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Cthulhu solo domination. (Conquest solo Cthulhu guide)

12 10 22,584
by isuckatgames10 updated November 30, 2020

Smite God: Cthulhu

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Cthulhu Build

Starting items

Notes With this start you are looking to get boots as quickly as possible as well as your ult. You mainly want to play back until you hit lvl 5 which then you need to be incredibly aggressive. I put Teleport since that what a newcomer would find more safe but I would recommend blink rather than TP. If you are comfortable go blink rather than TP.


With this start you are looking to get boots as quickly as possible as well as your ult. You mainly want to play back until you hit lvl 5 which then you need to be incredibly aggressive. I put Teleport since that what a newcomer would find more safe but I would recommend blink rather than TP. If you are comfortable go blink rather than TP.

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment

Core items

Notes Stone of Gaia is a must have on Cthulu. The Health and HP5 it has is too good to resist even if there isn't a god to prock the passive. Shoes of focus you are going to want to have more cooldown and ethereal gives Cthulu health and power as well as the passive making it easier to dive the backline.


Stone of Gaia is a must have on Cthulu. The Health and HP5 it has is too good to resist even if there isn't a god to prock the passive. Shoes of focus you are going to want to have more cooldown and ethereal gives Cthulu health and power as well as the passive making it easier to dive the backline.

Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

situational items

Notes Nemean you NEED if the enemy jungler is an auto attacker. Pridwen is an all around nice item with cooldown and its passive. Runic shield you get more health and take less damage from the mid laner. Pestilence is great to have for anti-heal; it gives health as well making your ult much stronger. Breastplate and Genjis you will need for cooldown. Their only on stuational because you will get one or the other depending on your solo jungle matchup.


Nemean you NEED if the enemy jungler is an auto attacker. Pridwen is an all around nice item with cooldown and its passive. Runic shield you get more health and take less damage from the mid laner. Pestilence is great to have for anti-heal; it gives health as well making your ult much stronger. Breastplate and Genjis you will need for cooldown. Their only on stuational because you will get one or the other depending on your solo jungle matchup.

Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard

items to get after sell boots

Notes I could really only think of these 3 items after you sale boots. Mantle and Magi's is great to keep people off of you especially since Cthulu's abilities take some windup. Pridwen is honestly just a good hybrid item which is how I recommend building him


I could really only think of these 3 items after you sale boots. Mantle and Magi's is great to keep people off of you especially since Cthulu's abilities take some windup. Pridwen is honestly just a good hybrid item which is how I recommend building him

Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen

final build

Notes This is his final build that I strongly recommend. It's nothing special but it will get you through the game. If they have healing replace runic with Pestilence and sell boots for one of the other three you haven't bought yet.


This is his final build that I strongly recommend. It's nothing special but it will get you through the game. If they have healing replace runic with Pestilence and sell boots for one of the other three you haven't bought yet.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns

Cthulhu's Skill Order Notes I know it seems weird to rush the dash first on a god but Cthulhu's dash is just way too strong to not rank first. It WILL clear lane by itself and if you can hit both hits it'll nearly knock out a 3rd of their health. You want to then get your 2 since its very strong if you can manage to get off both hits. Remember to cancel your 2 if you see they've already escaped it. It'll just be a waste of an ability otherwise. Ult whenever you can.


I know it seems weird to rush the dash first on a god but Cthulhu's dash is just way too strong to not rank first. It WILL clear lane by itself and if you can hit both hits it'll nearly knock out a 3rd of their health. You want to then get your 2 since its very strong if you can manage to get off both hits. Remember to cancel your 2 if you see they've already escaped it. It'll just be a waste of an ability otherwise. Ult whenever you can.

Sanity Break / Sever

1 X Y
Sanity Break / Sever
3 15 16 18 19

The Mire / Devastate

2 A B
The Mire / Devastate
2 8 11 12 13

Rushing Terror / Transfuse

3 B A
Rushing Terror / Transfuse
1 4 6 7 9

Descend Into Madness

4 Y X
Descend Into Madness
5 10 14 17 20
Sanity Break / Sever
3 15 16 18 19

Sanity Break / Sever

1 X
Sanity Break: Cthulhu sends out a terrifying blast of energy, dealing damage to all enemies hit and reducing their Attack Speed. Enemies hit by this ability also do reduced damage to Cthulhu for 6s.
This ability applies 1 stack of Torment, 2 if the enemy hit is facing Cthulhu or Fears them instead if they are afflicted with Insanity. Successfully consuming Insanity permanently increases the base mitigation of this ability.

Ability Type: Cone, Fear, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Attack Speed Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30% for 3s
Fear Duration: 1.5s
Damage Mitigation: 20% + 0.5% (Max 30%)
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 10s

Sever (Ultimate Form): Cthulhu swipes down at the ground beneath him, creating 3 large projectiles. These projectiles damage enemies and apply a stacking Protection Reduction debuff. This ability does not proc item effects.

Ability Type: Line, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Protection Reduction: 4% stacking up to 4 times
Debuff Duration: 5s
Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1s
The Mire / Devastate
2 8 11 12 13

The Mire / Devastate

2 A
The Mire: Cthulhu summons a portal creating a slowing field of eldritch mire at the target location. The Mire continues to grow as the portal fires out two masses of corruption that hit and damage all enemies in the field. The first shot also Slows enemies while the second Roots them, both hits applying 1 stack of Torment.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage per shot: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 10%
Corruption Slow: 35%
Corruption Slow/Root Duration: 1s
Mire Duration: 3s after ability end
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s

Devastate (Ultimate Form): Cthulhu fires a devastating blast of psychic energy that damages and knocks up enemies.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 140 / 175 / 210 / 245 / 280 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 5s
Rushing Terror / Transfuse
1 4 6 7 9

Rushing Terror / Transfuse

3 B
Rushing Terror: Cthulhu creates two twisting projectiles at his sides as he unfurls his wings and charges forwards, damaging, stunning and knocking away enemies hit. The projectiles follow at a slightly slower pace but travel further, damaging enemies as well. Enemies hit by Cthulhu or the projectiles gain 1 stack of Torment.

Ability Type: Dash, Knockback, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 0.4s
Projectile Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16s

Transfuse (Ultimate Form): Cthulhu transfuses his own life force into the area around him giving Allies Health, Movement Speed and Power. Enemies are also hit, taking more damage the closer they are to Cthulhu. This ability damages Cthulhu for 4% of his Maximum Health. If Cthulhu is below 20% Health, this ability does not damage Cthulhu but all Ally effects are reduced by 50%.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Ally Healing: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9% Max Health
Power: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Movement Speed: 20%
Duration: 3s
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 6s
Descend Into Madness
5 10 14 17 20

Descend Into Madness

4 Y
Cthulhu reveals his true form as he plunges the battlefield into R’lyeh while any enemies caught nearby are damaged.

In this form Cthulhu gains increased Health, becomes immune to Crowd Control and gains access to new abilities. Enemies near Cthulhu gain stacks of Torment, increasing in pace if they are facing him. Enemies also suffer the debuff effects of Sanity Break, causing them to deal less damage to Cthulhu.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 160 / 205 / 250 / 295 / 340 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Max Health: 20%
Duration: 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14s
Debuff Radius: 50
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 120s

*NOTE* Cthulhu cannot use relics while in his ultimate form.

Cthulhu Threats

Tap each threat level to view Cthulhu’s threats


Cthulhu laning phase

Come one Come all to the Cthulhu guide you've been waiting for! So what do you do when laning with Cthulhu. First off you will want to play somewhat passive starting out. What you want is that sweet sweet lvl 5. Start blue, get blue, then head to lane. Dash the lane and auto until you get lvl 2 then proceed to 2, dash the lane until you reach lvl 5. Once you hit 5 then you then need to be aggressive as ****. You are by far the most aggressive solo laner all because of that ult of yours. Now here is one thing that gets Cthulhu players dead. I've even seen spl players do this so I KNOW that even the best of us fall for this. We hear of how OP his ult is and we got some easy lanes and kills because of it, but because of that we become to cocky. So we dash in to four or even five people, ult and die. Don't do that! Also don't hold your ult for only when you get ganked either. Granted ulting when getting ganked isn't bad, it's still a waste of an ult and it can get you killed later in the game. Cthulhu's ult is meant for aggressing, why do you think all his hard CC and mobile abilities aren't in his ult. All you have is a knockup and an ability that takes away health. That won't save you. Use your ult, but do it with smarts. Once you hit lvl 5 be aggressive. Be careful for ganks, especially mid lane ganks, and win lane.

Cthulhu Mid Game

You got tier 1 tower so now what do you do. Well have you ever heard of rotating? Don't fall into a trap most new solo laners fall into, the solo lane warrior. I don't mean picking a warrior in solo, I mean staying in solo even when it would hurt your team to do so. As Cthulhu you want to rotate to push leads on your mid lane and tank for objectives. Usually people think support tanks the objectives, but no thats the solo lanes job. If the support is too busy tanking they wont have the health or mana to protect their carries. So the solo lane should tank. This is really just standard Mid game stuff but as a Cthulu you have one of the strongest back line dives. 3, 2, 1, Ult, in that order. Any mid laner will fall by your hands with that combo. Granted Cthulhu needs team coordination to work well to get the most out of his dives, but if your team is good they'll follow after you and clean up the enemy team. In Mid game you only really need to worry about the adc. They'll definitely have Qins by now and that will destroy you, even in your ult. What you need to do is kill the mid laner and jungler then have your team aim for the adc, usually the other adc or jungler. With them dead aim for the tanks then take tier 2s and objectives. What if your behind, what do you do? Basically the same thing except be extra aware about the enemy adc and jungler. If they're nowhere near, and you KNOW it, then dive and kill the mid laner. Protect your carries with your support in bigger team fights and for freak sake don't ult on cooldown. Only ult when you know you can get value out of it.

Cthulhu late game

Cthulhu is a beast late game. Not only is he managing to somehow get top damage with only tank items, but he is killing everyone while simultaneously healing his team. Practically do the same thing as mid game, except be twice more aggressive. By this point no one can really kill you so keep that to your advantage. Ult on cooldown and kill the mid and adc. The rest will die by your team and then take the titan. What if you are losing? Then pray. If you are behind as Cthulhu in the late game there is nothing you can do about it. The adc is too strong to kill and the jungler, mid, and solo is killing your entire team. Cthulhu can bring it back around but its much harder when he is surrounded. One of Cthulhu's weaknesses is getting CCed over and over again. Just hope that you can turn it around cause if you can't its game over.

Cthulhu's abilities

Cthulhu's 1 is a cone ability that quickly comes out and does damage. It will also apply insanity and if damaging from the back its 1 stack and 2 stacks from the front. If the person is already insane it will fear them and it will absorb their insaneness and add to his passive. Cthulhu's 2 is a large aoe ability that hits two separate times which you can see with the drops from the top. The first hit will apply a slow and insanity and the second hit will root them and apply another stack of insanity.
Cthulhu's 3 is a dash that goes a long distance despite the shortness compared to Cthulhu's model. If you hit someone straight on it will stun, knockback, and apply a stack of insanity. If you hit the sides then it will do damage and apply a stack of insanity.
Cthulhu's ult is basically a stance switch. Upon taking his knew form and abilities Cthulhu will do damage to people around him and be CC immune during the ult. Anyone he hits will immediately be insane and Cthulhu will gain new abilities. His health will also drastically rise. At max rank the ult can last for 14 seconds.
Cthulhu's ult 1 is basically his auto attacks. It costs no mana and has a cooldown of 1 second. It will also apply insanity but beyond that there's nothing all that special about this ability besides its insane damage.
Cthulhu's ult 2 is an aoe knockup ability. It will apply insanity and that knockup actually will last for a bit. What some people have realized is the windup. Before you cast the ability Cthulhu will wind up to throw the aoe but if you somehow manage to miss the targeter at first, during the windup you can quickly reposition the ability. Just a little tip.
Cthulhu's ult 3 is a large aoe around him that heals his and buffs allies and debuffs his enemies. To do this Cthulhu will take off 6% of his current health bar. It will also apply insanity.

Cthulhu's passive

Cthulhu's passive is a strange one indeed. Basically he'll apply insanity on all his abilities and at the end of his auto attack chain. At 4 stacks of insanity the person will become insane for 20 seconds and will see and hear weird things. If he absorbs the insanity using his 1 he will gain additional protections and magical power. This passive is hard to stack up especially in the late game. Every absorbtion from his one will give 0.5% of the passive. It'll start at 20% and end at 30% so you need to do this for a total of twenty times to stack it fully. The 1's cooldown is 10 seconds so you can only really get it off once per insane person. The combo to get it off is to hit all hits of your 2, dash and knockback the enemy into your sides to get both hits of your 3, then 1 to absorb their insanity. But thats incredibly tough to do considering the 2 is slow to get off all hits and the 3 is your main getaway and damage. Out of all the games I've played I've only managed to stack it once. Just know to get it stacked as much as you can early on cause you ain't getting it stacked late game.

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Kriega1 (143) | November 30, 2020 5:57am
Cthulhu can’t build runic Shield.

Should be starting your 1 cause you should be starting blue buff.

And Pridwen isn’t really good on Cthulhu and shouldn’t be prioritised over something like Mantle.

Also Kuang can’t execute Cthulhu while he’s in his ult cause Cthulhu is CC immune in it.
isuckatgames10 | November 30, 2020 1:51pm
What do you mean he cant build runic sheild. Do you mean as in that it isnt that good on him or as he he cant build it at all cause I have built it on him before. Granted I do like a pestilence more but I don't like to build it unless I need to cause more health against a hunter or auto attacking jungler isn't going to end up well.
I'm not a fan in starting the 1. The dash has much more damage and can clear blue just as good if not better than his 1. Also starting blue you aren't meant to clear it by yourself, you only need to wittle it down until the jungler comes.
Honestly thats a preference. Pridwen is actually pretty good on Cthulhu giving him both cooldown reduction and the passive helps out his damage.
As for the Ao Kuang thing yeah he can't execute while Cthulhu's in his ult which is why I didn't put him as a bigger threat. However just the fact that he can execute when Cthulhu's not in his ult is a counter to him.
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 30, 2020 2:46pm
He can't build it. It's a physical god item and he's magical. I think you're thinking of Void Stone, which is a magical god variant.
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Cthulhu solo domination. (Conquest solo Cthulhu guide)
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