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Bsstet is by far the best split pusher in the game. This is mostly due to the amazing structure damage that her cats do. In most conquest or clash games, she will always be switching lanes and using her cats. She is an assassin, so she has a specific combo that will deal the most damage: 1-2-4-3. This will let you initiate on the fight with a lot of damage from your jump. You make them bleed and then sick your cats. Once they start running away, line up your three and throw.
Start off with Bumba's Mask, the best starter item for jungling.
You want to buy Warrior Tabi for the power and movement speed.
Next you should get Jotunn's Wrath which will give some cooldown, mana, power, and pen. They will all help Bastet's already amazing early game get even better.
Transcendence will give you a boost in mana and power. The stacks will slowly help keep your mana up with your levels. You can pick this up first if you are playing more aggressively.
Hydra's Lament almost maxes out your CDR while giving you some good power. It's passive will help you when using your combo. It will help because you will most likely be chasing and using your basic attacks because all of your abilities are either in use or on cooldown.
Titan's Bane will help you take down towers, while split pushing, and dealing more damage while ganking.
Stone Cutting Sword will be your last item and will replace Bumba's Mask. It gives good movement speed so you can more effectively chase enemies. The penetration and power combination help you to do more damage.
Passive: Open Wound- A very good ability to deal extra damage. It applies a open which is placed when an opponent is hit by an ability. It is consumed when the "wound heals" (35 seconds passes with no ability damage from Bastet) or when Bastet hits the enemy with another ability.
#1: Pounce- a very good escape and initiation. It not only gets her away from battle but it has Aoe damage wherever she lands. Not only does it do damage but for four seconds after she lands, Bastet can reactivate her ability to leap back to the ;location she started. I think this really helps when you get low or when being chased.
#2: Razor Whip- such a good DoT for clearing camps and securing kills. Combine this with your Ult to maximize your damage.
#3: Declaw- a long range projectile, that slows the target if they are hit. If you combine this with the slow on your Ult and the DoT from your two and your target will be dead in seconds.
#4: Cat Call- one of the most damaging ults early game. It not only damages you but it will slow the target. If you combine this with your two, the cats will attack the bleeding target.
Bastet is very good at taking big camps like Gold Fury or Fire Giant. If she uses her cats to tank the damage while the rest of the team attacks, they should be able to take it easily. She isn't known for her jungling, but I feel she is underrated in this field. The damage from her jump and the DoT from Razor Whip easily clears them.
Bastet is by far the best split pusher but she is also able to jungle to a good extent. Her cats do amazing damage early game and mid game. Late game she does fall off but is still viable. Hopefully, you try this build next time you play Bastet!
Arcane Assassin
Covert Ops
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I DO like the idea of
The only item that I'd probably get that has any basic attack effect would be