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Builds for dummy's

8 2 17,796
by Artemistriss updated September 4, 2022

Smite God: Bacchus

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Bacchus Build



Starter build

This is an excellent starter build for guardians as Sentinel's gift gives good early game protections. This as with the clear a guardian has can add good sustain since it restores health and mana for minion assists. Getting Glowing Emerald will give extra HP5 which will make your sustain early game really good.

Now as for the relic you should choose, this very much depends on your ADC if they are prone to getting hurt then Meditation is good. If they need a little extra help in fights you can pick Horrific Emblem or Magic Shell.

Depending on how you play grab 3 health potions and 2 multi potions (OR Mana potions)


Starter build

This is an excellent starter build for guardians as Sentinel's gift gives good early game protections. This as with the clear a guardian has can add good sustain since it restores health and mana for minion assists. Getting Glowing Emerald will give extra HP5 which will make your sustain early game really good.

Now as for the relic you should choose, this very much depends on your ADC if they are prone to getting hurt then Meditation is good. If they need a little extra help in fights you can pick Horrific Emblem or Magic Shell.

Depending on how you play grab 3 health potions and 2 multi potions (OR Mana potions)

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Manticore's Spikes Manticore's Spikes
Build Item Greater Cloak of Meditation Greater Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Main Build

> Gauntlet of Thebes this item is a good first item to build into as it gives early game health & HP5 to increase sustainability. It also gives an aura of protections for your team, once fully stacked its a sizable aura. Since it builds stacks off of minion assists it makes it easy to clear lane while your ADC is farming. Then the fully evolved gauntlet [+250 Health, +50 Protections & +15HP5]

> Mantle of Discord This item can be swapped out for "Hide of the Urchin" in a guardian build its important to have both protections. Mantle is my preferred item since it has +55 protections (rather than +30 from hide) and because it has CDR.

> Stone of Gaia is in my opinion a fantastic item as it gives health when you are hit with CC once every 45s this means as long as you have enough sustain and HP5 it will be so hard to kill you. No to mention on top of the HP5 it gives you it also passively restores 0.5% of your max health a sec

> Hide of the Urchin is an all around solid item however it can be swapped for other items if needed. This is a "build if you are winning" kind of item. It makes you a bit more tanky and just lets you bully more.

Now it's important to note that the guardian needs to be keeping an eye on the opposite team so they can counter build. This means pressing TAB to look at the teams kills & Builds. Pressing T to see the top player stats and Y to see your kill recaps. By doing all of this you can see who is doing damage and who you have to counter build.


> Gauntlet of Thebes this item is a good first item to build into as it gives early game health & HP5 to increase sustainability. It also gives an aura of protections for your team, once fully stacked its a sizable aura. Since it builds stacks off of minion assists it makes it easy to clear lane while your ADC is farming. Then the fully evolved gauntlet [+250 Health, +50 Protections & +15HP5]

> Mantle of Discord This item can be swapped out for "Hide of the Urchin" in a guardian build its important to have both protections. Mantle is my preferred item since it has +55 protections (rather than +30 from hide) and because it has CDR.

> Stone of Gaia is in my opinion a fantastic item as it gives health when you are hit with CC once every 45s this means as long as you have enough sustain and HP5 it will be so hard to kill you. No to mention on top of the HP5 it gives you it also passively restores 0.5% of your max health a sec

> Hide of the Urchin is an all around solid item however it can be swapped for other items if needed. This is a "build if you are winning" kind of item. It makes you a bit more tanky and just lets you bully more.

Now it's important to note that the guardian needs to be keeping an eye on the opposite team so they can counter build. This means pressing TAB to look at the teams kills & Builds. Pressing T to see the top player stats and Y to see your kill recaps. By doing all of this you can see who is doing damage and who you have to counter build.

Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Anti ADC

Notes This section is specifically for Anti Physical Damage

> Midgardian Mail is a good item to build if their ADC or assassin is building attack speed (Most of which do) and is demolishing people. This item specifically effects gods that hit you with basics.

> Spectral armor is good when the phys dmg is building heavy crit, that being said this item only effects you so its important if you build this item to get in their face and not allow them to focus other players

> Witchblade is all around a good item as it gives an aura to slow attack speed making it not necessary to body block to gain the effect. That being said its important to note it does have a range so you still must be participating in team fights.

> Horrific Emblem is a good option because it's a relic meaning you have the choice when to use it if its needed for an engage. This has its ups and downs since it's not a constant and thus you have to remember to pop it if needed for defense.


This section is specifically for Anti Physical Damage


> Midgardian Mail is a good item to build if their ADC or assassin is building attack speed (Most of which do) and is demolishing people. This item specifically effects gods that hit you with basics.

> Spectral armor is good when the phys dmg is building heavy crit, that being said this item only effects you so its important if you build this item to get in their face and not allow them to focus other players

> Witchblade is all around a good item as it gives an aura to slow attack speed making it not necessary to body block to gain the effect. That being said its important to note it does have a range so you still must be participating in team fights.

> Horrific Emblem is a good option because it's a relic meaning you have the choice when to use it if its needed for an engage. This has its ups and downs since it's not a constant and thus you have to remember to pop it if needed for defense.

Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem

Anti Mage

Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination

Anti Heal

Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence


Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor


Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Manticore's Spikes Manticore's Spikes

Going to lane

The most common start will see both the ADC and Support together in the Duo lane. In these scenarios, the object is to clear the wave as quickly as possible to gain an upper hand on the enemy, providing you with a variety of options.

When in lane, if your wave clear is stronger than the enemy's, you can apply pressure. Depending on your threat level, you can push them back toward their tower, apply poke damage, etc. Use that pressure to get a head start on clearing the next incoming wave or secure an XP camp

Your general priority from this point is mainly to clear the minion waves and farm up as efficiently as possible, while applying pressure / damaging the enemy whenever possible and protecting your ADC. Damaging can obviously secure kills, but can just as importantly force them to use up potions, back and lose farm, etc.

You should be looking to secure as much farm as possible. Don't forget to use your free Vision Shard. When safe, try to steal camps on the enemy's side

You'll mostly stay in lane with the ADC in the early game, but will need to choose a time to start rotating, where you will likely spend most of your time between the Duo and Mid-lanes. After your first back, you can start looking to clear and pick up the Support Buff, though it will help if you've got a teammate to help you clear.

Learning your place

Does your ADC have strong wave clear, allowing you to be more aggressive and pressure the enemy Duo? Or do you both need to sit back, farm safely, and make sure you don't get pushed into the tower? Knowing your strengths, as well as your ADC's, can help get the most out of your teamwork

Knowing the enemy. How do they match up against your Duo team? Do you have great initiation and CC abilities while their ADC has no escape? Consider the matchups, which can help you determine how aggressive you can be.

Rotations: You can start rotating whenever the right situation presents itself. Rotating away from the Duo lane serves 2 purposes: 1) if the ADC is strong enough to clear waves on their own, it helps max their farming, while 2) moving to support the general jungle allows the Support to continue gathering resources while also being a second roaming threat for ganks.

Early in the game, you'll want to use the Vision Shard whenever it's available to cover entrances to the Jungle. Usually as you start to roam, you'll want to pick up a couple of individual Wards or a Chalice of the Oracle and start dropping wards like crazy.

Back when you have enough gold to buy a full item and there are no nearby jungle camps to clear. However, this comes secondary to your teammates' situations. For example, if your ADC is being pushed back or needs to back themselves, it may be best for you to stay and help clear an extra wave or two.

Mid Game

Rotations are a huge part of a Support's contribution to the team. By separating from your ADC, you allow them to gain maximum resources from their lane, while offering your tanking, CC, or other supporting abilities to other lanes. By roaming, you also make it harder for the enemy to keep track of you, forcing them to rely on proper placement of Wards if they want to avoid possible ganks.

*NOTE* The Mid-Game is a crucial time for the ADC to farm alone. If you do rotate back to the Duo lane to attempt a gank or secure a kill, make your stay short so you don't give a farming advantage to the enemy. An exception to this rule is if the enemy Support isn't rotating out, at which point, you want to even things up by being present as well.

One final will likely not be building for damage, so you should not engage in 1 v 1 fights, unless you've got an obvious health advantage. If you're roaming and you come across the enemy Jungler, ignore them and continue to where you were headed, or get to safety if they attack.


Early game wards

Green: Easiest locations to place wards. Combining Ward #1 and Ward #2 gives you a good view of the main entrances to your lane to warn you of incoming ganks, but you won't have much advance warning.

Yellow: Ward #3 is pushed out on your side of the map, giving you much more advance notice of a common enemy pathing to gank you, especially if you're pushed up in your lane. It doesn't cover very aggressive pathing (through the Damage and Void Buffs), but should cover most standard gank attempts. Combine with Ward #2 for good overall notification of incoming enemies.

Red: Ward #4 provides you with earlier warning in the offensive zone when pushing your lane, especially if your lane enemy backed and is coming back to lane. It doesn't cover your backside, however, so you'll be relying on your own skill and good communication with teammates to keep you alive.

Late game wards

Green: Generally safe spots. These are good places to cover enemy infiltration to allow you to push safely in nearby lanes. If you don't know where the enemy is, don't push, especially not alone. These spots provide a good balance of revealing movement on your side of the map.

Yellow: More aggressive, and very useful if the enemy isn't pushing your phoenixes / Titan. If you have these warded in addition to the greens, you can almost assuredly push lanes safely. They also give good vision on enemy movement toward key objectives like the Fire Giant. Just make sure you keep your eyes on the minimap.

Red: Strategic ward placement for offensive or defensive sieging. These are common areas for the enemy to ward as well, so Sentry Wards are very useful in these spots.

Purple: Fire Giant Sentry Warding. You should always be contesting the FG anytime it is spawned. You want to be able to secure when possible, but should defend if the enemy is attempting to take it down. Sentries will help with this. You don't have to place a ward directly in the middle of the area. Consider placing off to the side a bit in an attempt to avoid enemy sentry wards that might be placed after you place yours.

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