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Depending on your match up is if you should get Imperial Helmet or
Druid Stone .
Your 2 is your main wave clear in solo dealing more damage than your 1 later on.
Consider Lotus Crown instead of Sovereignty as it benefits from your 3 during your ult.
Hello and welcome to my first guide. During the launch to Cthulhu, Smite posted on their twitter normal tweets with Zalgo text. At first I didn't think anything about it but then, the cinematic was released and I was excited. This would not be Hi-Rez's first god introduced based on text alone, but is one of my favorites. Nyarlahotep, Yog-Sothoth, or even Azathoth are still potential Lovecraftian horrors to join the Elder Gods pantheon in the future. When I first saw Cthulhu's abilities I knew he was an Insanely strong god, and the PTS nerfs proved that.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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About his 2, he has only been playable for 1 day so i feel like even though it is hard to hit with the 2 it is more because players are using it differently than it is intended for. The more and more i play him it seems like really you shouldn't be popping the 2 unless members of each team are right in the middle of a team fight. They are focused on your team and you pop it in the middle of the fight. Don't get me wrong, trying to hit isolated members if you can hit it can be good and it can be a good buffer tactic to create space but i think that the 2 will really shine when players start timing it more as mostly support during team fights.
In terms of Conquest I feel like his 2 would also be his main lane clear on minions. I feel like you would probably want to have your 1 off of cooldown readied for enemy players since the 2 can be difficult to land in 1v1 opportunities looking at it from an early match standpoint. If you are using the 2 for your waveclear(which there are enough minions in arena for me to have gauged how effective it can be vs them) you have your 1 free for players.
Reasons for prioritizing the 1:
If you can somewhat safely initiate with the 3 and immediately apply the 1, then the 1 is the better direction. It also has an increasing AS slow per level.
In ult form, you'll get harder hits on the 1 (basic).
Reasons for prioritizing the 2:
Higher total damage potential. Decreasing CD per level.
In Arena, I'd probably just prioritize the 1. Once maxed, I'd situationally level the 2 or the 3...not sure which one, but probably the 2 due to the decreasing CD, but if I can initiate a lot with the 3, I'd probably prioritize that and just use the 2 for zoning/lockdown.
In Conquest, I would probably go (aggressive) 1-2-3-1-4 or (more passive) 2-3-1-2-4. I wouldn't max the 2 first though...I would get it to level 3 maybe, then finish off the 1.
One thing to keep in mind with the use of the 2, again, it's a good zoning tool based on the size. And when you consider narrower lanes in Conq, you can more easily connect with it. It's even better in the Jungle unless the enemy uses an escape.
Reasons for prioritizing the 1:
If you can somewhat safely initiate with the 3 and immediately apply the 1, then the 1 is the better direction. It also has an increasing AS slow per level.
In ult form, you'll get harder hits on the 1 (basic).
Reasons for prioritizing the 2:
Higher total damage potential. Decreasing CD per level.
In Arena, I'd probably just prioritize the 1. Once maxed, I'd situationally level the 2 or the 3...not sure which one, but probably the 2 due to the decreasing CD, but if I can initiate a lot with the 3, I'd probably prioritize that and just use the 2 for zoning/lockdown.
In Conquest, I would probably go (aggressive) 1-2-3-1-4 or (more passive) 2-3-1-2-4. I wouldn't max the 2 first though...I would get it to level 3 maybe, then finish off the 1.
One thing to keep in mind with the use of the 2, again, it's a good zoning tool based on the size. And when you consider narrower lanes in Conq, you can more easily connect with it. It's even better in the Jungle unless the enemy uses an escape.
All sound like valid points though i still seem to like staggering out all of his abilities as equally as possible because it doesn't really look or seem to me that any one of his abilities scale immensely better than the others, like can be the case with the kits of some of the other gods. I feel like i have a more balanced attack bringing them all along sort of linearly.
Your ult ability lvls aren;t like fafnir dependent on your regular lvls They scale with lvling the ult. So even if you have maxed ability X at lvl 10 when ulting all abilities are ranked to lvl 2 (or 1 if you did not lvl the ult)
2. Cthulhu's 1 should be prioritised 1st since is's easier to hit than the 2, even if it deals less damage
edit: Ok, now I see why there are 2 blessings, but you should separate both these starters for supp and solo
Thebes since it would give the protect/aura and also, in the case of the SoB build give some extra health to make up for the lack of it early right?
Yeah, that too, i just didn't include it since i was just talking about the utility it gives you at that spot before stacking the prots.