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Blessed Presence
A very strong skill that allows Ares to increase his damage while still being a tank. Though this is a strong skill don't only buy aura items because there are better tank options that don't have the auras.
This skill is a great skill to slow down an enemy so you can use No Escape. Take a level of it early but max it last.
Bolster Defense
This skill is VERY useful. This skill helps keep your allies, creep and even your minotaur alive a little longer. If you can, make sure to use Shackles in conjunction with it so you get the added bonus defense.
Searing Flesh
This skill is great for damage and harassment especially at early levels. If you can catch an enemy off guard and get the whole attack on them it could reduce their health somewhere along the 20-30% range early game.
No Escape
This is the most amazing skill in Smite so far. If the enemy doesn't have Purification Beads or if it isn't up for them at the time of the ult you could easily pull their whole team, stunning them for 1 second plus .3 seconds per enemy chained with the ult. This can allow your team to start skills such as Ymir's Shards of Ice then you can pull the enemy team into it.
Just a litlle build from ares this is more tanky then dps but after all ares was made for getting alot of assist ^^
-Can initiate team fights.
-Bring opposing players together.
-Many different ways to get good, unique builds.
-Tanky, yet it's difficult to have a very high DPS.
-Can have very complicated builds and it is very difficult to tell precisely which build is
I am truly sorry for the lack of content in this guide but hope you will enjoy this item build and tell what i can change ! :)
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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That's not even true, there are several aura items - Void Stone, Sovereignty, Mystical Mark, Soul Eater, Witch Stone, and Pythagorem's Piece I think are all of them.
He was stating that in the build this guide has posted that there are only three aura items. Not that there was only 3 aura items in the game total.
That's not even true, there are several aura items - Void Stone, Sovereignty, Mystical Mark, Soul Eater, Witch Stone, and Pythagorem's Piece I think are all of them.
that isnt what he is saying I dont think. He was saying in the build there are 3 aura items when it was said to have no more than 2.
There are 3 aura items void stone, mystical mark, and sovereignty.
That's not even true, there are several aura items - Void Stone, Sovereignty, Mystical Mark, Soul Eater, Witch Stone, and Pythagorem's Piece I think are all of them.
whether or not your enemies have resistance items, penetration IS ALWAYS a good thing. God typically start with 30 Magic resist so having 30 magic penetration will allow your abilities to do true damage.
I want you to think about that for a second.
Then do some math. What is 45% of 30?
Ill do this part for you, on average having that Spell pen is going raise your damage by a total of 6 points. Im sorry but if you need to buy Obsidian Shard instead of using your auto attack for the last 6 HP you are not a good player. Simple math and logical thinking show how wrong what you said is.
Its a good guide but too short add a couple more chapters, and i like how you only added 2 aura items THE MAIN THING WITH ARES IS NOT TO PUT ALL AURA ITEMS
There are 3 aura items void stone, mystical mark, and sovereignty.
Thx for the advice =)
Its sad in my opinion they shoud be obliged to buy beads and give a litlle advantage in the money with my team but i still like Ares alot and some enemies are just stupid and dont know this kind of stuff ^^
Hope you enjoyed this guide btw. ^_^
and also hel will render your ultimate useless