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Hi, Anubis is one the gods that can be the biggest pain in the butt and dash out the most damage that i've seen in a long time. He is just astounding when it comes to cc, player saving, and player killing. He can slay, defend, push, save. Anything other than tanking a tower he can do, One of your teammates is about to die and they run into the jungle where you are and someones chasing them? Stun + Grasping hands and your lead just got a whole lot bigger, if you're even lucky you may be able to score a kill if the other person is feeling dangerous. This guide is mostly focused on Focus for you stealing of magic and physical protections and for the slow and stun time on your abilities. If played correctly you can easily just keep dashing out damage and slows. In team fights you can easily melt a phys carry with stun + ult then turn around dish out more damage and then stun people on the enemy team if they are close to kill your teammates. Ill show you how here.
- Mummify is one of the best stuns in the game (1.5 seconds off the bat)
- Great CC and has a CC reduction passive (30%)
- Massive Damage
- Good support due to the slow and stun and magical and physical stealing.
- With the right build, insanely short abilities due to CDR
- Very squishy
- Without some Mp5 in the beginning can be mana hungry
- Takes some skill to consistently hit his stun.
- Either you kill or be killed in a battle, because they know you will dish out major damage so either you kill them first before they use their abilities or you will die very quickly without helping your team. Ive seen so many Anubises either go super positive because they knew this, or super negative because they thought they could withstand any onslaught from anyone and live. They were wrong.
If you choose to play anubis in a Ranked game then i would advise going to mid if there is another mage caster, If played well you can consistantly keep them tower hugging or if you keep trying to get ganked you can make them feel like theyre superior then you can nuke them or you can nuke them while a teammate ganks, but you cannont be reckless with anubis. Either you kill the other person in the first 15 seconds or there is a very large chance you will be dead. The fights that i have come out of have been either i have almost nearly full health, or i was super lucky with very low health, there was no inbetween. While playing ranked always assume the person youre facing will hit all their abilities so plan accordingly. If they see you keep missing your stun then they will assume that you will again and again and they will push you hard.
This Passive is, I think, one of the best in the game. It steals Magical and Physical protection, Steals it. It doesnt just get rid of it, it takes it from them and gives it to you. Awesome. Plus is gives you a 30% CDR to all enemies abilities. That enemy ymir is annoying? Well now hes 30% less annoying.
Nothing too much to say about this ability except the damage output, if your ult is on CD then id advise going stun + grasping hands + plague of locusts. For the max damage, id also do that order if i was clearing a buff camp. You can also use this ability if you stand in the middle of the enemy minions, you can hit all of them. I would seriously advise not putting a point into this first and using it in any lane at point where there is a god nearby, or lets say 2 gods. Ive faced several anubises that think they can get this ability first and go to my minions and kill them all and push me to my tower. Fact? I stand in the range just for 1 seconds to let it hit me, and my minions tear you to shreds, anubises that do this I have almost always gotten first blood. DO NOT DO IT. I mean unless you want to give me a free kill, if so then go ahead. I max this third.
This stun is awesome, putting 1 point into it at level 2 is the best. At level 1 it gives you a 1.5 Second stun, after you put 1 point into this ability, DO NOT PUT ANOTHER ONE UNTIL YOU HAVE TO. You dont gain anything from putting more than 1 point into it, but you have to, to get your ult. This is your initiating ability and saving a teammate ability, lead the player, do not aim where they were. With focus it can get up to 2.5 seconds. I max this last
I put a point into this first, this is your bread and butter with anubis. This helps clear minions waves, to harass enemies, and gives you good CC. If theres ever a melee god attacking your minions, just drop this on top of your minions and their minions to harass them. This can also help to catch up to a fleeing enemy god due to the slow. I max this second.
This ult is just amazing, first point into it if you hit all of them you can do 700 damage, thats amazing. Plus it has a very long range, and the CD reduces every time you level it up. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Its just fantastic damage, do not hesitate to use this. It has a pretty short CD and can easily take down a tank and melt a carry. I max this first.
Usually when i play anubis i go a pretty simple build that helps with focus and slows and gives me great Cooldown reduction to spam his abilities.
First i goFor the mp5 and later on the 25% CDR, i like this item, but of course you can always go mage boots or reinforced boots for your prefrence. I also get this due to the 30 focus that can help with stun duration and for grasping hands CC
Second i usually getAgain for the 15% CDR (i know that CDR stops at i think 35% CDR, but i like these boots) And again for the focus. So in the first 2 items you already have 55 focus for your CC which is amazing.
Usually third i goFor the magical power and for the magical penetration since you already have good CC, now you need to get through their armor. Since youre already stealing some protection this just adds insult to injury. Of course you can also go Spear of the magus or void stone if they have a lot of magic, still gives penetration, magical power and magical protection.
Fourth I like to getAgain just to boost up my magical power to deal more damage, plus the mp5 is awful either, which can help for long team fights.
Fifth i usually getWhich helps to keep the enemy in your abilities, which is what you want. The more slows that your abilites put on the more likely the more they will get damaged and the slower they will be for you teammates as well. Plus the health, mana and focus are all things that you still desperately need.
The last item is really situational, if youre feeling fed you can goto deal even more damage, or if youre at low health a lot or if your team has a healer you can go
For even more magical power at the expensive of death. If you want more mana and focus you can go
to increase a lot of mana, mp5, focus and more magical power. Or if youre getting hit hard by carrys or their tank you can always go
So all in all anubis is a very good CC god. With his stun + slow and the damage output he can do. He can carry a team very hard, just stay aware of the minimap when playing anubis and dont be afraid to use your stun + grasping hands, even if you cant get the kill. Just to make them scared. I also always get Sprint + aegis or something along those lines to help anubis stay alive, the aegis is really for when people like Ymir's ult or sobek's ult when youre going after the phys carry or the mage of that lane and the ymir or sobek think they can ult you while youre ulting, so before they detonate ill use aegis just to get out some damage and keep my health, and the sprint is really just to get away, with your stun + slow + 40% speed increase and sprint its almost impossible to catch you.
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