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You won't really have any problems with mana because of Domination. You can decide yourself if you wanna jump right into Domination, or just into Ninja tabi based on how much money you have when you back.
Depnding on what you're fighting, get beads if you just want that safety, or blink if you're feeling more aggressive, but remember, Artemis is really not an early game hunter, so beads is usually the safest bet
Remember to buy wards whenever, vision is key always, but espesially with Artemis because of her bad early and mid game.
Last thing you wanna do is get ganked and die a lot
With ornate arrow you'll be able to get your damage potions way faster in the game. It also gives +20% crit and +25% attack speed fully stacked at 2500 gold, which isn't hard to get to late game with +20% overall gold gain.
Dominance is just the best hunter item in the game right now, I thought artemis had a mana problem before, but that's just nonexistant with dominance.
Asi is really nice early pen, attack speed, and lifesteal. Just an overall solid item
Rage is just the best starter crit item imo, it's not too expensive and even gains +15% crit chance when you've gotten 5 kills and assists.
Wind deamon getting that 5% extra crit for season 8 made me like it a lot more, and with rage its super easy to prock its passive, making your overall %pen to 30%
Deathbringer adds that extra crit making you have a 90% crit rate, and 100% with 1300 gold in your bank for ornate arrow.
500 and 3k potion is just no brainters for any build really.
You can choose either asi or exe, i prefer asi because of the lifesteal, but I've had a lot of success with exe too if you have a lot of sustain on your team.
Also if you get 20 early just rush ornate arrow, you'll get a lot more gold with that fast anyways.
And because of that, wait until you have like 3.5k gold before getting speed pot and exe, since you'll get the most out of ornate arrow.
Your 3 will be the main wave clear, remember it also slows enemies, and people often underestimate how much damage it can do and overstay their welcome. Them being slowed also works with your passive, so you just deal more damage in general.
Your 1 is a trap, but i and many others usually use it mostly offensively, since it is a long root at the end of the day. You'll get more damage on them since they're stationary, and deal more damage from the passive, the damage is so low it dosn't really add anything other then CC, so it's low priority on upgrading.
Your 2 will be your main damage source, but also your only escape. It just boosts your attack speed, along with her basic attack level scaling being based on attack speed, she's one of the quickest shots in the game imo. But it is also able to clence slows and gives you movement speed, so sometimes you want to hold onto it to run away. Or you can just use it to towards the enemy to get in damage faster.
If an enemy is just running straight for you, you can put a trap under you and just run off pretty easily.
Your 4 will be a pretty big damage dealer, but the best thing about it is auto aim crowd control.
If a bunch of enemies are nearby and you need to escape, you can ult, and your hog will make escaping way easier. You will aslo be immune to crowd control effects while in your ult animation.
But if you're able to attack, you can quickly root someone who has been stunned by your ult, and basically get a free kill.
Blinking in and ulting, then putting a trap on somoene and bursting them is what i'd say is the most effective use.
But if an enemy is under a tower or something or is really low, you're also able to chain it off another enemy to try getting a kill.
Your passive is that you just overall deal more damage to people with a crowd control effect on them. 15% for enemy gods, and 30% to minions. It's like the passive of Runeforged hammer, and that stacks with it too.
Every ability except for Artimes' 2 procks her passive.
Tap each threat level to view Artemis’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Artemis’s synergies
You'll most likely lose lane, and tower relatively early.
Remember to ward around so you're aware of ganks, and help your team in mid if there's a battle.
Artemis' ult is a very nice addition to a team fight. And it will help you not falling behind if you're unable farm too much with the either kills or assists.
Take farm in the jungle while you can, what you want most is getting as much gold as possible eas early as possible.
If your support stays in lane with you instead of roaming after like 5 minutes, remember to tell them, because sharing farm all game with someone is a definite way to get behind.
If your support says things like "Artemis play more aggressive, we're full hp" Remember to respect the enemy team, espesially if they are levels ahead or have a lot of CC, an Ymir for example is something you dont really want to run right into.
As I've said several times, early game Artemis is very rough, but once you get going, you'll really get going.
If there's anything you want me to add, just ask ^^
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I found myself to be dealing more damage and have more cooldown with a build like this:
Wind demon
Cause lets face it; you're picking Artemis only because of her ultimate. It is her bread and butter so it makes sense to at least have the ultimate on a lower cooldown. Your build provides no cooldown reduction and that's why I don't think your build is optimal for Artemis.
Wind Demon
That means you could skip Devo's, and go right into Dom, which has some pretty good MP5. Although
Like even in big team fights, i've been able to immune some CC stuff, and if you manage to juke for long enough so you can blink out to safety.
So i feel on Artemis it's very situational, like if you're up against zeus i'd say maybe take Aegis over Beads even.
And the "espesially if someone is peeling for you" part, i'd say blink works even better in a situation like that. If you get peeled you have a smaller chance of getting hit, making it easier to blink out. Together with being able to ult people chasing you, stunning them for just enough so you can run a bit and blink out.