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Color Compilation

8 0 18,544
by Technotoad64 updated August 11, 2021

Smite God:

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Color Compilation

Let's get started.

What this guide is

This is a list of various colors, their tints and shades, and their hexadecimal codes so that you can use them to highlight key phrases in your guides, forum posts, etc.

If you're unsure how to use these codes, or want better templates, go to xZeroStrike's "Spruce up your words! A Guide to BB-Coding"

The importance of color

Colors are very important. Colors can affect our mood, draw our attention towards key points, and can make anything into a piece of art. (Colors can also be used to sell cereal to children, and make the internet argue about a dress.)

When writing a guide, colors can make reading your guide much more enjoyable. With the right colors, your reader's attention is held longer, the information is easier to remember, and the entire guide is more visually appealing.

This guide's features

This guide features large charts of colors. Colors on the charts are arranged as follows:
  • Going across a row is a change in color, also known as hue, while the lightness stays the same.
  • Going down a column is a change in lightness, while the hue stays the same.

The way the large charts are arranged in this guide is by hue, starting with red and ending in red-violet. Each large chart is accompanied by a small chart. The small chart also has the code for the small chart, in case you want a copy of it for your own purposes.

At the end of the guide are some color schemes that I thought of myself. They are examples of how colors can be put together to create an interesting look. Feel free to use them.


UPS "Pullman Brown" #644117
Mattel "Barbie Pink" #da1884 or #ec429a
Qualitex "Green Gold" #bbad44
Tiffany "Robin's Egg Blue" #85d7d1
3M "Canary Yellow" #f3ecb6
Cadbury "Royal Purple" #5e45ad
Owens-Corning "Panther Pink" #e2adc9

Red (#ff0040 through #ff3000)

#ff99b3 #ff99ac #ff99a7 #ff99a0 #ff9999 #ffa099 #ffa799 #ffac99
#ff809f #ff8097 #ff8091 #ff8088 #ff8080 #ff8880 #ff9180 #ff9780
#ff668c #ff6682 #ff667a #ff6670 #ff6666 #ff7066 #ff7a66 #ff8266
#ff4d79 #ff4d6d #ff4d64 #ff4d58 #ff4d4d #ff584d #ff644d #ff6d4d
#ff3366 #ff3358 #ff334e #ff3341 #ff3333 #ff4133 #ff4e33 #ff5833
#ff1a53 #ff1a44 #ff1a38 #ff1a29 #ff1a1a #ff291a #ff381a #ff441a
#ff0040 #ff0030 #ff0020 #ff0010 #ff0000 #ff1000 #ff2000 #ff3000
#e60039 #e6002a #e6001f #e6000f #e60000 #e60f00 #e61f00 #e62a00
#cc0033 #cc0025 #cc001b #cc000e #cc0000 #cc0e00 #cc1b00 #cc2500
#b3002d #b30021 #b30018 #b3000c #b30000 #b30c00 #b31800 #b32100
#990026 #99001c #990014 #99000a #990000 #990a00 #991400 #991c00
#800020 #800017 #800011 #800008 #800000 #800800 #801100 #801700
#66001a #660013 #66000e #660007 #660000 #660700 #660e00 #661300

smaller version

Orange (#ff4000 through #ffb000

#ffb399 #ffb999 #ffc099 #ffc599 #ffcc99 #ffd399 #ffda99 #ffdf99
#ff9f80 #ffa880 #ffb080 #ffb780 #ffbf80 #ffc880 #ffd080 #ffd780
#ff8c66 #ff9666 #ffa166 #ffa866 #ffb366 #ffbd66 #ffc766 #ffcf66
#ff794d #ff854d #ff914d #ff9a4d #ffa64d #ffb24d #ffbe4d #ffc64d
#ff6633 #ff7433 #ff8133 #ff8b33 #ff9933 #ffa733 #ffb433 #ffbe33
#ff531a #ff621a #ff711a #ff7d1a #ff8c1a #ff9c1a #ffab1a #ffb61a
#ff4000 #ff5000 #ff6000 #ff7000 #ff8000 #ff9000 #ffa000 #ffb000
#e63900 #e64900 #e65800 #e66300 #e67300 #e68200 #e69100 #e69d00
#cc3300 #cc4100 #cc4e00 #cc5800 #cc6600 #cc7400 #cc8100 #cc8b00
#b32d00 #b33900 #b34400 #b34d00 #b35900 #b36500 #b37100 #b37a00
#992600 #993000 #993b00 #994200 #994d00 #995700 #996100 #996900
#802000 #802800 #803100 #803700 #804000 #804800 #805100 #805700
#661a00 #662000 #662700 #662c00 #663300 #663a00 #664100 #664600

smaller version

Yellow (#ffc000 through #d0ff00)

#ffe699 #ffec99 #fff399 #fff899 #ffff99 #f8ff99 #f3ff99 #ecff99
#ffdf80 #ffe880 #fff080 #fff780 #ffff80 #f7ff80 #f0ff80 #e8ff80
#ffd966 #ffe366 #ffed66 #fff566 #ffff66 #f5ff66 #edff66 #e3ff66
#ffd24d #ffde4d #ffea4d #fff34d #ffff4d #f3ff4d #eaff4d #deff4d
#ffcc33 #ffda33 #ffe733 #fff133 #ffff33 #f1ff33 #e7ff33 #daff33
#ffc61a #ffd51a #ffe41a #fff01a #ffff1a #f0ff1a #e4ff1a #d5ff1a
#ffc000 #ffd000 #ffe000 #fff000 #ffff00 #f0ff00 #e0ff00 #d0ff00
#e6ac00 #e6bb00 #e6cb00 #e6d600 #e6e600 #d6e600 #cbe600 #bbe600
#cc9900 #cca700 #ccb400 #ccbe00 #cccc00 #becc00 #b4cc00 #a7cc00
#b38600 #b39200 #b39e00 #b3a700 #b3b300 #a7b300 #9eb300 #92b300
#997300 #997d00 #998700 #998f00 #999900 #8f9900 #879900 #7d9900
#806000 #806800 #807100 #807700 #808000 #778000 #718000 #688000
#664d00 #665300 #665a00 #665f00 #666600 #5f6600 #5a6600 #536600
smaller version

Lime (#c0ff00 through #50ff00)

#e6ff99 #dfff99 #daff99 #d3ff99 #ccff99 #c5ff99 #c0ff99 #b9ff99
#dfff80 #d7ff80 #d0ff80 #c8ff80 #bfff80 #b7ff80 #b0ff80 #a8ff80
#d9ff66 #cfff66 #c7ff66 #bdff66 #b3ff66 #a8ff66 #a1ff66 #96ff66
#d2ff4d #c6ff4d #beff4d #b2ff4d #a6ff4d #9aff4d #91ff4d #85ff4d
#ccff33 #beff33 #b4ff33 #a7ff33 #99ff33 #8bff33 #81ff33 #74ff33
#c6ff1a #b6ff1a #abff1a #9cff1a #8cff1a #7dff1a #71ff1a #62ff1a
#c0ff00 #b0ff00 #a0ff00 #90ff00 #80ff00 #70ff00 #60ff00 #50ff00
#ace600 #9de600 #91e600 #82e600 #73e600 #63e600 #58e600 #49e600
#99cc00 #8bcc00 #81cc00 #74cc00 #66cc00 #58cc00 #4ecc00 #41cc00
#86b300 #7ab300 #71b300 #65b300 #59b300 #4db300 #44b300 #39b300
#739900 #699900 #619900 #579900 #4d9900 #429900 #3b9900 #309900
#608000 #578000 #518000 #488000 #408000 #378000 #318000 #288000
#4d6600 #466600 #416600 #3a6600 #336600 #2c6600 #276600 #206600
smaller version

Green (#40ff00 through #00ff30)

#afff99 #acff99 #a7ff99 #a0ff99 #99ff99 #99ffa0 #99ffa7 #99ffac
#9fff80 #97ff80 #91ff80 #88ff80 #80ff80 #80ff88 #80ff91 #80ff97
#8cff66 #82ff66 #7aff66 #70ff66 #66ff66 #66ff70 #66ff7a #66ff82
#79ff4d #6dff4d #64ff4d #58ff4d #4dff4d #4dff58 #4dff64 #4dff6d
#66ff33 #58ff33 #4eff33 #41ff33 #33ff33 #33ff41 #33ff4e #33ff58
#53ff1a #44ff1a #38ff1a #29ff1a #1aff1a #1aff29 #1aff38 #1aff44
#40ff00 #30ff00 #20ff00 #10ff00 #00ff00 #00ff10 #00ff20 #00ff30
#39e600 #2ae600 #1fe600 #0fe600 #00e600 #00e60f #00e61f #00e62a
#33cc00 #25cc00 #1bcc00 #0ecc00 #00cc00 #00cc0e #00cc1b #00cc25
#2db300 #21b300 #18b300 #0cb300 #00b300 #00b30c #00b318 #00b321
#269900 #1c9900 #149900 #0a9900 #009900 #00990a #009914 #00991c
#208000 #178000 #118000 #088000 #008000 #008008 #008011 #008017
#1a6600 #136600 #0e6600 #076600 #006600 #006607 #00660e #006613
smaller version

Teal (#00ff40 through #00ffb0)

#99ffb3 #99ffb9 #99ffc0 #99ffc5 #99ffcc #99ffd3 #99ffda #99ffdf
#80ff9f #80ffa8 #80ffb0 #80ffb7 #80ffbf #80ffc8 #80ffd0 #80ffd7
#66ff8c #66ff96 #66ffa1 #66ffa8 #66ffb3 #66ffbd #66ffc7 #66ffcf
#4dff79 #4dff85 #4dff91 #4dfe9a #4dffa6 #4dffb2 #4dffbe #4dffc6
#33ff66 #33ff74 #33ff81 #33ff8b #33ff99 #33ffa7 #33ffb4 #33ffbe
#1aff53 #1aff62 #1aff71 #1aff7d #1aff8c #1aff9c #1affab #1affb6
#00ff40 #00ff50 #00ff60 #00ff70 #00ff80 #00ff90 #00ffa0 #00ffb0
#00e639 #00e649 #00e658 #00e663 #00e673 #00e682 #00e691 #00e69d
#00cc33 #00cc41 #00cc4e #00cc58 #00cc66 #00cc74 #00cc81 #00cc8b
#00b32d #00b339 #00b344 #00b34d #00b359 #00b365 #00b371 #00b37a
#009926 #009930 #00993b #009942 #00994d #009957 #009961 #009969
#008020 #008028 #008031 #008037 #008040 #008048 #008051 #008057
#00661a #006620 #006627 #00662c #006633 #00663a #006641 #006646
smaller version

Cyan (#00ffc0 through #00d0ff)

#99ffe6 #99ffec #99fff3 #99fff8 #99ffff #99f8ff #99f3ff #99ecff
#80ffdf #80ffe8 #80fff0 #80fff6 #80ffff #80f7ff #80f0ff #80e8ff
#66ffd9 #66ffe3 #66ffed #66fff5 #66ffff #66f5ff #66edff #66e3ff
#4dffd2 #4dffde #4dffea #4dfff3 #4dffff #4df3ff #4deaff #4ddeff
#33ffcc #33ffda #33ffe7 #33fff1 #33ffff #33f1ff #33e7ff #33daff
#1affc6 #1affd5 #1affe4 #1afff0 #1affff #1af0ff #1ae4ff #1ad5ff
#00ffc0 #00ffd0 #00ffe0 #00fff0 #00ffff #00f0ff #00e0ff #00d0ff
#00e6ac #00e6bb #00e6cb #00e6d6 #00e6e6 #00d6e6 #00cbe6 #00bbe6
#00cc99 #00cca7 #00ccb4 #00ccbe #00cccc #00becc #00b4cc #00a7cc
#00b386 #00b392 #00b39e #00b3a7 #00b3b3 #00a7b3 #009eb3 #0092b3
#009973 #00997d #009987 #00998f #009999 #008f99 #008799 #007d99
#008060 #008068 #008071 #008077 #008080 #007780 #007180 #006880
#00664d #006653 #00665a #00665f #006666 #005f66 #005a66 #005366
smaller version

Azure (#00c0ff through #0050ff)

#99e6ff #99dfff #99daff #99d3ff #99ccff #99c5ff #99c0ff #99b9ff
#80dfff #80d7ff #80d0ff #80c8ff #80bfff #80b7ff #80b0ff #80a8ff
#66d9ff #66cfff #66c7ff #66bdff #66b3ff #66a8ff #66a1ff #6696ff
#4dd2ff #4dc6ff #4dbeff #4db2ff #4da6ff #4d9aff #4d91ff #4d85ff
#33ccff #33beff #33b4ff #33a7ff #3399ff #338bff #3381ff #3374ff
#1ac6ff #1ab6ff #1aabff #1a9cff #1a8cff #1a7dff #1a71ff #1a62ff
#00c0ff #00b0ff #00a0ff #0090ff #0080ff #0070ff #0060ff #0050ff
#00ace6 #009de6 #0091e6 #0082e6 #0073e6 #0063e6 #0058e6 #0049e6
#0099cc #008bcc #0081cc #0074cc #0066cc #0058cc #004ecc #0041cc
#0086b3 #007ab3 #0071b3 #0065b3 #0059b3 #004db3 #0044b3 #0039b3
#007399 #006999 #006199 #005799 #004d99 #004299 #003b99 #003099
#006080 #005780 #005180 #004880 #004080 #003780 #003180 #002880
#004d66 #004666 #004166 #003a66 #003366 #002c66 #002766 #002066
smaller version

Blue (#0040ff through #3000ff)

#99b3ff #99acff #99a7ff #99a0ff #9999ff #a099ff #a799ff #ac99ff
#809fff #8097ff #8090ff #8088ff #8080ff #8880ff #9080ff #9780ff
#668cff #6682ff #667aff #6670ff #6666ff #7066ff #7a66ff #8266ff
#4d79ff #4d6dff #4d64ff #4d58ff #4d4dff #584dff #644dff #6d4dff
#3366ff #3358ff #334eff #3341ff #3333ff #4133ff #4e33ff #5833ff
#1a53ff #1a44ff #1a38ff #1a29ff #1a1aff #291aff #381aff #441aff
#0040ff #0030ff #0020ff #0010ff #0000ff #1000ff #2000ff #3000ff
#0039e6 #002ae6 #001fe6 #000fe6 #0000e6 #0f00e6 #1f00e6 #2a00e6
#0033cc #0025cc #001bcc #000ecc #0000cc #0e00cc #1b00cc #2500cc
#002db3 #0021b3 #0018b3 #000cb3 #0000b3 #0c00b3 #1800b3 #2100b3
#002699 #001c99 #001499 #000a99 #000099 #0a0099 #140099 #1c0099
#002080 #001780 #001180 #000880 #000080 #080080 #110080 #170080
#001a66 #001366 #000e66 #000766 #000066 #070066 #0e0066 #130066
smaller version

Indigo (#4000ff through #b000ff)

#b399ff #b999ff #c099ff #c599ff #cc99ff #d399ff #da99ff #df99ff
#9f80ff #a880ff #b080ff #b780ff #bf80ff #c880ff #d080ff #d780ff
#8c66ff #9666ff #a166ff #a866ff #b366ff #bd66ff #c766ff #cf66ff
#794dff #854dff #914dff #9a4dff #a64dff #b24dff #be4dff #c64dff
#6633ff #7433ff #8133ff #8b33ff #9933ff #a733ff #b433ff #be33ff
#531aff #621aff #711aff #7d1aff #8c1aff #9c1aff #ab1aff #b61aff
#4000ff #5000ff #6000ff #7000ff #8000ff #9000ff #a000ff #b000ff
#3900e6 #4900e6 #5800e6 #6300e6 #7300e6 #8200e6 #9100e6 #9d00e6
#3300cc #4100cc #4e00cc #5800cc #6600cc #7400cc #8100cc #8b00cc
#2d00b3 #3900b3 #4400b3 #4d00b3 #5900b3 #6500b3 #7100b3 #7a00b3
#260099 #300099 #3b0099 #420099 #4d0099 #570099 #610099 #690099
#200080 #280080 #310080 #370080 #400080 #480080 #510080 #570080
#1a0066 #200066 #270066 #2c0066 #330066 #3a0066 #410066 #460066
smaller version

Violet (#c000ff through #ff00d0)

#e699ff #ec99ff #f399ff #f899ff #ff99ff #ff99f8 #ff99f3 #ff99ec
#df80ff #e880ff #f080ff #f780ff #ff80ff #ff80f7 #ff80f0 #ff80e8
#d966ff #e366ff #ed66ff #f566ff #ff66ff #ff66f5 #ff66ed #ff66e3
#d24dff #de4dff #ea4dff #f34dff #ff4dff #ff4df3 #ff4dea #ff4dde
#cc33ff #da33ff #e733ff #f133ff #ff33ff #ff33f1 #ff33e7 #ff33da
#c61aff #d51aff #e41aff #f01aff #ff1aff #ff1af0 #ff1ae4 #ff1ad5
#c000ff #d000ff #e000ff #f000ff #ff00ff #ff00f0 #ff00e0 #ff00d0
#ac00e6 #bb00e6 #cb00e6 #d600e6 #e600e6 #e600d6 #e600cb #e600bb
#9900cc #a700cc #b400cc #be00cc #cc00cc #cc00be #cc00b4 #cc00a7
#8600b3 #9200b3 #9e00b3 #a700b3 #b300b3 #b300a7 #b3009e #b30092
#730099 #7d0099 #870099 #8f0099 #990099 #99008f #990087 #99007d
#600080 #680080 #710080 #770080 #800080 #800077 #800071 #800068
#4d0066 #530066 #5a0066 #5f0066 #660066 #66005f #66005a #660053
smaller version

Pink (#ff00c0 through #ff0050)

#ff99e6 #ff99df #ff99da #ff99d3 #ff99cc #ff99c5 #ff99c0 #ff99b9
#ff80df #ff80d7 #ff80d0 #ff80c8 #ff80bf #ff80b7 #ff80b0 #ff80a8
#ff66d9 #ff66cf #ff66c7 #ff66bd #ff66b3 #ff66a8 #ff66a1 #ff6696
#ff4dd2 #ff4dc6 #ff4dbe #ff4db2 #ff4da6 #ff4d9a #ff4d91 #ff4d85
#ff33cc #ff33be #ff33b4 #ff33a7 #ff3399 #ff338b #ff3381 #ff3374
#ff1ac6 #ff1ab6 #ff1aab #ff1a9c #ff1a8c #ff1a7d #ff1a71 #ff1a62
#ff00c0 #ff00b0 #ff00a0 #ff0090 #ff0080 #ff0070 #ff0060 #ff0050
#e600ac #e6009d #e60091 #e60082 #e60073 #e60063 #e60058 #e60049
#cc0099 #cc008b #cc0081 #cc0074 #cc0066 #cc0058 #cc004e #cc0041
#b30086 #b3007a #b30071 #b30065 #b30059 #b3004d #b30044 #b30039
#990073 #990069 #990061 #990057 #99004d #990042 #99003b #990030
#800060 #800057 #800051 #800048 #800040 #800037 #800031 #800028
#66004d #660046 #660041 #66003a #660033 #66002c #660027 #660020
smaller version

Premade Color Schemes


These are the SMITEFire default colors:
#00ffff #0080ff #00ff00 #008000
#808080 #ff8000 #844dfa #ff0000
#ffffff #ffff00 #cc9c00 #ff0080

Pretty loud, aren't they?

These are my preferred replacement colors:

#33e7ff #66bdff #00e600 #009926
#858590 #ff8b33 #9d00e6 #ff3333
#f0f0f0 #fff01a #cca700 #ff80b7

Your preferences will likely be different. The point of this guide is to help you find colors that you like.

In case you're having problems putting together a set of colors, here are a few sets that I made myself.

Tables are arranged like this

Bright Green

Silver and Gold









And one example of what NOT to do.

(These are just some examples, use whatever works best for you. If you have something in mind you want me to add to this, leave a comment)

In conclusion, I have a few tips:
  • On SmiteFire, text should be significantly lighter than its background. This is how the general look of SmiteFire is set up, and doing otherwise makes your blog/guide/etc visually clash against the website that's hosting it. The opposite also applies. If you post something on a website that by default uses dark text on a light background (such as Reddit) use dark text on a light background.
  • Do not put fully saturated contrasting colors close to each other in large amounts. This creates too much contrast at once and is painful to look at. Save high contrast for the most vital points.
    Contrasting colors include:
    • Red and Cyan
    • Yellow and Blue
    • Green and Magenta
  • Find a color you like and make it yours. Simplify the hex code and commit it to memory. (I like to use #50dd50.) It has more personality than boring old bold and italics.
  • Above all else, be creative and exercise good judgement. BBCoding is an art, and art is subjective. There are no bad colors, only badly used colors.

Ignore the banner saying this guide is outdated. It won't become outdated until Hexadecimal Codes are no longer used on SmiteFire.

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Technotoad64 (46) | July 16, 2023 5:07pm
Looking back on this years later, I realize the colors looked really different to me when I was using a CRT monitor.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 17, 2023 8:22am
You were using a CRT monitor a few years ago?!? LOL old school.
Stuke99 (56) | August 12, 2021 9:19am
I'd highly suggest including principles of color theory and having a color wheel as a reference tool.
Technotoad64 (46) | August 15, 2021 7:05pm
Great idea! I'll have to see how to condense that.
DV-8 (35) | October 3, 2017 11:10pm
Love this! Well done!
Technotoad64 (46) | October 4, 2017 11:57am
Thank you! Do you have a favorite color? What do you think of the premades?
DV-8 (35) | October 4, 2017 12:19pm
I personally like the Greens.

As far as the premades, I like the AGONY/DISGUST one...

In all seriousness, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to go back to the SmiteFire default colors again. Your replacement colors are so much better.
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overld1 (18) | October 4, 2017 12:07pm
The question is how much do you LIKE colors?
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boogiebass (46) | July 28, 2017 2:34pm
Wow, I thought we were only limited to 12 colours. This is awesome!
Technotoad64 (46) | July 28, 2017 2:55pm
Do you have a favorite?
boogiebass (46) | July 28, 2017 4:10pm
I like the mildly darker shades of orange and the blue cyan category. What really got me was the "vomit skittles" comment when you explained that saturated, contrasting colors shouldn't be close to each other. Nice Guide!
ICannon | July 28, 2017 7:28am
Nice guide,good for begginers
Technotoad64 (46) | July 28, 2017 11:43am
Thank you! Also,
*guide, good
Sorry, it's a habit.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 5, 2017 7:30am
Added color schemes! Also, happy Cinco de Mayo.
Time2medicate (4) | April 5, 2017 8:01pm
Have I told you lately that you guys are huge nerds lol
GameGeekFan (50) | April 6, 2017 6:09pm
Says the nerd on this site :)
CirclesAreRound (14) | April 6, 2017 8:28pm
Technotoad64 (46) | April 5, 2017 10:59am
I'm thinking of adding something. Please vote on which I should add:
Bernardozomer (33) | April 5, 2017 11:55am
Premade color schemes are going to receive more upvotes than saturation axis because nobody knows what it means.

...Or am I the only one? ;(
Technotoad64 (46) | April 5, 2017 12:55pm
Added examples. Feel free to change your vote.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 5, 2017 11:32am
You should give examples of these...but if choosing one, I'd go with premade color schemes.
Technotoad64 (46) | April 5, 2017 11:00am
Upvote this comment if I should add a saturation axis.

Technotoad64 (46) | April 5, 2017 10:59am
Upvote this comment if I should add premade color schemes.

#805540 #aa7550
#aa8080 #504030
#00bbff #ffbb00
#00ffbb #bb00ff
overld1 (18) | December 12, 2016 8:10am
In your conclusion you said My are my was is supposed to say Here are my.
Technotoad64 (46) | December 12, 2016 8:30am
Technotoad64 (46) | December 12, 2016 7:36am
Added smaller versions of each chart. This is most likely the only change I'll be making.

EDIT: Added the code for the smaller charts.
IceColdPappsi (13) | December 6, 2016 5:23pm
Are these colors confirmed to work on this website when creating guides?
Zilby (132) | December 6, 2016 9:11pm
Yeah, bbcode will take any valid hex codes.
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