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replace last gasp with desolation and/or tahuti with myrdinn if you prefer
if you don't want to fight take your second spell only level 4 and upgrade your celestial beam level two to get a safe clear
Tap each threat level to view Ra’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Ra’s synergies
: It's your main ability to clear WAVES ! If you don't want to fight level three just upgrade it level 2 to get a safier clear.
: It's a strong spell to fight get it level three if you want to fight. This spell debuff the ennemy by slowing him a lot and purify every slow when you cast it.
: This is the first spell you took to clear early camp it give you somes prots power heal you and deal a lot of damage. When you clear waves early, if your matchup don't has a good clear place it on melee minions, if your opponent has a good clear like
Janus place it on all ennemy wave.
: Consider your ultimate as a classic spell it's your first spell with more damage and faster. you can fast clear waves early game if you want to back quickly without losing exp and golds. It is also a good secure for objectives or to steal objectives don't be affraid to use it
To be fast this build is here just to deal true damage (because you pass throught all prot with all your penetration)
Anti heal must be bought even if ennemy don't have healer in their team remember that Carry's take lifesteal and reduce their healing is always good less they can sustain more is your chance to win
there is no real combo with Ra just keep in mind that your Divine Light is a strong set up to fight and free cast against your opponent (don't play like that in teamfight)
Your 1 + ult (all the time in this order please) Is a strong Secure or instakiller after and Ares /
Ne Zha set up for exemple those two spells will deal damage at the same time and it's around 2.8k damage
Early Camp : like with all other gods in all other game you pull speed and jungle pull red you use your three and then your jungler use his spell so he can benefit from additional power gave by your spell. Then go on the other speed with him place your 3 and go to lane
Global Farm : Ra is a strong farmer you can do all camps without help or taking huge damage but keep in mind that you need to use your 3 first on camp enterin your 3 while it is doing damage and then use your other spell so you will get additional damage
Don't let mid camp alive you can burn them and you have one of the strongest wave clear so never forget to take free farm
You can do back camp if your jungler is ganking on the other side of the map
Chest camp is yours (jungler can take it lone but it still mostly yours)
Be in time to pull speed and red like early to share xp with your jungler sharing experience is a strong mechanic if you aren't behind (you're not supposed to be behind with Ra) you can freely share xp
DON'T OVERROTATE if you rotate letting camps and wave alive you will lose too much gold and experience
SECURE OBJECTIVES Ra has a strong secure keep in mind that you must secure objectives all the time (you can use 1+ ult to get a stronger burst)
Ult waves if you need to back quickly stop greeding you press ult and back under tower no need stay 5 sec to make your combo on waves and die because their jungle blink and you have no mana spell or healthpoint.
Keep in mind that you're a sniper and you MUST play safe so stay behind tanks and with your adc if one of you will be in danger put your Solar Blessing on him and burst you can peel yourselves without difficulties
If you're getting all in press Solar Blessing or
Divine Light and aegis so you can get time for your allies even if you die you will burst opponent and give a chance to your team to not getting raped due to your death
If you play with blink instead of aegisyou job is to catch ennemies out of pos but be sure you press your 2 before you blink so you can instand burst him or at least he will get slowed and be an easy target to ult
If you play with blink integrate a Polynomicon in your build isn't that dumb it's free damage but i don't recommend it especially if you don't master the god or if you're against good player waiting you doing this
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