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Big Bird Boy - S8 Horus Support Build

2 0 3,591
by optigan updated March 12, 2021

Smite God: Horus

Build Guide Discussion 3 More Guides
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Horus Build

Starting Items

Notes Get War Flag and upgrade to Spartan Flag if you're planning on playing more aggressively. Just keep in mind that Sentinel's Gift gives you more protections early game and you may find yourself having a harder time earlier on.

Magic Shell is just extremely good right now and you should build it like on most other supports.


Get War Flag and upgrade to Spartan Flag if you're planning on playing more aggressively. Just keep in mind that Sentinel's Gift gives you more protections early game and you may find yourself having a harder time earlier on.

Magic Shell is just extremely good right now and you should build it like on most other supports.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item War Flag War Flag
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Full Build Example

Notes Sell Reinforced Greaves for Spirit Robe.

This build is generally what I do against a regular comp. If I have more teammates reliant on attack speed I typically opt-in for Shogun's Kusari rather than Oni Hunter's Garb.


Sell Reinforced Greaves for Spirit Robe.

This build is generally what I do against a regular comp. If I have more teammates reliant on attack speed I typically opt-in for Shogun's Kusari rather than Oni Hunter's Garb.

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe


Notes These items are good on basically every build.
Reinforced Greaves - Offers CCR, health, and a bit of power which makes it the best boots you could get for Horus support.
Caduceus Shield - Great for his Protector's Surge and all the stats are generally just very good.
Soverignty - The +35 HP5 makes Sovereignty special so I advise getting it even if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of physical damage.


These items are good on basically every build.
Reinforced Greaves - Offers CCR, health, and a bit of power which makes it the best boots you could get for Horus support.
Caduceus Shield - Great for his Protector's Surge and all the stats are generally just very good.
Soverignty - The +35 HP5 makes Sovereignty special so I advise getting it even if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of physical damage.

Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty

Second Relic Options

Notes Horrific Emblem and Heavenly Wings accomplish similar things in trying to engage/disengage in team fights. Horrific Emblem is personally my go-to.
Shield of Thorns is good if you're taking a lot of damage and you need the thorns to do some extra damage.
Belt of Frenzy isn't my favourite on Horus but it is still a very solid support relic.


Horrific Emblem and Heavenly Wings accomplish similar things in trying to engage/disengage in team fights. Horrific Emblem is personally my go-to.
Shield of Thorns is good if you're taking a lot of damage and you need the thorns to do some extra damage.
Belt of Frenzy isn't my favourite on Horus but it is still a very solid support relic.

Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy

Physical Protection Items

Notes Situational on the enemy team.
Because you probably built Soverignty you probably don't need to build more phys. protection unless the enemy team is running a lot of physical damage.


Situational on the enemy team.
Because you probably built Soverignty you probably don't need to build more phys. protection unless the enemy team is running a lot of physical damage.

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor

Magical Protection Items

Notes Situational on the enemy team.
Generally, Heartward Amulet and Oni Hunter's Garb are the most familiar and you're most likely to pick those up.


Situational on the enemy team.
Generally, Heartward Amulet and Oni Hunter's Garb are the most familiar and you're most likely to pick those up.

Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence

Other Great Items

Notes Situational on the enemy team.
Spirit Robe or Mantle of Discord are generally very good and I usually pick one of them up.


Situational on the enemy team.
Spirit Robe or Mantle of Discord are generally very good and I usually pick one of them up.

Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia

Horus's Skill Order Notes Leveling between Updraft and Fracture first are interchangeable!

Updraft is the best for wave clearing since the gust goes through minions.
However, I build Fracture first because it allows you to engage so easily and does more damage than Updraft.


Leveling between Updraft and Fracture first are interchangeable!

Updraft is the best for wave clearing since the gust goes through minions.
However, I build Fracture first because it allows you to engage so easily and does more damage than Updraft.


1 X Y
1 8 11 12 14


2 A B
2 4 6 7 10

Protector's Surge

3 B A
Protector's Surge
3 15 16 18 19

To The Skies!

4 Y X
To The Skies!
5 9 13 17 20
1 8 11 12 14


1 X
Horus uses his wings to create an updraft around himself, knocking nearby enemies into the air.

Using the currents from the updraft, Horus' next Basic Attack within 5s will create a gust of wind that travels forward, damaging enemies and slowing them for 2.5s. This attack cannot crit. Enemies that are knocked up when hit take bonus damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Gust Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 + 100% of your Basic Attack Damage
Gust Bonus Damage: 1.5x
Gust Slow: 25%
Radius: 12
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
2 4 6 7 10


2 A
Horus dashes forward a short distance, ready to strike with his weapon. If Horus hits a god he stops and stuns the god for 1.25s. He will then wind up a heavy cleave. Enemies hit have their Protections reduced for 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Dash, Damage
Dash Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Cleave Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Protection Reduction: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Range: 40
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Protector's Surge
3 15 16 18 19

Protector's Surge

3 B
Horus rushes to the aid of an ally. After selecting an ally, Horus will leap to their location before descending. Upon landing, the selected ally and all nearby allies have their health restored and gain protections for 5s.

Ability Type: Leap
Heal: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Protection Buff: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Range: 60
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 13s
To The Skies!
5 9 13 17 20

To The Skies!

4 Y
Horus sends a mirror image of himself into the sky that scouts for a location to fly to. Upon selecting a ground location, Horus will begin to channel for 2s. Allies near Horus after these 2 seconds are flown to the location Horus' image chose. Horus and his allies land with such force, enemies take damage and are knocked away from the landing location. Horus and his allies at the landing location gain a protective shield for 4s.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 / 450 / 550 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Shield: 160 / 240 / 320 / 400 / 480
Radius: 20
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Horus Threats

Tap each threat level to view Horus’s threats


Horus Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Horus’s synergies



Horus, The Rightful Heir

A Support Conquest Guide for Season 8

Horus is an ability-based Warrior God that is great for his high mobility and lots of single-target CC. A Horus support can swoop into their team and stun enemies to help get kills or protect them from danger. He offers a flexible playstyle depending on how you and your teammate(s) want to play and has great sustain to keep everyone alive.

Horus is one of my favourite supports to play at the moment, and even though he's not very meta right now you can still offer a lot of value for your team!

This is my first guide and a work in progress, so please leave suggestions and tips. I'll actively try to make changes as the season progresses as well :)

Pros / Cons

  • Very high mobility.
  • Good defense.
  • Great single target priority.
  • Lots of CC that's fairly easy to use.
  • Good sustain because of healing.
  • Flexible playstyle.
  • Horus is typically more defensive which isn't meta right now.
  • His ultimate can be hard to use.
  • No AoE damage.
  • Most of his abilities can be interrupted.
  • Not the best in team fights.



Fracture + Updraft

By comboing Horus' Fracture to engage in stunning the enemy and then using Updraft, you are able to stun the enemy for a long duration of time and allow your teammate(s) to go for the kill! This is especially helpful in laning phase when you're trying to go for early fights.

Fracture + Protector's Surge

You can gain lots of distance and develop unpredictable movement by using Protector's Surge with Fracture. You can:
  • Engage with Fracture and then immediately recall to a teammate with Protector's Surge.
  • Fly to a teammate with Protector's Surge and use Fracture to stun an enemy to protect them.
  • Run away with a teammate using Protector's Surge to get close and then Fracture to get extra distance
  • Get into a fight by flying to a teammate and using Fracture to engage!

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Falcrus (3) | March 15, 2021 2:23am
Welcome to smitefire!

So do you think is a good idea to get cap CCR in full build? He have 15% ccr trough his passive and he do not get 55%. Buying 2 ccr items viable if only enemy has a lot of instant CC (before you able to stack passive), so it more situative and for avg full build I offer not to buy 2 ccr items.

And also i dont think he mostly defense, because of lack of protection he gets trough passive and even with his Protector's Surge, He about combat self heal and self heal out of combat (which already was not big, and was nerfed, made him not in meta, coupled with lack of protection trough abbility making his healing tank potential not good enough)
optigan | March 15, 2021 11:55am
Hey thanks for the reply! I appreciate the feedback :D

I actually did mean to put Genji instead of Oni, so I can fix that now, thanks! I agree that building a lot of CCR isn't really good unless the enemy comps do have that insta CC.

The reason I say he's mostly defense is that, compared to a lot of other supports, Horus does not offer a lot to be able get in and our of fights (particularly early game) without using all of his cooldowns. In the first couple levels you're going to have a hard time because you do lack some of the protections that guardians would have and your abilities really require you to get in there. His passive does help, but in early game I find it's not as effective.
This is obviously moreso my opinion and if you have someone you know will be able to push up with you then this is less of an issue, I know I can play much more aggro when I'm with friends. I've had some trouble trying to play aggressively when I solo queue.
Falcrus (3) | March 15, 2021 3:30pm
Well yes. Horus is less independent supports and needs allies who know how to interact with him. For example his Protector's Surge giving protection which means he not should engage, but jump after allies and give him 3sec of protection buff. Criticaly team dependent so playing solo on him is learning all situations and all ways your allies will act, and adapt to their game, trying to use him as if team know how to interact with Horus but which they never will do. For example: this is not your ally should be ready to attack when you CC enemy, due to your kit, its you should predict when your ally will try to 1v1 enemy and then jump to help (btw, this is what his description in game says), so he is less frontliner.
Predicting, adapting
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Big Bird Boy - S8 Horus Support Build
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