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For your first active start with Heavenly Wings for your second active either go a team fight active, or choose to go
Blink Rune
With the Sovereignty slot this is your FLEX item slot. Choose from these three which item you need the most.
Heartward Amulet,
Sovereignty, or
Spectral Armor
Cab is a high aggression pick for many, and has seen much play time in three roles. For support you are looking to set up for your team, and provide a ton of CC. You do have high kill potential when playing cab, this is a god that even built tanky can still chunk the enemies health bars with his high base damage.
Looking at Cabs passive he provides an Aura that reduces the damage taken by 5%. This is a really nice passive for being aggressive. Abusing this early will give you an advantage in lane. Cabs first ability Seismic Crush gives him a speed boost, while also becoming slow immune. When he strikes a god with this he will stun them. While cab is taking damage he will build up stacks for his second ability
Refraction Shield that will let him stun any enemy in his cone for a few moments. These two abilities synergize very will with keeping an enemy in one spot for a long time. Cabs third ability
Tremors is a giant AoE circle that lets him pound the ground and do tick damage to anyone inside, this also slows the enemy and distorts their walk so its hard for them to get out of his 3. Cab can do his 3 for 10 seconds before it goes on cooldown. The ultimate
Tectonic Shift for Cab creates walls in front of him, and does damage all the way to them. This is a very good tool to use for blocking players into the jungle, or unfavorable areas. The enemy can auto the walls 3 times to destroy one, and on the flip side cab only has to hit the wall once for it to be destroyed. Using your ultimate and your kit together can make the team fight very annoying for the enemy. You just need to watch your positioning as you will be rooted in place while using your 3!
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In regards to it being 'meta' thats just how it goes, its pretty boring, theres no flashy items, nothing crazy, just standard tank items. The aggressive build, can be built on basically everyone to the same effect, its more geared towards the players that do not want to back line baby sit, but start fights, and engage, and solo players, because at the end of the day, not everyone is gonna be an Aura bot Khepri main. lol BUT not every standard build is the same, there are a few built diff, but for the most part you'll see the 'Standard Build' on everyone, because its good, and you wont die using it.
Hope I cleared it up for you! If not I just woke up 2 mins ago so bare with me lol
2. Doesen't matter cause these are mostly optimal builds in most matches.
3. The builds are mainly made with newer players in mind, builds that are optimal but also more comfortable for them. There is of course more and more possible build examples but adding too many would be considered as clutter.