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Grab them starters, and run to the jungle jump-party, help that Mid get their red camp, and then get yurself a purple, slap some minions, gank a support, watch as your support dies infront of your eyes, then blame it on the jungler for helping saving the mage instead of you. Once thats done Report Back To Base after you get enough gold to Transcend!
Thats right bois, we made it, we died 12 times to ganks (blame the jung) We watched our supp die several times without doing anything (mids fault honestly) but after all that grind, we've done it, we can get the Corrupted Bluestone and The Crusher. But which do you buy first?!???? No one will ever know.
Assuming you have enough gold on the first back finish Transcendence and get the almighty Boot! Mana will no longer be an issue for now, get some health pots, ITS BACK TO FARMING!
Now we start coming into form, if you backed early finish them boots, and grab the spiked gauntlet. If you saved enough gold get the whole Soul Eater. Because we eat so much mana now, time to get Chalice of Mana for those free refills!
If they are just too darn tanky and your already deep penetration isn't enough, sell them boots, buy a drank, let go of all morals and get yourself a dirty ma- I mean Heartseeker.
Alternative to Solid Pene, this will let you feel like you're wearing nothing at all! (Usefull for when the CC is too dang high. Or for when a wild Heim does nothing but ult and then gtfo as his support dies and blames your jung
This alternate build may even be better than the main build we'll want to go for, and is great for brawling. Heartseeker and Bloodforge are interchangeable on this, and his main build.
Tap each threat level to view Chernobog’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Chernobog’s synergies
This build will veer right the hell away from the boring attack-speed crit meta, and right into the bone zone! Enjoy hitting people with AAs for 200+ damege without crits! Watch as their healing is rendered useless and they die slowly from dots without the need for anti-heals! Game-plan! Stack like a mofo in the early game, and destroy booty in the late game. Anti-heal not required, what are teammates for? Bleed them out with DOTS. Don't forget to gank and steal mids kills with your ult, they love that stuff.
It is very important that you do not sell your boots until you are sure you can buy the speed potion after, Chernobog is incredibly slow and requires very good positioning to pull off. Asi and Soul Eater are interchangeable, its entirely up to preference.
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