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I usually play this build in arena and generally focus around Baron's utility rather than getting kills or tanking. Whilst Baron is good at both with the right build, I like to focus on the benefits Baron can bring to a team, especially in a team fight. If you are seeking the glory of carrying your team, this build is not for you. Whilst he does reasonable damage with this build, he can do a lot more if you go full burst mage.
+Excellent utility kit
+Good CC
+Nice heal
+Can fill any role
-No escape
-Short range abilities
-Heal is unreliable and dependent on hitting an enemy. Can't heal unless in a fight
-Whilst he is the 'jack of all trades' he is also the master of none.
For those who haven't played Baron before, it is worth noting that his abilities are slightly shorter range than other mages and as such, you need to be slightly closer to the action. Which is why I like building him defencively.
I tend to start with shoes of focus because cooldown is pretty much essential on him, hence why I have full cooldown reduction in this build.
I then go on to buy either Lotus crown or void stone depending on whether there are more physical or magical on the other team. Lotus crown is good to get early as it will give you team a nice shield as well as a nice juicy heal, excellent during team fights. All the stats on this item are perfect for this build, especially the mp5 as he is quite mana hungry early game. The void stone gives you some nice defencive stats too as well as a good team utility aura lowering enemy defences.
After these items, I tend to buy chrono's pendant to get a nice jump in cooldown reduction. It also helps considerably to control his mana issue. If you're needing more defence however, breastplate of valor is another good option.
Depending on how things are going I'll either buy gem of isolation or pythagorem's piece next. Gem is a bit more defencive and helps lock down kills, especially if you can land your third ability. Pythagorem's is a nice item to cap your cooldown reduction whilst giving your team a boost in damage output and lifesteal and also giving you a nice chunk of health to absorb more damage.
I hope you enjoy this build as much as I do. I feel it accentuates all his best qualities and makes him a formidable team fight presence. You will rarely get a kill, but if played right, you will rarely die, and that (in my opinion) is more important than getting kills. His ability to lock down a target, heal his team whilst simultaneously dealing reasonable damage (and slowing enemies with gem), soak up tonnes of damage and having beneficial auras makes this build an excellent team based option.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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I never really play Baron, but ended up with him in a somewhat recent Assault match. Since he's now considered a healer, I wanted to make sure he would be alive to continue to heal teammates.
Now, I didn't build quite like you have in your example build, but I started
Near the end of the match, one of the teammates (the guy I was grouped with, funny enough) said something like "maybe you shouldn't build tanky with Baron," which started a slew of BM from the rest of the teammates, saying I'm an idiot for not going damage. Funny enough, I mitigated a reasonable amount, had the least deaths on my team by far, AND did the most damage on my team by far (partially because we mostly had melee gods...but even compared to the enemy I outdamaged the enemy Baron significantly and had about the same amount of healing, even though he got Chronos and Asclep. I also did a bit more damage than the enemy Agni, and was only outclassed in damage by the enemy Jing.
Mostly what I'm trying to say here is that the partial tank focus is a good one, especially in a teamfight mode for a god that doesn't have an escape. Your listing of items make sense, your alternate/situational items are good, etc.
Building him bruiser is absolutely a functional way to go. Was using one of my experiences to confirm my approval of this build.