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Athena (S10 Conquest Support)

222 38 274,981
by AmoralOne updated February 9, 2023

Smite God: Athena

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Athena Build

Standard Build

Build Item Heroism Heroism
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Cloak of Ascetic Cloak of Ascetic
Build Item Fortifying Shell Fortifying Shell

Aggressive Cookie Cutter Build

Notes For your first active start with Heavenly Wings for your second active either go a team fight active, or choose to go Belt of Frenzy

With the Sovereignty slot this is your FLEX item slot. Choose from these three which item you need the most. Heartward Amulet, Sovereignty, or Spectral Armor


For your first active start with Heavenly Wings for your second active either go a team fight active, or choose to go Belt of Frenzy

With the Sovereignty slot this is your FLEX item slot. Choose from these three which item you need the most. Heartward Amulet, Sovereignty, or Spectral Armor

Build Item Sentinel's Boon Sentinel's Boon
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Hastened Wings Hastened Wings
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Situational Items

Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor

Situational Relics

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Blighted Ankh Blighted Ankh
Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune

Athena's Skill Order

Preemptive Strike

1 X Y
Preemptive Strike
3 15 16 18 19


2 A B
2 4 6 7 9

Shield Wall

3 B A
Shield Wall
1 8 10 11 12

Defender of Olympus

4 Y X
Defender of Olympus
5 13 14 17 20
Preemptive Strike
3 15 16 18 19

Preemptive Strike

1 X
Athena powers up for a dash. While dashing, Athena will pass through minions, stop and hit the first enemy god she encounters, dealing damage. If she hits an enemy, Athena gains a stack (max 3), reducing the next source of Basic Attack damage from any god that hits her. Athena may also gain these stacks by hitting an enemy god with Reach, once per attack.

Ability Type: Dash, Slow, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown: 15s
2 4 6 7 9


2 A
Athena releases a shockwave of power from her shield, Taunting enemy gods and decreasing their Attack Speed as she forces them to fight or chase her.

Ability Type: Cone, Taunt, Damage
Taunt Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Attack Speed Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 18s
Shield Wall
1 8 10 11 12

Shield Wall

3 B
Athena summons a group of Athenian warriors who do damage and Slow upon arrival. After 2s, they strike again, dealing additional Damage and Slowing.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Initial Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Secondary Damage: 70 / 135 / 200 / 265 / 330 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 15%
Radius: 15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
Defender of Olympus
5 13 14 17 20

Defender of Olympus

4 Y
Athena picks a single allied god anywhere in the world, and launches herself up into the air, landing next to that god 3.6 seconds later. During that 3.6 seconds, both Athena and the allied god gain Damage Mitigation, and the allied god also gains Movement Speed. Enemies nearby when Athena lands take damage.

Ability Type: Teleport, Buff, Damage
Damage: 330 / 405 / 480 / 555 / 630 (+90% of your Magical Power)
Ally Mitigation: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Movement Speed: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Radius: 20
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 120s

Official Discord

This guide is made by the mentor team from the SMITE Official Discord. Anyone can join and receive help from the mentors, participate in inhouses, look for people to play with, or just talk about the game with other people who enjoy SMITE.

Athena Why, and Why Not?

Athena is one of my personal favorite gods. Her powerful taunt can turn any losing situation into a winning situation. On top of having a global ult that lets you be wherever you want, when you want Defender of Olympus. Being able to move from one side of the map to another in just a few moments lets Athena have the advantage of running around the enemy jungle with her Jungler looking for more early fights in weird chokes. You are allowed to do this because once someone is threatened in lane, you are able to turn to them, and ult on top of them, providing the person being ulted with much needed protections. Most players will do their best to walk away from someone being Athena ulted as they do not want to take poke from you landing on them, and they do not want to be in range of you taunting once you've landed. Defender of Olympus

The only thing holding Athena back from being a top tier pick is her dash. Preemptive Strike She has a few seconds of channel time before she can dash. This was put into place so that Athena was not instantly dashing, and taunting enemies with Confound. However with your dash it is not all bad, if you dash into an enemy you will collect a block stack which will be displayed on your Athena passive shield. You can also tell you have a block stack by looking at your shield on the character, you will see a glow around this letting you know you have a stack. On top of collecting up to 3 block stacks, Athena will also slow all targets hit by 25%.

Team Play With Athena

A lot of what makes Athena great is her taunt like discussed above. I am here now to provide you with a few things you should be looking for, and things you should be looking to do with Athena throughout the match.

When you are starting to lane, you will only have your Shield Wall for clear early, Athena's early game can be strong if the enemy chooses to pressure you early. Getting your Confound second level creates some out play potential for you and your ADC. Early game the duo lane will most likely be stacked on each other creating an easy time for hitting double taunts (Taunt is an AoE with no cap on how many can get taunted) Taunting them into your minions early, and into your ADC's poke will almost always cause the enemy to either use their actives, or burn more potions. A lot of early duo is playing the "who will run out of pots first" game. After you have moved to the mid game you will be roaming around a lot with your Jungle, and or Mid player. You will be looking for choke points in jungles that will force enemy actives, and or they will lose their life to your follow up. Please do your best not to just waste taunt, if you have no follow up there is almost no reason to taunt as now you are down your only form of CC, and the enemy can cc chain you before your dash is ready to go off.

Athena is a team god. You need your team to follow up off of every taunt you do. Athena does not have solo kill potential when built for Support, you will need the help of your team to secure kills.

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Menem420 | November 23, 2023 11:54am
cmoa | February 15, 2021 7:10am
Very nice guide. I started playing this game 3 days ago and was really bad with Athena whom I picked since she and Aphrodite are my favourite mythological goddesses. After reading this guide and a YouTube video I figured out what to do and started being mvp most of my games. (30 battles so far 27 wins) so thanks a lot, really helped me)
AmoralOne (11) | February 15, 2021 7:13am
That is awesome! Keep up the good work!
Dashedscroll (2) | January 22, 2021 8:54am
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