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(Arena) Slice, Dice & Ride - Lancelot Assassin Shields Build + Strategy

8 3 18,019
by pharrside updated June 20, 2022

Smite God: Lancelot

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Lancelot Build

Main Build

Notes Bluestone Pendant - most of your abilities have multiple hits so this one is an easy choice. Then the fact that it's early game MP5. Lancelot runs out of mana quickly.

Hydra' Lament - Like many Assassin's, Lancelot is dependent on Hydra's for landing kills. You need the CDR and MP5 as well.

Gladiator's Shield - I like this pick 3rd because it continues to add some power, CDR and bonus damage, and you also introduce some physical protection and health. Health is really underrated in a tanky assassin build. Especially when your main way of staying alive is getting away.

Pridwen - some more protections and finishing off your CDR. The shield is amazing after your ult.

Hide of the Urchin - more protections, another shield, more health and some mana too. Urchin synergizes really well with Lancelot's kit, which relies on mounting up and waiting for the shield to build up before attacking.

Bloodforge - Exactly the type of item you expect a backstabbing royal knight to take. Adds more power and a nice movement speed boost which is important for assassins, especially in Arena.


Bluestone Pendant - most of your abilities have multiple hits so this one is an easy choice. Then the fact that it's early game MP5. Lancelot runs out of mana quickly.

Hydra' Lament - Like many Assassin's, Lancelot is dependent on Hydra's for landing kills. You need the CDR and MP5 as well.

Gladiator's Shield - I like this pick 3rd because it continues to add some power, CDR and bonus damage, and you also introduce some physical protection and health. Health is really underrated in a tanky assassin build. Especially when your main way of staying alive is getting away.

Pridwen - some more protections and finishing off your CDR. The shield is amazing after your ult.

Hide of the Urchin - more protections, another shield, more health and some mana too. Urchin synergizes really well with Lancelot's kit, which relies on mounting up and waiting for the shield to build up before attacking.

Bloodforge - Exactly the type of item you expect a backstabbing royal knight to take. Adds more power and a nice movement speed boost which is important for assassins, especially in Arena.

Build Item Corrupted Bluestone Corrupted Bluestone
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Main Build

Notes Bluestone Pendant - most of your abilities have multiple hits so this one is an easy choice. Then the fact that it's early game MP5. Lancelot runs out of mana quickly.

Hydra' Lament - Like many Assassin's, Lancelot is dependent on Hydra's for landing kills. You need the CDR and MP5 as well.

Gladiator's Shield - I like this pick 3rd because it continues to add some power, CDR and bonus damage, and you also introduce some physical protection and health. Health is really underrated in a tanky assassin build. Especially when your main way of staying alive is getting away.

Pridwen - some more protections and finishing off your CDR. The shield is amazing after your ult.

Hide of the Urchin - more protections, another shield, more health and some mana too. Urchin synergizes really well with Lancelot's kit, which relies on mounting up and waiting for the shield to build up before attacking.

Bloodforge - Exactly the type of item you expect a backstabbing royal knight to take. Adds more power and a nice movement speed boost which is important for assassins, especially in Arena.


Bluestone Pendant - most of your abilities have multiple hits so this one is an easy choice. Then the fact that it's early game MP5. Lancelot runs out of mana quickly.

Hydra' Lament - Like many Assassin's, Lancelot is dependent on Hydra's for landing kills. You need the CDR and MP5 as well.

Gladiator's Shield - I like this pick 3rd because it continues to add some power, CDR and bonus damage, and you also introduce some physical protection and health. Health is really underrated in a tanky assassin build. Especially when your main way of staying alive is getting away.

Pridwen - some more protections and finishing off your CDR. The shield is amazing after your ult.

Hide of the Urchin - more protections, another shield, more health and some mana too. Urchin synergizes really well with Lancelot's kit, which relies on mounting up and waiting for the shield to build up before attacking.

Bloodforge - Exactly the type of item you expect a backstabbing royal knight to take. Adds more power and a nice movement speed boost which is important for assassins, especially in Arena.

Build Item Corrupted Bluestone Corrupted Bluestone
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Lancelot Threats

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Lancelot Synergies

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Ah, Lancelot - the noble knight with a secret thirst for blood. Charge into battle, put out tons of damage, and bounce. Just in time for a date with the king's wife.

This will be a traditional gank-Assassin arena build centered around Bluestone Pendant and Hydra's Lament for damage, with the remainder of the build focused on adding tankiness without compromising damage too much.

Lancelot's kit revolves mainly around being on his horse. After you finish building your passive stacks and Bloodforge, you will be able to get a kill and ride away quickly, laughing because they can't dismount you easily.

Main Combo

Your main damage combo = 3 (Mount up) -> 1 or 2 (ranged or melee initiate, dismounting your horse) -> 1, basic, 1, basic -> 2. At this point, they should be dead and you should mount up again either with your 3 or ult and go for another round.

TIP: Your 1 makes you dash through enemies and landing the hit gives you a second proc, even on minions. Dash through once, hit a Hydra-boosted basic attack, dash again, and hit another basic.


- Lancelot has to build stacks for his passive. I hate building stacks in arena but it just means you need to clear minions and get some kills. The more kills you get, the faster his passive finishes.

- Who should you be attacking? Anyone relying on basic attacks. Your passive reduces basic attack damage from the front. Corrupted Bluestone reduces their attack speed.

- Your ult is a great tool for escaping, but it's even better for initiating a team fight. Watch for the enemy to group up and go for it. You'll put out great damage and at the end of it, you'll be too far away to get hit and have a large health shield to re-engage with your team.

- Lancelot's mounted 1 goes through walls.

- Lancelot's unmounted 1 makes you dash through enemies, and landing the hit gives you a second proc, even on minions. Dash through once, hit a Hydra-boosted basic attack, dash again, and hit another basic. (see main combo)

- Lancelot's 2 makes him immune to ground attacks while he's in the air. When initiating a fight in melee range, use the 2 instead of the 1.

- Lancelot's ult has a short delay before the shield activates.

- Lancelot's mounted 3 turns you around. Use this when possible instead of turning around manually, which is much slower. Use it around corners to keep your enemies off-balance about where you're going.

- Lancelot's melee 2 has a knockback. Very useful for interrupting a combo or peeling for a teammate. Just don't knock enemies out of your teammate's ults, please.

Matchup Strategy

Assassins - if they have a stun, you need to avoid it. Loki, Thanatos, Thor, Awilix, Da Ji, Mercury, Ne Zha. Be careful. Lancelot can handle the other assassin's pretty well if he can manage to avoid getting surprised.

Warriors & Guardians - they are tankier than you are, but you'll still be able to bully them for a few seconds in this build and they'll have a hard time catching you. Do your combo, interrupt them with your unmounted 2 and get away with the 3 or ult.

Hunters - Lancelot seems to be well equipped to bully hunters, especially the ones who don't have an escape. Be careful with Apollo, Hou Yi, Ullr, Cupid ult, Artemis ult, Danzaburou ult. Skadi ult is just a root, you can ult out of it.

Mages - Agni, Eset, The Morrigan, Zhong Kui will annoy you, but overall you should make easy pickins of most mages. Scylla can't CC you while mounted, neither can Anubis, Thoth, Discordia, Tiamat, Nox, etc. Enjoy riding through the Poseidon puddle, Kukulkan circle, etc.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author pharrside
(Arena) Slice, Dice & Ride - Lancelot Assassin Shields Build + Strategy
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