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Bakasura - Crit & Run [Updated 04/10/13]

4 1 19,280
by Emitrist updated April 10, 2013

Smite God: Bakasura

Build Guide Discussion 3 More Guides
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Bakasura Build

Starting Build

Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

First Time Back (Lots o' Gold Later)

Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Final Item Builds (Crit & Run Finale)

Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner

Bakasura's Skill Order

Take Down

1 X Y
Take Down
3 12 14 15 18

Eat Minion

2 A B
Eat Minion
1 8 11 16 19

Butcher Blades

3 B A
Butcher Blades
2 4 6 7 10


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Take Down
3 12 14 15 18

Take Down

1 X
Bakasura leaps to his ground target location, dealing damage to all enemies in the area, increases the damage they take from all sources by 10% and lowers their healing received for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 / 340 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Damage Taken Increase: 10%
Healing Reduction: 40%
Duration: 3s
Radius: 15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Eat Minion
1 8 11 16 19

Eat Minion

2 A
Bakasura grabs a minion and devours it, healing himself, restoring Mana, reducing his 1st and 3rd ability cooldowns, and gaining a Protections Buff. Large Jungle monsters must be at 33% Health to be eaten, but will provide 2 minions toward Regurgitate. Up to 6 minions can be stored for Regurgitate.

Ability Type: Target, Buff
Heal: 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Mana Restore: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown Decrease: 1.5s
Protections: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Protections Duration: 10s
Cost: 40
Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8s
Butcher Blades
2 4 6 7 10

Butcher Blades

3 B
Bakasura passively gains Physical Power. When activated, he gains additional true damage on each strike for the duration.

Ability Type: Buff
Passive Physical Power: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
True Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70
Duration: 6s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Bakasura regurgitates all of the minions consumed by his Eat Minion ability at his ground target location that Slows, Cripples, and damages enemy players every 0.5s. This area lasts for 6s. Bakasura's Basic Attacks become cone attacks and he is immune to Crowd Control for a short duration. Bakasura is able to use Eat Minion on his regurgitated minions.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Cone Attack Duration: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10s
CC Immunity Duration: 1.5s
Minion Damage: 17 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 25
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s

Introduction to Crit & Run

Welcome to my Crit & Run guide. In this guide, I will try to teach nothing but how to GANK, WHEN to be somewhere, and WHY you want to be there.

Please keep in mind, this is NOT for competitive play, and this is a guide built on opinion and how I play. This is NOT built on Theory Crafting. Theory Crafting makes a game cookie cutter, and not-so-fun. If you're trying to blow off steam, and own some people with your friends in Arena OR Conquest, this guide might be for you. Let's move on. This guide is made for people just starting out on Smite and need a guide to help them get acquainted with Bakasura.

I have seen many Bakasura's fail, and many of them do quite well. It all depends on the order you build your skills, the gods you're playing, and what teammates you have. But, like I said, I will not have a guide for purely jungling with Bakasura at this moment, and will purely focus on ganking technique while trying to keep your lane pushed back.

I would highly advise you to keep jungling with the techniques I am going to provide, and to use this information ONLY if you're dying very often while trying to gank a different lane, or sneak up on unsuspecting enemies that are jumping your partner.

The Pros & Cons of Bakasura

These are the downs and ups that I think Bakasura has, in my opinion. Some of them may not be true depending on your build, but for most builds, most of these apply.

-High damage at end game-
-Ultimate slows enemy movement and damages, hard to miss ultimate attacks in frantic battle-
-Can escape many ultimate attacks (Odin, Ymir, Hades, etc)-
-Butcher Blades adds True Damage, eats through any defense-
-Has many different builds depending on game-

-Very squishy early game, hard to stack anything early-
-Somewhat squishy mid/late game-
-If Take Down is on cool down, it's almost impossible to escape enemies that have slows-

Item Build for Crit & Run

As I mentioned before, I would highly advise you to jungle along with using the techniques provided in this guide. Now, we're going to move on to the items that you want to build at start. This is all personal preference, and item build and times may vary depending on your game. You can try this one out to start getting the feel of Bakasura, and make your own decisions and adjustments where they are required.

First and foremost, you want to start with the basic item build when doing any other lane than the left lane:

Warrior Tabi - You want this only at level 1 to start, for a small critical strike chance and the small speed boost that it provides. The physical power isn't terrible, either, but there's a lot more beneficial items that provide more, with a better passive ability.

The Executioner - You want to get this item to basically start building towards it's passive and it's good attack speed increase. Like I said before, you will want to build this to it's max first to benefit from the total 21% and 15 points of physical protection debuff you give your enemy.

Healing Potion (x2) - If you're starting with Hand of the Gods then you wont need this as much as if you weren't. Either way, it's a good item to have on hand in case you decide to gank someone very early game and need a little boost in HP. As of right now, if you buy the first level of the above two items, you can buy two of these to make you last enough time.

If you're doing left lane, which you should always try to do, get rid of The Executioner and buy Hand of the Gods and Creeping Curse instead. Max out the rest of Healing Potion and save all the gold you still have afterwards.

I will probably get a lot of criticism for telling people not to buy Hand of the Gods and Creeping Curse to start, but, if you don't buy them to start, I recommend buying them early game. Your Creeping Curse does help a lot when jumping on an unsuspecting opponent once they get out of the range of your amazing Regurgitate ability. Just pop Creeping Curse and you'll have them eating your AoE Physical Damage while critically striking almost every single time, and their Physical Protection diminishing right before their eyes.

NOTE: Thanks to bboysmalltown, he reminded me to remind you, to not forget to build your Active items around your opposing teams compilation. You may need to buy Purification Beads or Aegis Amulet instead of Creeping Curse. But, like I said, this does depend on your other teams comp. An item can easily be sacrificed for Frostbound Hammer if you find that your enemies are getting away easy, but still need those beads or amulet to get out of a nasty Anubis stun lock.

Fatalis is actually very good right now, so it can be switched out with Qin's Blades if you feel that you are doing a good amount of damage without them.

Explanation of Bakasura's Skills

You have 4 skills with Bakasura - I will outline them below and explain exactly what they do, and go broadly into why and when to use them.
Take DownThis is a move that you want to train 3rd. Most guides do not want you to train this until level 4-8, for what reason, I have no idea. This allows you to jump to an area, dealing damage. The reason I want you should buy this skill third, is purely to initiate an attack or escape one, more so. I never use this to kill minions or anything in the jungle. You always want to keep this skill up until you need it most. You never know when you'll get ganked from someone leaving middle lane, and you're Take Down isn't up because you used it 3 seconds ago to get Mana Buff. Many times early game I get jumped, or my teammate makes a wrong move, and I have to go in to take some of the damage to get him out safely. Having Take Down trained up to level 1 early game is a big help getting us both back to the tower safely.

Eat MinionsThis one is pretty straight forward, you eat minions to gain health. This has been changed now to add 70% of your physical power in health as well, with the slight reduction in base healing that it does. Every minion you eat is also stored for Regurgitate. It depends on what kind of enemies you are up against, to decide what type of minions you should eat, being archers or melee minions.

Butcher BladesUsing this ability gives you a boost of "true damage." True damage is basically damage that can't be "watered down" - it's always the same - constant. Very useful at anytime, especially with mana buff. Helps clear minions early game, and wont drain your mana.

RegurgitateUsing this ability regurgitates all of the minions you ate, up to 6, back up onto the playing field to be your minions for a short time. This also slows, and makes all of your attacks AoE (Area of Effect, Spread Attacks, Cone, etc). This is amazing to use after jumping on somebody, just spew these guys out, and it's basically game over.

This is just a small explanation of the skills and a very brief explanation of how I use them. It is up to you to decide when is the best time to use them. Next, I will go over technique. When to use something, and when not to use something.

Basics of Bakasura - What to Understand

All you need... is 10 seconds.

When playing Bakasura, you are an AD Carry, obviously. Your main attacks + your true damage are going to give you a lot of damage, especially late game. Against many gods, you may be able to annihilate them before your Butcher Blades even runs out. The other gods you need to be careful taking on in a 1 vs 1 situation are any other Bakasura's, Loki, Artemis and Xbalanque. This is because they also have a really high crit chance, have the ability to slow, stun, and own with JUST their basic attacks. Don't forget though, so can you. When engaging any of these gods, make sure you know your rotation before you go in. When facing gods, your rotation will be different depending on what god they are, and what they've done in the past 10 seconds. That's all you'll need... is 10 seconds.

Watch for enemy god cool downs.

You definitely want to watch for the enemy gods cool downs. If they've used an ability that could possibly get them away from you in the past 10 seconds, or stun you, it's usually a good sign to get in there and do some damage. What I personally look for is an enemy to use their stun/escape abilities, then I jump in to do some work. It's usually best to do a couple of hits before unloading your ultimate to slow them down. Once the Ultimate diminishes from them, use your creeping curse. Usually by that time, they are running away, not thinking about trying to damage you. This leaves you an open opportunity to jump back on them if they get too far, or a Neith (hehe) or other god to pick up the kill for your team.

It's all a waiting game.

It's all a waiting game. Don't be too aggressive, try to be more passive aggressive. It will work out in the end. Remember, if you have no deaths, and you end up just freezing your lane, you will eventually get ahead. You just have to remember to strike only when it's right. Don't get too hungry for a kill if you aren't 100% sure that you can't get it. It usually leads to ganks, or tower deaths, which I've seen way too much of. Just relax, wait until they do something stupid, then they're yours.

Crit & Run Gank Scenarios

1. Let's say a Xbalanque and Ymir is in left lane pushing your team hard. Xbalanque uses his Rising Jaguar. There is 16 seconds he HAS TO wait to jump away from you. But, you have to watch Ymir. Whenever you think it's safe that they don't expect you, run in, and activate Butcher Blades. Start attacking Xbalanque, when you're about 2 hits in, activate your ultimate ability ( Regurgitate). By this time he has about 10 seconds he still needs to wait to use Rising Jaguar. From this moment on, you should be dealing very large amounts of damage while he can't do anything but run, or fight back. But, if you have the first hit on him, you should have the upper hand by around half health. Remember, if you need to, use Creeping Curse before he tries to jump away. It works wonders. Also, the reason why I said RUN in is because sometimes they will get too far away, and your Take Down will bring you right back to them, or get you out of a sticky situation.

This guide is a work in progress. Thank you for viewing. If you liked it, please rate it. Also, don't forget to give me a +! This guide can be redistributed as long as my hand-signature remains intact at the bottom of the guide.

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Emitrist | April 8, 2013 2:19am
Thank you very much for the rating and comments. I do agree with your opinion. Abilities definitely do depend on the opposing teams comp, as well as their builds, and can also be easily replaced with Frostbound Hammer if you're finding the enemies escaping too easily.
bboysmalltown | March 28, 2013 7:05am
Oh and i really like fatalis on Baka too
bboysmalltown | March 28, 2013 7:03am
Good guide!

I think you will help a lot of people just learning Baka with this guide. Your build is pretty similar to mine. Sometimes, and I'm sure you'll agree that you may need to get Purification Beads or Aegis Amulet instead of Creeping Curse if the opposing team comp calls for it. And i might replace Qin's Blades with Golden Bow if they dont have a solid tank in place. And dont forget to mention that there is no gold loss for selling items back. So end game all items are purchased and you are just buy elixirs and potions, I recommend selling Executioner and pick up something more suitable for the situation, possibly something more defensive. Now i know that you damage numbers will go down slightly but your survival rate will go up, and trust me late game especially in a team fight baka will be focused down.

Over all i would say its a good guide.
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