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the health potion is worth having to start. Depending on the build you're going for, select one of these starters. Take a look through the Purchase Orders, I've included the full builds using each of these starters, but I'm including this for eligibility for the contest lol
This is a great standard to fall back on if you're unsure whether you should focus magical or physical damage negation. I would recommend keeping the Gauntlet of Thebes, Amanita Charm, Spirit Robe, and Oni Hunter's Garb in this build at all times, whereas the other items can be swapped in and out according to your needs for the match.
This is the build if the enemy team is primarily STR based in damage.
This is the build if the enemy team is primarily INT based in damage. Swap an item of your choosing for the Sphere of Negation if Zeus or Sol are giving you some serious difficulties.
If you'd like to go for more of a STR Bruiser build than full tank, consider this option. You can practically use your Seismic Crush every 6 seconds, which is almost the entire buff duration of the ability. It makes for a nasty combo.
Since Cabrakan is a Hybrid Tank, he can use both INT and STR items. Since INT scales faster than STR, this is usually the better option of the two.
Keep in mind, Damage with Cabrakan is great Early Game, but will significantly fall off late game. This build can be used for the more seasoned vets of Cabrakan.
Keep in mind, Damage with Cabrakan is great Early Game, but will significantly fall off late game. This build can be used for the more seasoned vets of Cabrakan.
You've gotta play way different than you normally would with this build, but if you want to hit like a truck and still be able to take a few hits, this is a fun one. It renders all of your abilities practically useless except for your 1, 2, and 4 for the stuns and traps, because 2, 3, and 4 cannot crit. Your 1 can crit, though.
This is primarily the sequence I use the most. I find that it has the highest success rate in heated situations.
Tap each threat level to view Cabrakan’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Cabrakan’s synergies
This guide is uploaded solely for the purpose of the contest. As of right now, I can't make rent, and I'm almost out of food... And so, for that purpose, this will be a full comprehensive guide to Cabrakan, a very well rounded tank with high damage mitigation and a considerably powerful punch.
For any new players coming to this game, there's one thing I'd like to point out for playing in general. The winning team is not chock full of damagers with 10+ kills each, no. My personal recommendation is a good mix of each role.
Cabrakan is extremely easy to get the hang of. He has a straightforward kit, but mastering the range and timing of his abilities is key to maximizing his effectiveness. His ability to lock down enemies and soak up damage makes him a formidable frontline presence.
Passive - Shadow Zone
Cabrakan and nearby allies take 5% reduced damage, and deal 5% increased damage to enemies that damage him or his nearby allies.
Teams Win Games, Lone Wolves Throw Games
There's a few friends you might find on the battlefield that would be wise to stick with like glue.
To be perfectly honest with you, I only know a single thing about Sobek, and that is that he will throw the enemies your way. Easy peasy combo. When Sobek throws the enemy into your team, that's where you take on your role as the Thorn. As soon as they hit the ground, Stun them with your Seismic Crush, followed by your empowered Refraction Shield if available. Those two extra stuns should be enough for the rest of your team to finish the enemy off in a flash. If not, just follow through with the rest of your combo and get them as low as possible.
Once again, I've played Anhur maybe twice. What I do know, however, is that his basic attacks gain increased damage when attacking enemy gods inside the range of his pillar, which slows enemies. Capitalize on this by keeping the enemy inside Anhur's pillar range for as long as possible, to help the furry homie to hopefully finish the enemy before they can get outside the pillar's range. Kick 'em while they're down, kind of thing.
Ares' ult is quite handy at rounding up one or more enemies into one location. In an arena, say he gets a lucky grab on the whole team and pulls them in. if you stay close behind him, wait until all enemies are pulled toward you, and throw up your wall. Congratulations, you've just commit the cardinal sin of bloody sacrifice. By trapping them inside the wall while the rest of the team lays on the beatdown, you've opened another opportunity to use Tremors to Tremble and Slow their entire team. This may be the nastiest team combo I've ever used.
If you stay behind Herc, oftentimes he'll bring the enemy straight to you. His combo will throw the enemy toward him, to which he responds by pushing them even farther back with his dash ability. That's your time to shine. Follow through with your stuns, and the enemy will be crying behind their computer screen by the end of the match. Enjoy the delicious flavor of the enemy team's salty tears in the post-match chat.
Great for single target wipeout. When Fenrir uses his Ult, he too will bring dinner home from the supermarket. Stun, Stun again, Tremble, and Ult if needed. But by that point, there should be no leftovers.
He is your homie. Khepri has a grab and drag ability, or with his aspect, a grab and hold. If you hangout long enough for him to let go of the enemy, move right along with your same old combo to ruin the enemy's day after a long hard day at work. You've got full marks to be an ***, take the opportunity or be a sad, miserable man.
Ymir and
I'll group these two together since the team combo here basically functions the same: An almost inescapable prison. If your ult is ready, team up with Ymir's wall or Thor's wall. You can quite literally trap the enemy in a box using these walls with your Tectonic Shift, even better if your team is aware of the combo and you can trap a fellow teammate inside the box with the enemy, Mortal Kombat style.
If you're up against a Cabrakan, countering his kit is pretty straightforward. Stun him before he can stun you. Alternatively, you could silence him during his rush using the Screeching Gargoyle item.
If you have an escape ability, such as a leap of some kind, escaping his ult is very easy. Neith, Odin, Fenrir, Geb, Thor, Cernunnos, Chaac, Anhur, and Aladdin are especially slippery little bastards. It's good to have another focus on the enemy team to cyber bully if these Gods frequently escape. However, do keep your eyes open for openings. Although slippery, there will always be some kind of opening up for the taking. For instance, if Neith does her jump right into your path, that's an excellent opportunity to take advantage of her while her jump is on cooldown.
Results below are provided with the full build at Level 20.
Well Rounded
Basic: 171
[1] 345
[2] 300
[2] Empowered: 300
[3] 174
[4] 550
[Active: Pridwen] 270
Physical Heavy
With Axe:
Basic: 417
[1] 584
[2] 486
[2] empowered: 508
[3] 360
[4] 764
Without Axe:
Basic: 231
[1] 398
[2] 300
[2] empowered: 322
[3] 174
[4] 578
Magical Heavy
With Axe:
Basic: 453
[1] 637
[2] 532
[2] empowered: 516
[3] 366
[4] 818
Without Axe:
Basic: 259
[1] 443
[2] 338
[2] empowered: 516
[3] 258
[4] 624
Cooldown - STR
Basic: 491
[1] 818
[2] 503
[2] Empowered: 621
[3] 425
[4] 909
[Active: Pridwen] 138
[1] 7s
[2] 7s
[2] empowered: 7s
[3] 2s
[4] 40s
Cooldown - INT
Basic: 323
[1] 345
[2] 578
[2] Empowered: 474
[3] 670
[4] 804
[Active: Pridwen] 160
[1] 6s
[2] empowered: 5.5s
[3] 2s
[4] 25s
Damage - INT
1, 2, and 4 are followed with 1 basic to utilize polynomicon.
Basic: 425
[1] 1496
[2] 1291
[2] Empowered: 976
[3] 1136
[4] 1554
Damage - STR
1, 2, and 4 are followed with 1 basic attack to utilize Hydra's lament.
With Axe:
Basic: 1027
[1] 2021
[2] 1207
[2] empowered: 1625
[3] 671 -> 174
[4] 1945
Without Axe:
Basic: 871
[1] 1865
[2] 1207
[2] empowered: 1469
[3] 457 -> 174
[4] 1945
Damage - STR (Titan's Bane Swap for Dominance)
1, 2, and 4 are followed with 1 basic attack to utilize Hydra's lament.
With Axe:
Basic: 1017
[1] 2001
[2] 1352
[2] empowered: 1610
[3] 666 -> 174
[4] 1929
Without Axe:
Basic: 861
[1] 1784
[2] 1196
[2] empowered: 1454
[3] 450 -> 174
[4] 1929
For Giggles and ***** - Attack Speed / Crit
Testing abilities with this build is purely one-hit, except for the basic attack.
Without Avatar's Parashu
Basic: 2763
[1] 1587
[2] 300 (cannot crit)
[2] Empowered: 536(cannot crit)
[3] 174 (cannot crit)
[4] 849 (cannot crit)
Basic: 2402
[1] 1227
[2] 300 (cannot crit)
[2] empowered: 536 (cannot crit)
[3] 174 (cannot crit)
[4] 849 (cannot crit)
With Avatar's Parashu
Basic: 3259
[1] 1540
[2] 300 (cannot crit)
[2] Empowered: 595(cannot crit)
[3] 174 (cannot crit)
[4] 924 (cannot crit)
Basic: 2525
[1] 1412
[2] 300 (cannot crit)
[2] empowered: 595 (cannot crit)
[3] 174 (cannot crit)
[4] 924 (cannot crit)
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