up an item like Witchblade would be a good thing to think about.
_angrytoast (14) | February 28, 2015 6:39am
Odysseus Bow is definitely not a good pick up on Bellona. As for the rest of your build it looks OK, although personally I would make some changes (I would add more defense items such as Witchblade). Might want to have another look at this one.
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A Weapon for Every Occasion - A Bellona Build
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