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Bastet - The Feline Goddess - Kicking it oldschool

23 6 109,096
by Unid updated May 16, 2013

Smite God: Bastet

Build Guide Discussion 16 More Guides
Choose a Build: Risk build - Heartseeker Crazy Damage!
Risk build - Heartseeker Crazy Damage! No risk build - Still great damage output
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Bastet Build

Core Build HS

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer


Build Item Fatalis Fatalis
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Voidblade Voidblade

Useful Abilities - I usually get Beads + Aegis just for better survival

Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)

Bastet's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 7 10 12 14

Razor Whip

2 A B
Razor Whip
1 3 6 8 11

Ensnaring Claw

3 B A
Ensnaring Claw
4 15 16 18 19

Huntress of Bast

4 Y X
Huntress of Bast
5 9 13 17 20
2 7 10 12 14


1 X
Bastet pounces to her target location, damaging enemies within the radius. For 4 seconds after pouncing, you can press the button again to pounce back to your initial location. Bastet moves 25% faster while in the Return Pounce state. Bastet may cancel this ability early to put it on cooldown.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 95 / 150 / 205 / 260 / 315 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Razor Whip
1 3 6 8 11

Razor Whip

2 A
Bastet swipes at her enemies, causing them to Bleed for damage every 0.66 seconds for the duration.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage (per Tick): 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 2s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 10s
Ensnaring Claw
4 15 16 18 19

Ensnaring Claw

3 B
Bastet sends a cat forward at her enemies. If a cat finds an enemy it ensnares them and all enemies around them, damaging them and rooting them for .5s. The cat persists for 4s or until defeated, continuing to attack nearby enemies. The cats attacks will apply a 2s slow to the enemy.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Root Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cat Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+30% of your Basic Attack Power)
Cat Hit Points: 2
Lane Minion Damage: 1 HP lost per 5 hits
Slow: 20%
Range/Radius: 70 / 10
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
Huntress of Bast
5 9 13 17 20

Huntress of Bast

4 Y
Bastet becomes CC Immune and conjures a radiant projectile that travels forward in a line damaging and stunning the first enemy god hit. A Huntress of Bast appears near the hit target and a destination is marked at Bastet. The Huntress then picks up and carries the enemy hit to the marked location.

On successful capture, a pool of quicksand is formed under the enemy creating a Vortex which drags targets toward the center and deals damage.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Initial Hit: 160 / 220 / 280 / 340 / 400 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Quicksand Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+15% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s for 3s
Range: 100
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s


Hello guys!
I play Bastet as my main in Ranked battles and i enjoy it!
This is just a simply guide to what i normally do when i play, what items/skills i pick.
It is a non-hog build, HOG was good when it was 500g, now 2x boots is better off because you can get your life/mana pots.

Remember to +rep if you like it!


[*] Nine Lives

Not a very useful passive if you compare to other gods passive. But it can become quite useful lategame were you will be very squeezy. If you're dying 9 times in each and every game this is might the passive you would want. (I really hope you don't)

[*] Pounce

In my opinion it's the best "jump skill" in the game.
It will let you jump towards the enemy doing a decent amount of damage, cast Razor Claws, jump back. This usually kills very early game, if the enemy isn't full life or a tank. It is also a very great escaping spell, specially if you're chased by a enemy without a "jump skill", then you should try jumping through a wall or anything that will get you ahead of the enemy.

[*] Razor Claws

Bastet's primary damage skill, DOT. Scratch the enemy, they will bleed and take damage over time(DOT). I strongly recommend you to max this skill out ASAP, the damage output of this spell early/mid game is insane. It's like having at least 100% boost to your damage. Use this before Cat Call, it will make the cats focus the target directly insted of attacking creeps or whatever. Always go for the damage dealer/mage on the lane.

[*] Nine Tails

This is a great chasing skill, as it slows its target by 35% movement speed. I recommend saving this for when the opponent starts running.
This is why "Frostbound Hammer" is NOT needed. Enemies that try to escape, well they can't. Hit with this and do auto attacks, your 1(jump) also slows.
Short: Use on enemies that try to escape, save it for when they are running, also makes it easier to hit.

[*] Cat Call

Very simple. Bastet summons 3 cats, that do a brutal amount of damage. They focus bleeding enemies, and then moves on to next bleeding or nearest enemy. Use this after Razor Claws when the enemy is low health but in tower range. Very useful, as they have enough health to dive towers..


[*] Bastet is a hit and run God

Only after you're fed from ganking can you lay into someone with auto attacks. Until then the odds of being stunned and something popping on you is to great.
You will therefor need to be very careful with your offensive jumps, you can jump back, but watch out for the small CD on the "jumpback". People often just wait for you to jump, and then will land at least one skill on you each! Which early game, or if the enemy is fed will lead to many deaths.

[*] Proper use of skills/mana:

When you're ganking:
Try to get as close to the enemy as possible(it can be good to save you're Pounce as they might try to escape). Use Claws, followed by Cat Call(If the enemy player(s) have jump abilities you might want to save you're Cat Call, insted you can wait for their jump, jump right after them and then renew Claws and cast Cat Call. Be sure to use you're 3, when the enemy is running alway, it has quite long range.

Mana is one of Bastet's biggest issues. Be sure to have plenty of mana pots, i usually try to have 2-3 each time i go back.

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ClutchMei (1) | December 4, 2014 3:29am
Can you explain why you would consider getting Hide of the Nemean Lion on Bastet?
Soriki | February 1, 2014 4:53pm
This build is so awesome!Up voted :)
PapaChewbacca (1) | January 7, 2014 9:15am
Good guide, just some grammar mistakes that you might want to fix, and after reading multiple guide reviews, I think it's safe to say that some BB coding would make the guide look good :) Other than that I liked it. Up voted
PentTheSage | June 11, 2013 3:04pm
I just started using her. At first i was like really? The cat god? HA. But once i got the ultimate god pack and got all the gods i fell in love with all assassins. And Bastet has become a favorite. And i use your guide :P So thank you very much for making me see the cats point of view :D
Unid (2) | May 16, 2013 10:56am
farkdanarc wrote:

build #1 is the best. all i did to change it was put the boots first. found it worked a bit better for me. other then that. i typcially am


dont get me wrong, there are a few lose K/D's there like the odd 4-6, but the 4 are critical kills in the end, gaining a victory most of the time.

great work and thanks for the build!!!

Glad you liked it :)
farkdanarc | April 30, 2013 7:26pm
build #1 is the best. all i did to change it was put the boots first. found it worked a bit better for me. other then that. i typcially am


dont get me wrong, there are a few lose K/D's there like the odd 4-6, but the 4 are critical kills in the end, gaining a victory most of the time.

great work and thanks for the build!!!
OssiansFolly (1) | April 29, 2013 8:53am
I've been pretty much using this build. Sometimes if I am playing with a friend I will grab Devourer's first because by 3rd-4th level I can max that out and start on Heartseeker so I have the permanent stacks building earlier.

I've NEVER finished a game with Bastet which is good, because it usually ends in the other team surrendering because of Rage Quitters. My typical score around surrender time is 14-1 which is around the 20 min mark.

For any new players looking at this build I offer one piece of advice...stay away from Zeus. The low skill shots required of Zeus means his moves will almost ALWAYS hit you so its VERY hard to avoid his massive AoE hits.
Mcluvinhd | December 18, 2012 10:29pm
so i just played a arena match and went
37-1-3 with the heartseeker build
greathollowx | December 2, 2012 6:36am
thanks man awesome guide , i have been owning with the 1st build since yesterday :p
KnightLeaf | December 2, 2012 5:32am
A very good guide, could do with a little more detail on the strategies for playing in different situations, but the build itself is very strong. Build 2 is very good for beginners as it's pretty much risk free, the first build is insane if you can build up the heart seeker without getting any deaths, helps a lot with early ganking between lanes. And does well in the jungles.

Gets my vote :)

--Edit: went 11/0/13 in my first game using this build
Unid (2) | November 5, 2012 2:37am
Killabyte wrote:

The first four items used to be my first four for anhur

It is a decent setup for any physical burster.
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Bastet - The Feline Goddess - Kicking it oldschool
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