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Artemis anti tank build

2 1 8,466
by Nash123 updated December 3, 2023

Smite God: Artemis

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Artemis Build

Notes start with gooseberries and sell for last item. this build works extremely well for killing both tanks and non tanks. it also works extremally well on other hunters with a auto attack stim like chernobog and apollo. the silverbranch adds a ton of power even without dominance so with the final item and your 2 activated silverbranch gives almost 100 power by itself. only downside is you will have significantly less lifesteal than normal since asi is less than gauntlet.


start with gooseberries and sell for last item. this build works extremely well for killing both tanks and non tanks. it also works extremally well on other hunters with a auto attack stim like chernobog and apollo. the silverbranch adds a ton of power even without dominance so with the final item and your 2 activated silverbranch gives almost 100 power by itself. only downside is you will have significantly less lifesteal than normal since asi is less than gauntlet.

Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Dominance Dominance

Artemis anti tank build

start with gooseberries and sell for last item. this build works extremely well for killing both tanks and non tanks. it also works extremally well on other hunters with a auto attack stim like chernobog and apollo. the silverbranch adds a ton of power even without dominance so with the final item and your 2 activated silverbranch gives almost 100 power by itself. only downside is you will have significantly less lifesteal than normal since asi is less than gauntlet.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | December 4, 2023 2:23pm
I was just checking on a similar build for her (but not quite the same). You're significantly overcapping Silver's passive when you activate the steroid. Even without the steroid, you're already at 9 stacks of Silver.

I would potentially propose things to improve the build. Switching 1 attack speed item for 1 non-attack speed item would potentially be good. Here are some ideas.
Here are examples of where your Silver stacks and AS are:
  • Ornate -> Devo's -> Demon -> Silver -> Dom -> O-Bow: 2.5 AS w/o steroid (right at the cap), 0 stacks Silver...38 stacks Silver w/ steroid. This is about perfect with regard to AS optimization, but O-Bow with 0 power isn't synergistic with crit damage.
  • Ornate -> Devo's -> Exe -> Demon -> Silver -> Dom: 2.37 AS w/o steroid, 0 stacks Silver...31 stacks Silver w/ steroid. This is a bit less than max stacks (you lose 7 stacks or 21 power from Silver, but changing from O-Bow to Exe gives you 30, so 9 more in that situation, and 30 more when steroid isn't active. In addition, you get significantly more shred, so much better at the anti-tank function. In addition, getting The Ferocious Executioner glyph will give you significantly increased damage on top of that. I would consider this build one of the better potential choices.

  • Ornate -> Asi -> Demon -> Silver -> DB -> Exe: 2.41 AS w/o steroid, 33 stacks Silver w/ steroid. Crit chance significantly higher here. You'll get some early pen via Demon + Silver, and finish off w/ late game shred w/ Exe. In addition, the extra crit damage from DB is nice, and you can choose the glyphs if you want anti-heal, CDR, or stick with Ferocious late for the bonus damage.

  • Hunter's Cowl or Death's Temper -> Devo's -> Exe -> Qin's -> Silver -> TB or Fail-Not: 2.37 / 2.27 AS w/o steroid (and when Cowl's passive AS is active when near teammates, 31 stacks Silver w/ steroid, or 26 stacks w/ DT). Moving away from Ornate and you're still getting good function of Silver passive, but you're getting better pen function from your abilities w/ TB or Fail, and added CDR and crit if you get Fail.

    Consider Cowl when you've got other basic attackers on your team that will also benefit from the AS aura. Temper should help you deal a ton of damage w/ its stacks of bonus basic attack damage, combined with Ferocious Exe's increased damage.
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Artemis anti tank build
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