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Conquest-jungle handbook

0 0 2,820
by Manneredscroll4 updated January 26, 2016

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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This is my first guide but, I have been playing Smite for a long time now and I main jungle Ullr and Serqet.

This guide includes...

- Early, mid, and late game stages

- Team fights

- Tips and tricks

Early game

Your aim in early game is to farm gold and xp. Do the average speed and mana camp routine, then help your fellow mid laner and secure mid harpies. While waiting for camps to respawn at the 4 minute mark, you can leech xp and gold and do small ganks and Ttempt first blood. Make sure to help lanes and stay in lane with the enemy jungler and even invade their back harpies and take your own. Try to get life steal asap so you can clear camps without taking much damage. When you reach level 7, mid game begins.

Mid game

Deny the rival jungler's farm by invading camps, taking mid harpies, and try shutting them down if possible. When the time is right, go for the gold fury. When camps are down, invade, gank, or push lanes. Farm as much as possible.

Late game

Late game starts when you start your 4th item. Split pushing and team fights are important. Go for fire giant if there is at most 3 people left that are backing or already back. Split push lanes or defend lanes. Also try finishing your build.

Team fights

Stay on the sidelines and finish off low healthies that strayed to far from their team. You may also do more split pushing. Although most junglers are mainly for 1 vs. 1 but some are great in team fights such as Thor or even Thanatos(situational).

Tips and tricks

- if your god can poke over walls, you can poke into a camp and see "immune" there are creeps there.

- if you take out a small creep and buff holder and leave a small creep, you can prolong the respawn times until the small creep is killed

- camps are a great way to use life steal to regain some health when your low

- gods that are out of stapled roles can surprise the enemy

- if you are playing ranked and there jungler picks before you, you can counter pick but keep in mind that you will fight all enemies eventually


Sorry for no fancy colors and a lot of mistakes. This is my first guide ,but I know a lot about the topic.

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WillT104 | February 21, 2016 1:44pm
Nice job on the guild, just maybe do some specific gods and counterpicks/matchups for them
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