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by Mattdew updated May 9, 2017

Smite God: Ne Zha

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Ne Zha Build

what you're probably going to need

Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Combat Boots Combat Boots
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi

power and stuff

Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater

things to keep you together

Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor

ancient relics

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune


are you discouraged whenever you play ne zha?
are you sure?
well, im not a fan of opinions, so dont say anything regarding your opinion
because it does not matter

ne zha is a physical melee assassin that relies on crits and killing everyone

ne zha is labeled as an average god, but he is kinda like a mercury, but with less mobility and more crit

listen closely, and you will be the best ne zha eu

Pros and Cons

ne zha has pros and cons


ne zha got high crits, crit chance, sustain, and some mobility
just some mobility


as stated, ne zha only has some mobility
he cant get out of fights very easily
sure, you can escape with your ult and not have it up for like a minute and a half
your 3 is labeled as a "dash"
well, dammit, i can only engage with that, not escape
also, nobody knows ne zha's gender

Skills or Abilities or Whatever the Hell You Call The 1, 2, 3, and 4 Buttons

ne zha has buttons
you have to push them so you can win the game
i once played an arena match with ne zha without pressing buttons
i was disconnected for being idle

every successful hit on an enemy (with skill or basic attack) grants ne zha a stack of his passive
a crit gives him 2 stacks
a stack gives him more crit damage and crit chance
the stacks go away when ne zha comes out of combat
yes, this item comes with the god

have this passive up pretty much all the time while farming
he can turn team fights around with a single 1, 2, 3, or 4

ne zha sends out his circle thing to deal damage to enemies
if it hits an enemy, it bounces to some other enemy nearby for a few times
this slows and reduces the armor of every enemy hit (stacks)
every hit from this ability gives ne zha a stack
each stack gives ne zha movement speed
also, every enemy hit gives him a stack of his passive

use it to farm early game
harass the enemy with it when they get greedy for some last hits
and if youre ever getting ganked, try to hit the enemy with this while moving away from them
you slow them down, you get movement speed, where can you find another opening?
oh yeah, nvm, loki killed them

ne zha lights his spear
when his spear is lit, he gets attack speed and crit chance
also, he heals depending on how many stacks he has on his passive

this gives ne zha some kind of "survivablity" whenever he enters a teamfight
ne zha will do best if he lives longer in long teamfights
because you cant crit with ne zha if youre dead

ne zha throws his extremely comfortable scarf forth
if it hits an enemy god, the enemy god hit is stunned
ne zha will make his way to the enemy god while the enemy god is stunned, dealing damage to the enemy god
the enemy god is only stunned for the duration ne zha making his way to the enemy god
also, ne zha cant take damage while making his way to the enemy god
its like some aegis or whatever

use this to engage or stop an enemy in their tracks while theyre low hp
it's also a stun, so your scylla, ra, thoth, nu wa, chronos, etc... can target the enemy easily
because i remember when i played scylla for the first time
missed 20+ ults in a single arena match

ne zha dashes forth
if he hits an enemy god, he takes him up into the sky and delivers three blows to the enemy god hit
its like a kumbhakarna ult with a little boy slapping you in the face
when this process is finished, ne zha jumps back to where he casted the ult
in that case, if you wanna play safe, cast your ult to hit an enemy at max distance

its easy to screw his ult up
if you think you can get some crits that will finish the enemy god off, go for it
if the enemy survives your ult, use your 3
if that doesn't work, use your 1 or 2
if that doesn't work, chase the enemy down
if that doesn't work, tell your teammates to go after the enemy
if your 3 is on cooldown, go back to farming
if none of these work for you, you are a bad ne zha player
but its ok
so am i
late or mid game, use this to escape things

Items and Why You Probably Need Them

i remember that match where i played ne zha and didnt buy any items
the enemy surrendered because the other four on my team were loki, thanatos, he bo, and bacchus



its what every assassin buys
more sustain is good
right, osiris?

its a starter you get when you want to snowball the enemy team
you get a kill, you get a stack
you get more stacks, you get penetration, movement speed, and cooldown reduction
and you get some mp5
amazing for assassins


malice is just so good for assassins who rely on crits
even if you cant crit the next few seconds, hou yi is going to have a hard time dealing with your auto attacks and/or skills/abilities/whatever
you crit, you get more physical power
good enough for me

again, an amazing item for assassins who rely on crits
your crits do more damage

penetration and cooldown
you need to press 2 more than once if you want to survive a teamfight

your crits wont do as much damage if the enemy ymir ACTUALLY builds sovereignty and heartward amulet
also, get some other penetration item BEFORE getting titans bane

ne zha is probably one of the glassiest of cannons
its good to have some lifesteal on him
i, one time, crit 1000 on this enemy arachne and healed pretty much half my hp
just 1 shot arachne
one moment, she was reborn in the chaos fountain, the next moment, she dies to a boy
even if you ended up all 1 hp left, you would have a shield for the next few seconds
that gives you time to press 2 and get the hell out of there

again, lifesteal s needed to keep ne zha in longer teamfights
ne zha is way more effective in longer teamfights
but only if ne zha could stay alive in longer
thats why soul eater does just as well as any lifesteal item if youre playing a god that relies on auto attacks


god, this is such a great item from ne zha
you could just press 2 and get more movement speed if you have any stacks on your passive
and since the items cooldown is only 10 seconds, which is longer than your 2, you can pretty much use this item to escape fights you cant handle

this gives you physical protection
enemies around you will have their physical protections reduced
you get penetration
this means the 4 defense items that their noob ra bought was a waste of gold

like bloodforge, it keeps ne zha together when youre trying to do some ballsy plays
such as ulting in the enemy fountain
a lesson i learned the hard way

serves the same purpose as bulwark of hope
offers way more protection than bulwark of hope, but offers less crowd control reduction
also, you cant stun towers, phoenixes, or titans even if youre below 30% hp and if this is off cooldown

protections and cooldown reduction
aw yeah

How to Boss Your Teammates Correctly

ne zha is not like kali
he needs a team to win a game



they soak up the damage for ne zha
they build sovereignty and heartward amulet (seldom)
they have lots of cc and cc reduction
they are tanks
sure, you might not get top mitigated, but thank god you arent
because if you did, you would die
5 times in a single minute
while in the fountain


scylla, zeus, janus, any mage with insane damage
and damn, janus's 2 deals 330 magical damage + 70% of your magical power and has a cooldown of 8 seconds
as ne zha, get them with your 3 or slow them down with your 1 and let hades do the rest


basically every god with a bow
while youre keeping the enemy distracted, your adc/hunter could easily go do some backdooring
as long as they know how to hold left mouse button, it should be ok


guan yu, hel, chang'e etc...
stated before, ne zha is one of the glassiest of cannons
glass cannons need the fastest healers in the game
so hel, stop staying in your dark stance 9/11 of the game
ne zha needs you
not the us navy


~say something nice to them when they do something right, a simple "gj" is nice
~point out whatever is wrong with their builds in the nicest way possible
~dont tell them to press f7
~say "glhf" at the start of every game, and say "gg" at the end of every game
~if there is a diamond skin on your team, dont piss them off


have fun
its not my fault if you lose the next match with ne zha

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Tlaloc1050 (17) | May 11, 2017 10:51pm
+1. That title…lol
Technotoad64 (46) | May 11, 2017 5:51am
Of all the places to find clickbait...
Bernardozomer (33) | May 11, 2017 5:59am
I thought I was on an adult website for a second.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 11, 2017 6:37am
The "9K+" might as well be "18+".

Also, how do you get a crit for 9k damage? Even guardians don't usually get 4k max health, so it would probably require hacking. In which case, that's even more clickbait.

"hi frends i hav found workinggg online HACK please goto www(dot)bit(dot)ly/50dd50420b14z31t is not virus".

Or, wait a minute. 9k+... It's over nine thousand!

It doesn't stop at the title. Read the guide, this guy could be a decent amateur comedian.
Stasis13 (1) | May 10, 2017 7:44pm
The title alone is going to get you so many views! Well played, sir.
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