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Ares (S8 Conquest Support) 8.4

0 1 5,995
by smitebrasil updated April 27, 2021

Smite God: Ares

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Ares Build


Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Full Build With Boots

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Traveler's Shoes Traveler's Shoes
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger

Full Build No Boots

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger

Anti Heal

Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence


Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet


Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

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AmoralOne (11) | May 12, 2021 11:59am
So this build isnt ALL bad, you do have a few good things on here, however you might consider looking at these changes.

You always want to start with Blink Rune on Ares, Ares thrives from being ahead, so the more blink ults the better. You have the starter as Sentinel's Gift this was correct until they buffed Compassion so now we need to be starting Benevolence or Magic Shoes and backing for beve after. Traveler's Shoes havent been good for awhile, and right now Reinforced Shoes are basically just 'op' and on immobile gods you def want to be getting them. Thebes is fine, the Pridwen after thebes I dont really like on Ares, Ares has a great passive when you consider the Aura items in Smite are pretty broken right. So getting Sovereignty or Heartward Amulet after is really good, or get all 3. I really enjoy the triple Aura item build, but you can totally get away with just 2 Aura items. You have a Genji's Guard in this build, and honestly its the only item here that I really dislike. I think its really bad in the support role, and if you are looking to build CD you have so many other good supp options like the two you have in the build, and Spirit Robe, or Mantle of Discord. Finally you have Relic Dagger and I think this item is core on Ares, you want this in every build because a lot of Ares is just blink ult. However building it so late just isnt going to work, putting this item one item back would be the best play. You also sell your boots for Mail of Renewal I wouldnt do this, id sell them for either Mantle of Discord or keep boots and buy Elixir of Defense Here are 2 builds I would recommend testing out!

Compassion - Reinforced Shoes - Sovereignty - Heartward Amulet - Relic Dagger - Pridwen / or since crit meta Spectral Armor

Compassion - Reinforced Shoes - Gauntlet of Thebes - Sovereignty - Relic Dagger - Heartward Amulet

You should also add the level order on this guide!

All in all its not a terrible guide, just needs work!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author smitebrasil
Ares (S8 Conquest Support) 8.4
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