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Arrow Rain (To the tune of chocolate rain)

0 0 3,958
by joeybot500 updated December 4, 2016

Smite God: Artemis

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
Choose a Build: Arrow Rain
Arrow Rain Typicall Bull**** Boots free
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Artemis Build

Arrow Rain

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane


So i have made a much more extensive build on artemis labeled Godess of the hunt so if you are one of the persnickitty people who will only look at builds with fancy coding and pictures go away look at that build it will be more to your liking. On a more serious note here is how these builds word.

---Arrow Rain---
Welcome to an eternal hell for your opponents be it the constant spamming of the arrow rain or the stupidly high (Though Slow) damage of your autoattacks this is a really fun build to play with especially in casuals.

---Best Build Ever---
Now i had one unconventional build so i thought i might as well throw in one real build to even it out this is your typical Bull**** artemis build that makes you want to hang yourself with barbed wire soooo... enjoy LoL.

---Boots Free---
no... shut up....nobody likes you people... this build works and it works well so well in fact that me and many others i play with play this constantly on ranked joust or even conquest! Also if you give it like 10 seconds you have more movement speed and mobility than boots ever gave you as well as some serious early game punch with your rain of arrows. (Ps this build works freaking great on rama too soo yeah...)

Sidenote concerning Asi, ok soo i have so many people complain about this item or the fact that i dont have eneough pen well ... you people can die in a hole if you played this you would see why too. Even with the small amount of pen it offers you will be just fine its passive is great on artemist so great in fact that with your 2 active as well as asi passive active you can go from 10% to 100% in like 3 seconds so yeah this is non exchangeable.

Sidenote concerning poison star: Ok i understand this one poison star it only gives you 15% crit chance right well yes, but if you think about all that lovely free crit chance artemis gets and just about how often you will crit this item becomes the star of the show, not only because of its price but cmon 20% less damage dealt and slowed??? Whats not to like! On a goobis ult this could be hundreds of damage your poor tank didnt have to take so shut up and deal with it.

Ending notes

Thanks for reading this guide please thumbs up and keep an eye out for my other amazing builds Cya.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author joeybot500
Arrow Rain (To the tune of chocolate rain)
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