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This build gives you a ton of strength while providing more than enough penetration to be a threat against even the tankiest enemies. While having more cooldown is nice, having the ability to kill someone with just one ability rotation is invaluable and, in my opinion, the ideal playstyle for Susano.
Replace Bumba's Cudgel/Bumba's Dagger with Bluestone Pendant if you are playing other gamemodes or playing a role other than Jungle.
If you need anti-heal then simply replace Serrated Edge with Brawler's Ruin. Everything else works well no matter the situation.
Hydra's is a priority because it will vastly improve your auto attack cancel damage while granting much needed mana regeneration and Transcendence is a very good item for ability assasins in general. The rest is simply more damage and this build will work well no matter what.
Buy Brawler's Ruin instead of Serrated Edge if the enemy team is healing too much. Everything else will be the same.
At levels 1, 2, and 3 you'll be unlocking all 3 of your main abilities so you can auto attack cancel more effectively. Whether you want to max your 2 or your 3 is completely up to personal preference. I generally prefer to max my 3 unless the enemy team is ahead and I have to use my 3 for escaping rather than initiating.
Tap each threat level to view Susano’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Susano’s synergies
Before we begin, if improving your damage output is why you are here then simply check out the chapter named "How to vastly improve Susano's damage output".
Susano is one of the most versatile and effective characters in the game. There is one thing in his kit I haven't seen any other guide talk about, and that little trick turns him into a whole different beast.
He is considered to be an absolute monster in the right hands but he is one of the harder gods to learn and master. However I'll explain everything in a clear and concise way so that you won't have any questions as to how his kit comes together to create one of the most fluid, effective and fun kits in the entire game.
This guide is suitable for every gamemode, but I will go an extra mile to explain how to play him in Conquest effectively from the very beginning to the end. By the end of this quick guide you'll forget why you were afraid of Conquest in the first place, and that's a promise. Let's get started!
Susano's abilities are actually very simple by themselves. What makes them effective is how you use them together.
As someone who fell in love with Susano on his release day and played him religiously from day one with a win rate of 72% so far, I believe his first few levels are very crucial. Don't let that scare you because that's why I'm here. I spent hundreds of hours making every mistake you can think of so you don't have to.
Susano's early game is his weakest point by far due to his low early game damage and long cooldowns, but this stops becoming an issue around level 5 where you become a much bigger threat. This is not an issue in gamemodes such as Arena and Joust since you skip past level 1 and you can simply rely on your mechanics, but I've prepared a nice guide on how to start properly in Conquest so you don't have to struggle.
Jungle pathing is something new players will struggle with a lot. However the only confusing part about jungling is the very start and once you know what to do then it's actually not bad at all. Let's get to it right away.
This pathing works well for a number of reasons and I'll explain them shortly.
You want to start at your speed buff (1) and clear the camps from 1 to 3 in order. We are going to ignore camp 0 for now because we have bigger fish to fry in mid, but if you want to play safe then you can clear camp 0 right after camp 3 and go to mid afterwards.
After we clear camp 3, there are two things we can do.
If your mid laner is being pressured and the enemy mid laner is close to your tower like Zeus is in the picture, then we have a good opportunity to gank the enemy mid laner.
If the mid laners are even or our mid laner has pressure then we can move onto camp 4 which is a neutral buff camp and contest it. Unless you and your mid laner is on low health, in which case we can move onto camp 5. If your mid laner is following you then you can clear camp 8 for him and let him take the red buff. Otherwise clear in order and take the red buff yourself.
So far so good. At this point we are on camp 8, we did our pathing right and we are not behind. From this point forward you want to clear your camps as they spawn and look for gank opportunities. Check the minimap and see if anyone from the enemy team is close to your towers. I prefer to gank solo very early but there isn't always a gank opportunity. In which case simply clear whatever camps are starting to spawn on your right side jungle where your speed buff is located. Susano's late game is a whole different beast so don't worry if you can't find many opportunities yet.
To end this chapter here's a quick tip that will save you a lot of time over the course of the match: After hitting a jungle camp that has more than one enemy, simply take a step back before using your Storm Kata to clear. If you don't do this then your first ability won't be able to hit all the enemies and you'll spend more time trying to clear with your basic attacks, which is a no-no. Here's a quick video showing what I mean:
Now that the boring stuff is out of the way let's talk about what makes Susano a whole different beast, which is Auto Attack Cancelling. Vast majority of Susano's mid to late game damage comes from being able to AA cancel. You might have heard this term but usually it's explained in a way that makes it sound more confusing than it is. Let's change that.
All AA cancelling means is that you want to auto attack before and after using an ability which means you deal more damage in a short period of time. To do this effectively on Susano you want to have your Storm Kata (ability 1) on instant cast. (Settings > Gameplay > Cast Mode Ablity 1 > Instant)
Afterwards go into practice mode and try doing this: Normal attack, 1, normal attack, 1, normal attack, 1.
Naturally it will take some time to get used to, but once you learn AA cancelling your damage output will increase drastically and it's extremely useful on almost every god in the game. If AA cancelling is done right on Susano's 1 it will look like this:
As you can see our first ability is just as fast, but we have 3 normal attacks in there which is a lot of damage, especially combined with our first item Hydra's Lament.
Towards the late game our auto attacks will outdamage our abilities by quite a bit and majority of our damage will come from being able to AA cancel. As I said, simply use normal attacks between your abilities and try to make it a habit and your damage output will increase quite a bit. With correct AA cancelling your full kit is a guaranteed death sentence for any squishy and it will look something like this:
Your auto attack cancels won't be nearly as quick but they don't have to. Precision is way more important than speed and just making a habit of auto attacking before and after using an ability is more than enough and you won't believe the difference it will make. Hop on practice mode and see for yourself. :)
The way I prefer to gank is using my 2 first, basic attacking once and using my 3 to stick wind gust on them. After this I'll use my first ability with auto attacks as my main source of damage and I will use my 3 to catch up if the enemy uses an escape ability or blink. After I teleport to the enemy using my 3 then I can use my ultimate to either finish them off.
As I said before, Our ultimate ability is great for both initiating and finishing someone off and it can catch enemies that blink away. Here is a quick cut showing how you can use your ultimate and third ability to catch up to an enemy that uses both their escape ability and blink at the same time. My skill rotation wasn't ideal here because some of them were on cooldown but it wasn't needed because of how far ahead I was, and it still gets the point across:
Your third ability is also great for going through obstacles such as Odin's cage and Ymir's wall. Here's a quick example showing how you can use your third ability to completely nulify obstacles:
Susano is a very burst heavy god, meaning he is extremely effective against squishies such as mid/etc while not being the best against tanks. Generally auto attack based gods are better at dealing with frontliners. This doesn't mean Susano can't deal with them The build I provided gives you plenty of penetration which means you are still a threat against tanks and you can even kill them with one rotation of your abilities if you are ahead, but you should always go for the squishies if the opportunity is there.
Ideally you want to find an opening and jump onto the enemy squishies. Just try to keep an eye on what's going on and make sure they used some abilities beforehand so they can't turn around and blow you up. If they have gods that can peel very well such as Athena/Ares/Geb then you want to make sure they either used their problematic abilities before you dive their damage dealers, or they are occupied and you have a good opoening to blow up the squishies before they can stop you.
All that being said you have two crows control abilities in your kit. Don't be afraid to use your second ability to get someone off your teammates or using your ultimate ability to save a teammate.
At this point you should have a decent understanding of Susano's kit and why auto attack cancels are a must. I suggest going into practice mode and building your muscle memory so you can pull it off easier in actual games. Once you get used to it it will become second nature and you won't even think about it. I hope this guide was helpful and I hope you can learn to enjoy Susano as much as I do.
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