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Arachne - Slice & Dice

5 1 43,600
by Radiikz updated November 4, 2012

Smite God: Arachne

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Arachne Build

The Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Golden Bow Golden Bow


Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)


Arachne spider queen & gods alike - am going to say it now Arachne is my favorite god I <3 her ever since seeing her being used against me,hi the name is Rad & am here to lend a hand to anyone who is interested in trying out Arachne with some of the builds I've used.
Quick little info if you have BETA account then you will need 5500 favor to buy Arachne otherwise if you purchased the God pack you will have instant access to her, she has one skin called The Black Widow which costs 400 gems anyway back to the intro.
Now when starting with Arachne it can be somewhat hard at first especially if your new at Smite & if that's the case I would recommend using a different god until you get use to the aspect of the game, Arachne is classed as melee assassin god who shines from jungling & ganking enemies. IMO one of the best junglers in Smite not needing earlier game using instead. After sometime playing & getting used to Arachne you will have loads of fun with her trust me a powerful god not to be messed with.

Now for the Pros & Cons

.Short cooldowns
.Excellent Jungler early game
.Does tons of damage early game
.Powerful Ganker
.Single targets enemies with Ult
.Silence ability stopping some enemies abilities & also heals back health
.Strong 1v1 in melee situation's

.Weak in team fights
.Easy to miss ult
.No escape abilities except for tangled web slows enemies helping you run away
.Not so strong End game

Skills & Abilities

Arachne's Abilties

Passive = poison claws
1 =
2 =
3 = tangled web
4 =

Ability Items

These abilities I would recommend getting for Arachne up to you which you think is suited best at the time

- jungling early game but can do without if needed
- this can come in very handy against certain gods ults
- speed increase can help you & teams chase or run away from enemies plus low cooldown
- Slows enemies movement speed helping you chase or run away from enemies


like the build title say's I call this the kiss of death, with this build you should be criting over 800 with auto attacks plus attack speed & your poison dealing dot (damage over time) - you should be destroying gods left right & centre.

build is again

devourer's gloves


Like I've said before Arachne is one of the best junglers in the game, you don't even need to buy although it does benefit from having this to getting more buffs quicker so you are buffed up to gank your enemy gods &
getting that early advantage in your lane.

This is the technique I would use below for getting buffs

Firstly I would use for your first buff you go for but remember let your spiders attack first to grab the aggro & take the damage then after 1 sec you attack with your spiders till you get the buff, if in trouble & you have use it or if you don't & your still in trouble then just run they will resume back into original position when you get so far away from the buff & you can try again when at higher level.
If you do this early game get your first buff with you can go tackle another buff using this time, if not I would go back to your lane & level up some more then try for another buff doing the same technique as above.

in mid/endgame you will reach a level were you will be killing these in a few hits so you won't need to use anymore

For Arachne I would recommend starting in left lane Mana buff is closer & more handy early game

below is a number on what is priority by buff

1 - Mana buff - really useful all game especially early game
2 - Power buff - attack boosts helps so much
3 - Speed buff - movement can help with chasing down or running from enemies
4 - Proctection - Can be helpful when team fights kick off you will be targeted so this can help from taking damage
5 - Health buff - can be helpful early game
6 - Cooldown reduction - not really useful as you have amazing cooldown on your abilities anyways

altogether there are 6 buffs that you can go for they are

Mana buff - 7 mana per sec - 2 mins
Health buff - 10 health per sec- 2 mins
Power Buff - 20% magical & physical power - 2 mins
Speed Buff- 20% movement speed - 2 mins
Cooldown Reduction - 20& colldown Reduction - 2 mins
Protection Buff - 50 magical & physical Protection - 2 mins

Fire Giant Buff
Fire Giant - Team buff lasting 4 mins
100 magical power
70 Physical power

note - you won't be able to tackle this until late game lets say lv 17/18 as long as you have lifesteal you can solo this
which will be a great help for the team

Gold Fury
Gold Fury - 300g

Note - this isn't a buff but just grants 300g for your whole team which can also be a great help to but again you can solo this mid/end game



Now ganking with Arachne is exstreamly fun & can be done for days on end with her abilities she can rack up some high damage with her passive poison claws adding in her abilities make her pretty deadly, what I tend to do is gank when middle tower is being push really hard or wait for call off the mid guy.

Make sure you call out to the mid laner or which every lane you will be ganking so there aware of you & can help if needed
next attack from behind using a combo that I Like to call Arac's attack from the back haha you see what I did there :)

2 =
3 = tangled web
4 =

The combo I use goes like this
- in case the run bk my spiders can attack them
3 = tangled web - if they run back to slow them so i can get more attacks in
auto attack 1/3 attacks - dealing damage with me passive poison claws
- depending on who they are i would use this to stop them using abilities
- I use this if all my attacks above don't get the kill & there trying to get away, this will bring them back plus stun them for one sec dealing some slight damage

remember if you made the call to your teammates they to should be helping take down the enemy so chances are you will kill him.,word of warning early game if you try to gank Minions deal so much damage so be careful on attacking enemy gods, you are squishy
& enemy can fight back which all the ganking could backfire, plus if they run into there tower DO NOT GET GREEDY. I've learned the hard way & seen other people charge there tower only to die to it - end of the day it's not worth
your death over trying to get a kill it will only damage you more in the longrun & give them a better chance to survive & kill you.


Arachne is squishy but deadly in her own right, I intend to add more builds & of course with the new game mode (arena)that has been released - I will be updating this in the future for the new game mode & other builds.

pea soup

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Radiikz (1) | November 4, 2012 8:11am
Thanks for your input, first time I have posted a build but yeah some tweaks are defo needed.
Dragonblaze (33) | November 4, 2012 7:00am
you put a lot off effort into this, i like the build. Some pros are not needed to mention. Maybe you could add a jungle order in here. What buff do you take first? Do you go to the blue buff and then the green... Some tweaks, but nice +1
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