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Hello there! I am Skaatje.
Pretty new to Smite and to making guides. So this is a guide mostly for practising how to make a guide and for my own and friends' reference to playing Ares in our current arena set up.
If you find any errors or have tips for me on how to improve my guiding skills, go for it! It's much appreciated and I will update this when needed.
I play Ares a lot in arena, usually setting up the kills for my team mates by using Ares' ultimate No Escape. But hearing my team mates bragging about their triple, quadra and pentakills, knowing you are the one who sets them up for them, kinda gets annoying after a few fights.
Seeing how Ares does not really do a lot of damage out of the box, I started playing a round with his passive Blessed Presence. At first glance it didn't seem like this would be such a good passive for a tank, but after some trial and error I found out that when you get the right items, he really does pack a punch!
And this is a win-win situation. Seeing how all these aura's to maximize Blessed Presence also really help out your team mates even more with all the buffs and de-buffs you're spreading around.
The reason for bringing this item in first is the cool down reduction. The main problem of No Escape is that, if the enemy is using
Purification Beads they will be able to get out of your ultimate before you've finished it.
Shoes of Focus will give you 15% CDR, wich is not that much really. So basically you will have to use
No Escape as soon, or within a few seconds, when it's of cool down.
This will mean that you will have to communicate to your team mates that they will need a CDR item as well. Otherwise they will not have their ultimate of cool down when you should do yours.
You also have to be ware that you will be a bit more squishy then you would have been if you were using Reinforced Greaves for instance. So don't go too nuts right from the start.
Since our whole build revolves around the use of Ares' passive Blessed Presence, it is now time to start with our first aura item.
I choose Sovereignty because I started out with the
Shoes of Focus for my extra CDR. Using them means you have a bit less protection then using standard boots, so getting some early HP and Physical protection, to me, seems like the smartest thing to do.
And also, it's like you've doubled up your Bolster Defenses by using
Sovereignty and this makes your whole team just a bit more tanky at an early stage. They won't thank you for it, but they should!
By getting your second aura item completed you have now gained an extra 60 magic power through your passive Blessed Presence. So why not boost this even more, right?
An extra 40 magical power, together with a nice magical de-buff for enemies around you, really makes Ares, and the mages on your team, do a lot more damage.
The base stats on this item are pretty good, but I am mainly taking this because it performs really well when you are fighting healing-based, or high regeneration Gods.
Which seems to happen quite a lot in arena, at least on the level I am currently at.
Moar dots!
This item is really useful because of the damage aura. This makes that if you pull them in with No Escape, you start to do damage immediately.
An awesome +70 magic power, movement speed and some nice HP regeneration. Why are we discussing this?
Obviously, the aura on this item isn't all that great in every situation, but the base stats are. And we need more aura's for our passive Blessed Presence, so this one seems to work pretty well for me.
This one's pretty important. Obviously the enemy team is going to know what you are doing in the ring. So they will be on their best behaviour, trying to stay out of your way.
Blink is the thing that will get you in there, without them knowing what the hell just happened.
Make sure to upgrade it when possible, so it will be on schedule with No Escape. Since your ultimate will be a bit quicker of cool down with the 15% CDR from
Shoes of Focus.
It has a nice de-buff which gives you just an extra bit of protection and when you've pulled the lot in, it makes them 40% slower trying to get out of it.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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