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This section is specifically for Anti Physical Damage
The most common start will see both the ADC and Support together in the Duo lane. In these scenarios, the object is to clear the wave as quickly as possible to gain an upper hand on the enemy, providing you with a variety of options.
When in lane, if your wave clear is stronger than the enemy's, you can apply pressure. Depending on your threat level, you can push them back toward their tower, apply poke damage, etc. Use that pressure to get a head start on clearing the next incoming wave or secure an XP camp
Your general priority from this point is mainly to clear the minion waves and farm up as efficiently as possible, while applying pressure / damaging the enemy whenever possible and protecting your ADC. Damaging can obviously secure kills, but can just as importantly force them to use up potions, back and lose farm, etc.
You should be looking to secure as much farm as possible. Don't forget to use your free Vision Shard. When safe, try to steal camps on the enemy's side
You'll mostly stay in lane with the ADC in the early game, but will need to choose a time to start rotating, where you will likely spend most of your time between the Duo and Mid-lanes. After your first back, you can start looking to clear and pick up the Support Buff, though it will help if you've got a teammate to help you clear.
Does your ADC have strong wave clear, allowing you to be more aggressive and pressure the enemy Duo? Or do you both need to sit back, farm safely, and make sure you don't get pushed into the tower? Knowing your strengths, as well as your ADC's, can help get the most out of your teamwork
Knowing the enemy. How do they match up against your Duo team? Do you have great initiation and CC abilities while their ADC has no escape? Consider the matchups, which can help you determine how aggressive you can be.
Rotations: You can start rotating whenever the right situation presents itself. Rotating away from the Duo lane serves 2 purposes: 1) if the ADC is strong enough to clear waves on their own, it helps max their farming, while 2) moving to support the general jungle allows the Support to continue gathering resources while also being a second roaming threat for ganks.
Early in the game, you'll want to use the Vision Shard whenever it's available to cover entrances to the Jungle. Usually as you start to roam, you'll want to pick up a couple of individual Wards or a Chalice of the Oracle and start dropping wards like crazy.
Back when you have enough gold to buy a full item and there are no nearby jungle camps to clear. However, this comes secondary to your teammates' situations. For example, if your ADC is being pushed back or needs to back themselves, it may be best for you to stay and help clear an extra wave or two.
Rotations are a huge part of a Support's contribution to the team. By separating from your ADC, you allow them to gain maximum resources from their lane, while offering your tanking, CC, or other supporting abilities to other lanes. By roaming, you also make it harder for the enemy to keep track of you, forcing them to rely on proper placement of Wards if they want to avoid possible ganks.
*NOTE* The Mid-Game is a crucial time for the ADC to farm alone. If you do rotate back to the Duo lane to attempt a gank or secure a kill, make your stay short so you don't give a farming advantage to the enemy. An exception to this rule is if the enemy Support isn't rotating out, at which point, you want to even things up by being present as well.
One final will likely not be building for damage, so you should not engage in 1 v 1 fights, unless you've got an obvious health advantage. If you're roaming and you come across the enemy Jungler, ignore them and continue to where you were headed, or get to safety if they attack.
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