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Casper the not so friendly ghost

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by scalleywag updated October 29, 2018

Smite God: Osiris

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Osiris Build

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

How to

At the begging, be careful and poke out the enemy with skills 1 & 2, until you can purchase the berserker shield. When you get the shield you can attack minions head to keep up health and mana while using skill 2 at the same time to damage enemies. It is very deceptive to do so.
When fighting mages be sure you get Genjis Guard before fighting directly. After this you will be pretty much good to attack and destroy everyone and everything. Use his sickle (skill 1) and it will slow the enemy, and then his skill 2 will increase the slow to 40%, and his skill 3 will in the mean time will eventually hard stop them where you can use your ultimate and they will just die. It is the greatest combo because in the mean time the berserker shield and attack speed you have will keep your health basically full.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | October 29, 2018 4:22pm
Hi scalley,

Your item choices aren't specifically bad, but they're also quite situational in some cases, and you don't suggest a shield replacement late. One build with no variation or options means it's unlikely you'll be in a situation where this is one of the best build choices.
  • Warrior Tabi is actually the more common boots choice for Osiris. Yes, he's got good basic attack function, and if you were to work in something like Qin's Sais in a very aggressive build against a very tanky team, it would be more functional to get Ninja Tabi. That said, again, Warrior is possibly the better choice, as he can get some really good (and higher) damage by attack canceling with ability use in-between basics. But I won't judge on this one.

  • Berserker's Shield as 2nd item (where, by the way, is the starter? Is this Conquest or other modes???) is good when facing a physical solo-laner. However, if facing a magical one, you probably would need to get magical protections in the 2nd slot.

    In any case, you'd want to have this item replaced late-game. It's technically a T2 item, and will be outclassed as the game progresses.

    Speaking of magical protections, you'd also be okay to consider Shogun's Kusari in place of Genji's Guard, but of course, that's not mentioned.

  • Toxic Blade is very situational, and only best considered against multiple enemy healers. With 0 power, it's questionable that it's good to invest in unless you're facing Hercules, Aphrodite, Ra, Camazotz, and Terra all at once =P

  • Mystical Mail is also situational. It's a fine item on him, but on the expensive side, and the damage falls off late.

  • Mantle of Discord is okay, but you're again missing many functional item choices. Witchblade, Midgardian Mail, etc., are all great to have as considerations.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author scalleywag
Casper the not so friendly ghost
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