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Chillin as Hun Batz

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by UberHaxorBuscus updated November 29, 2016

Smite God: Hun Batz

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Hun Batz Build

Standard starter items

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask

Core purchase order

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield

Optional Defense items

Build Item Armored Cloak Armored Cloak
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield

Optional offense items

Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Rage Rage

Hun Batz, not a complete meme, but still has them jukes

Hun Batz is a middle of the road god, not the best, but still pretty good. The pros play him all the time because of his beautiful CC ultimate and his nutty jump and alright wave clear.

I'm not going to bore you with the details, but let's just say He wins a solod 50/50 split regardless of skill. He's like a Janus or an Ares, pretty standard and ready to be used in most situations. He works well with a low CC team, a no healing team, a high CC team for that matter, and a standard build. I see him played a bit in the SPL and I play him whenever I'm just feeling like a quick game with many kills for me :3.

Why I chose, What I chose

First i'm going to start by saying that I believe that Hun Batz can be played in the solo lane. So I fully support the Idea of using Bluestone on him. He can play a good rotation-heavy solo later that roams early and gets those kills to keep him from being underfarmed.

Bluestone pendant is a classic solo lane item, it gives him that crucial wave clear advantage, as well as that extra bit of mana to keep him in lane longer.

Bumbaa's mask is a classic Jungle item that gives you the bonus health regen mechanic that is required to keep farming. 'Nuff said.

I put Executioner in his build first because I felt that it gave him the advantage with his passive (which grants him crits after he uses an ability) to get more kills with his ability combo. If you can't get the gold, feel free to replace it with any of my optional offense items.

I chose soul eater next because of the bonus movement and attack speed. The attack speed gives you the capability to kill quickly after you use your combo to burst someone down, and gives you that movement speed bonus for when your jump is down. The lifesteal is just an added bonus that I feel gives the huge advantage early if you build Executioner in the second slot.

Void shield gives you that extra bit of pen on those hard to kill targets, like an early farmed Tyr or a Good 'ol Classic Faf. The bonus Pen allows you to get that kill that you wouldn't even otherwise, while protecting you from those damnable ADCs with high Basic attack damage.

His abilities

His passive "Infused Strikes", allows him to burst down targets faster if he lands his abilities, It's great for the "Jump in and kill a guy mid then GTFO", strat.

This is a great escape, Low CD, High damage potential with his passive, and great follow up with his 2. Keep in mind that people will try to bait the hell out of you with this, so use it with care.

Overhand Smash
This is a common single-target initiate put into a cone shape. So, what can you do with a cone shape? You can hit multiple things! Use this ability to clear minion waves, go in on multiple targets, or clear jungle camps with your high burst.

Sacred Monkey
This ability is what makes sun wukong different from any other god, It allows him to teleport to where the monkey last landed. This makes it great for re-initiating and getting a sizable utility advantage on the enemy. But remember, this also does damage in a lone, so use it to finish off those pesky squishies that have been chilling in the back line for so long with low health.
It is also useful to initiate on grouped up enemies, as well as getting the poke on an enemy god (if you're in solo lane, it also makes your wave clear that much better)

Fear No Evil
This ult can grange the tide of entire games, if used correctly. Never use this on a single enemy god. Always have it up in teamfights. Late game, this can wipe entire teams before they even knew what hit them.
Another quick tip, never use this when you're alone. You don't have the single man burst to do anything about your ult, unless you get one or two kills. Bring your ADC, Mid, Or even support in some cases along with you whenever you ult, it will help your team immensely

Gods he works well with

Janus - everybody loves a janus
Bacchus - Two very powerful zoning ult can make the enemy team beg for death
Artemis - use to get her stun off, then just walk at them and get the penta
Athena - her taunt + your ult = penta
Ares - His ult brings people into range for your ult, But watch out for purification, that counters you both HARD
Hou Yi - His ult brings high area burst burst and ability to kill multiple targets within your ult.
Fafnir - everybody loves a fafnir
Chaac - High area slow in order to group people up on your ult
Geb - knockup ult and shields help you stay alive and get off your ult
Bellona - Gets the ult off to initiate, they counterinitiate, you counterinitiate their counterinitiate
(Please let me know If I need to add more! I will also add a gods he is bad against category if this gets enough likes or whatever)

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Vincentlit123 | November 29, 2016 4:12pm
You said Sun Wukong under Sacred Monkey instead of Hun Batz. Otherwise, really nice guide! I'm looking forward to playing this guy
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