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Beauty of A Man : Ne Zha

9 4 43,847
by RazeMage updated May 19, 2013

Smite God: Ne Zha

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
Choose a Build: The Critical Prince
The Critical Prince The Carry Prince
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Ne Zha Build

Main Item

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner

Optional (Situational)

Build Item Voidblade Voidblade
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater


Build Item Girdle of Might Girdle of Might
Build Item Shielded Recall Shielded Recall
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Ne Zha's Skill Order

Universe Ring Toss

1 X Y
Universe Ring Toss
1 3 15 16 19

Flaming Spear

2 A B
Flaming Spear
2 6 7 8 10

Armillary Sash

3 B A
Armillary Sash
4 11 12 14 18

Wind Fire Wheels

4 Y X
Wind Fire Wheels
5 9 13 17 20
Universe Ring Toss
1 3 15 16 19

Universe Ring Toss

1 X
Ne Zha throws the Universe Ring, bouncing several times, dealing damage, applying a Physical Protection Debuff for 3s and Slowing by 12.5% for 1s. Each hit also stacks a movement speed buff on Ne Zha for 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target deal 35% less damage and double the Slow's effectiveness.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Initial Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Bounces: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Protections Debuff: 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 per hit
Movement Speed: 5% per hit
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Flaming Spear
2 6 7 8 10

Flaming Spear

2 A
Ne Zha empowers himself with fighting spirit, igniting his spear for increased Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance for a short duration. Upon activation, Ne Zha also heals himself based on each stack of his passive ability.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 25 / 32.5 / 40 / 47.5 / 55%
Critical Strike Chance: 20%
Duration: 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6s
Healing: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14s
Armillary Sash
4 11 12 14 18

Armillary Sash

3 B
Ne Zha throws out his Armillary Sash hitting the first enemy god in its path. The target is Stunned as Ne Zha yanks himself toward the target, dealing a powerful blow to all enemies in the area as he arrives.

Ability Type: Line, Stun, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+150% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1s
Range: 70
Radius: 10
Cost: 75
Cooldown: 12s
Wind Fire Wheels
5 9 13 17 20

Wind Fire Wheels

4 Y
Ne Zha dashes forward, gaining bonus Protections for 4s and becoming CC immune. If he hits an enemy god he lifts them into the sky for 4s, unleashing a 3-hit combo. Successfully timed attacks during the combo result in these hits dealing Critical Damage. They are then smashed back to Earth, slightly knocking up and damaging the target and enemies around the landing location. When Ne Zha lands he gains bonus Protections for 5s and dashes back to where he cast this ability.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage Per Hit: 23 / 40 / 57 / 74 / 91 (+45% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Initial/Landing): 50 / 105 / 160 / 215 / 270 (65% of your Physical Power)
Protections: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Ne Zha is a new god in Smite and released at 17 April 2013. Hi-rez said, he is a carry and assassin which is a great combination. He can deliver a powerful blow but can be attacked easily also.

"Who is she?" All the Gods ask. I answered "That is Ne Zha, The Third Lotus Prince, he could kill you easily with his power! And remember, it's a he"



Pros and Cons

- High damage
- Pretty good farming
- More defense than other assassin
- Funny (it's a man)
- Fun to play
- When die, help ally
- Critical Strike and Chance high
- Skill 2 can increase your speed very high

- Still squishy (although better than other assassin)
- Low mobility (only ulti)


- Child of the Lotus (Passive)
A pretty good ability to help your teammate. If you died, your teammate will gain health and protection and able to survive. This will help your team to win the game as your teammate will be more sustainable.

- Universe Ring Toss
Good for both farming and attacking gods as it also decrease enemy's defense as well as your speed. It is very unique as it bounce as it hits enemy to other enemy. DON"T EVER USE IT ONLY ON ONE ENEMY.

- Flaming Spear
A familiar skill for an assassin (buff) where it will increase your speed and critical chance. It will very useful when attacking enemy's god and tower. Upgrade it second but be the first priority after that to be able to assassinate enemy in mid game.

- Armillary Sash
A very good skill to chase an enemy as it will also stun them for 1s. You need to have it to chase enemies although

- Wind Fire Wheels
A very unique ulti since you will need to click to increase your damage and make it critical. Use it for final attack as it can chase your enemy. This is your first priority.
Also, this skill can also be used to run away.

Items 1 : Assassin

Main Items

- Warrior Tabi
A need for both role, carry and assassin. This will increase your physical power, critical chance, attack speed and movement speed as you need to run away after you assassinate enemy.

- Brawler's Beat Stick
This thing is important because it will both give you lifesteal and critical strike chance. Other than that, support god can't effectively heal themselves also

- Deathbringer
An of course item for Ne Zha. His critical attack will be very effective and after buying this, critical chance is nearly always.

- The Executioner
An important item to able to assassinate enemy quickly. Other than that, the penetration is very good.


- Qin's Blade
If you have trouble fighting a tank, this will help you with its passive. Also, there is also speed bonus and physical power for Ne Zha to be able to assassinate enemy faster

- Titan's Bane
A good item to change the executioner as you will already have the penetration. More recommended if the enemy is tank.

- Voidblade
A very good one for a melee. This will increase your protection when chasing enemies and reduce enemy's protection. You will be able to sustain more and kill enemy more. Recommended if enemy is also assassin.

- Soul Eater
A good one to even increase more lifesteal and speed for Ne Zha to be able to deliver critical attack.

Items 2 : Carry

Main Items

- Warrior Tabi
A need for both role, carry and assassin. This will increase your physical power, critical chance, attack speed and movement speed as you need to run away after you assassinate enemy.

- Voidblade
A very good one for a melee. This will increase your protection when chasing enemies and reduce enemy's protection. You will be able to sustain more and kill enemy more.

- Devourer's Gloves
A very good one since your attack is big. You will be able to increase your health again after chasing enemies by killing minions. The stacks are also good since it is permanent.

- Deathbringer
An of course item for any physical Gods. Your power will increase as your critical damage and critical chance. A MUST BUY!!!


- Qin's Blade
If you have trouble fighting a tank, this will help you with its passive. Also, there is also speed bonus and physical power for Ne Zha to be able to assassinate enemy faster

- The Executioner
Good item to have when chasing down enemies. It also increase his speed and attack.

- Frostbound Hammer
If your enemy is buying movement speed, this item will slow them down. This will really help you to make sure the kill.

- Witch Stone
If you are fighting against other high physical damage enemies (Loki, Artemis, etc), this is recommended as you will be able to protect yourself more. Other than that, it increase your attack speed and physical power.

Abilities and Potions


- Sprint
When you nearly die, this is very useful for running away since you only have ulti to run away. This thing is also good for chasing enemies.

- Purification Beads
Being a bit squishy, crowd control is dangerous. Use this to run away

- Girdle of Might
An extra damage will help killing enemy.

-Shielded Recall
If you are ganked, this will really help you run away if you have enough health because you is still damaged. This is very useful for him since you are low mobility


- Heal Potion
It will really help to make you more sustain

- Mana Potion
You are pretty mana hungry, you need this to keep sustaining

Gameplay 1 : Assassin

You are the critical attack giver. After having most of the build, you will be able to deliver critical attack every time.

Solo lane
Fun to play when he is solo as assassin. You will be able to kill the minions easily with your critical damage. If enemy is already half health, you can kill them. Get near them and attack them using your 2. Before they reach their tower, chase with your 3. Still not dead? Use your ulti to finish them.

Duo Lane
Also good at duo lane especially his passive. He can make your teammate to keep sustaining even if your are dead as you will increase their health.

Just use your 2 to kill enemy as your teammate back you up. When enemy is low health, sneak behind them from jungle and stun them with your 3 as your teammate attack them or defend you from other god. Use your 2 after stunning and 4 to finish them.

When you are assassin, your teammate should be tank or ranged.

Gameplay 2 : Carry

Overall and Combo
At all the time, you need to remember one things. You are both a carry now. So, you are squishy.

Now to how to use your skill. For squishy enemy, you need to use your 1 to reduce enemy's health. After you think it is enough, use your 2 and 3 to get near enemy and do critical strike. Squishy enemy should have low health after you do this. Keep running. Use sprint if you have. After that, finish them with your ulti.

For tank, use your 2 to reduce their health. When they run away, use your 3 and then one. Keep attacking and then use your ulti.

Solo lane
Pretty good since you have 1 to farm enemy, You should do your 1 to each wave of enemy to farm. Keep mana potions as much as possible to keep you sustaining and equal with enemy's god (especially high sustain god). Just keep watch out if enemy in other lane is missing.

Duo Lane
I like this better. As you are not so sustain, you need to frequently return to base.

Use your 1 to help reduce enemy's health. When enemy run away, chase them with your third while your teammate will use their ulti when enemy is stunned. Then, finish that enemy with your ulti.

Also, if you die, you are helpful to your teammate as they gain health and protection.

- Teammate
When you are carry, your teammate should be bruiser or mage


Ne Zha is a good assassin with high critical chance if he use his 2. He is also more stronger than other assassin in defense. But, keep mana potion as you are not so sustain.

Enjoy playing Ne Zha and hope you like this guide. Don't forget to upvote this.

Also check my Apollo guide here

Check my Fenrir guide here

A great guide of Ne Zha also here


Time at +7 GMT

- 19 April 2013
Changing some skills and items as not recommended by comment
- 19 April 2013 10:40
Making the assassin build

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flyrom99 (9) | May 4, 2013 5:36pm
There is a lot of grammar problems in this guide, but other than that is a great guide.
BestMinionEver (69) | April 22, 2013 6:48am
How do you usually play when you play with Ne Zha? I myself doesn't stay in my lane at all from lvl 4 and out, unless my partner needs help.

I made a guide myself, quite different from yours. But I think Ne Zha can be built in a lot of different ways. Going to try out your build and see some time. +1 from me.

Here is my build Jungling Ne Zha, been doing very well so far.
RazeMage (58) | April 21, 2013 3:47pm
I.... Totally laugh :D I don't realize that. I guess I'm gonna ask my literature teacher to make it better :P
Ragingstorm (49) | April 21, 2013 1:40pm
Lol I noticed something hilarious, you started alot of items with, "A very good one, A good one, a very good," just read through only the first few words on the items explanation and you'll laugh.
samuelspark (1) | April 21, 2013 11:27am
Google translated but a decent guide. Made me rethink my build.
Azure98 | April 21, 2013 2:14am
Love the guide its pretty awesome and I can kinda assume why Frostbound would be awesome considering Ne Zha has the Combo System where each consecutive attacks deal more damage(and a lot of it to be honest) So frostbound would keep them close to you while you land all the combo moves to maximize your damage.
RazeMage (58) | April 19, 2013 8:41am
Oh yeah, i forgot to tell something, it is for his carry role instead of assassin. Now i have add the assassin one
Kaden (7) | April 19, 2013 7:46am
few things, why frostbound hammer? its one of the items i dont understand why assassins still pick up, in the past sure, but nowadays getting creeping curse offers a far superior slow and its AOE and doesnt use up a precious items slot, also with Ne Zha you have 2 distance closers and a slow skill which buffs your movespeed, with all that there shouldnt be a need for hammer.

first guide as well i see witches stone on a assassin, explain why that item? its a anti carry item im not sure i see why it would be needed on you and not say a bruiser or tank.

you also under abilities why would you need sprint with 2 gap closers and speed buff on skill 1?
alos considering he has one of the highest base speed in the game already.
Nex The Slayer (37) | April 19, 2013 2:18am
Without a doubt the best Ne Zha guide so far +1!
Kerfew | April 18, 2013 6:43pm
I wouldn't say to level 1 first, leveling 2 first gives you MUCH more damage, thus killing quicker.

Also transcend & frost as optional... when on earth would he find them valuable?

I feel like this guide has been built off other melee assassins (the build), and you haven't played him enough to understand that 2 is your main ability for damage.
bfbr0 | April 18, 2013 5:30pm
Not a bad build at all I love playing ne zha and will purchase HIM as soon as I get enough favor. Personally I feel a hydras lament, tabi, deathbringer combo rapes with him. Your burst is ridiculous and once you throw in a golden bow, executioner, and fatalis you hit like a ****ing truck.
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